程响 – 等你归来 Chinese Lyrics English Translations

– I’ll be here waiting for you to come in the wind in the stars and the moon.
– I’ll bury the spirits here when your story begins.
千千万万人海灯火阑珊 你多少次不在
– Millions of people. How many times have you been away?
走遍高高低低一路辗转 朝暮青丝已白
– Go all the way high and low All the way to the twilight blue silk is white

我在红尘等你 人间等你 守繁华之外
– I’m waiting for you in the red dust, waiting for you outside the hustle and bustle of the world.
揽尽星辰入怀 千川归来 化一片沧海
– Take all the stars into the Huaiqian River and return to a sea of Canghai
我在九幽等你 极乐等你 望彼岸花开
– I’m waiting for you in Jiuyou, bliss, waiting for you to see the Bana bloom.
长对三生浮白 不畏不改 渡过去将来
– Long is not afraid of the three lives floating white will not change through the future

– I’ll be here waiting for you to step across the mountains and seas
– I’m here to look at the end of the world and the wind and rain will not change
安安静静岁月 时光荏苒 你或许会徘徊
– Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet
挥别近近远远 一身尘埃 俯仰皆是无奈
– Swing away near and far, a dust pitch is helpless
我在红尘等你 人间等你 守繁华之外
– I’m waiting for you in the red dust, waiting for you outside the hustle and bustle of the world.
揽尽星辰入怀 千川归来 化一片沧海
– Take all the stars into the Huaiqian River and return to a sea of Canghai
我在九幽等你 极乐等你 望彼岸花开
– I’m waiting for you in Jiuyou, bliss, waiting for you to see the Bana bloom.
长对三生浮白 不畏不改 渡过去将来
– Long is not afraid of the three lives floating white will not change through the future

我在红尘等你 人间等你 守繁华之外
– I’m waiting for you in the red dust, waiting for you outside the hustle and bustle of the world.
揽尽星辰入怀 千川归来 化一片沧海
– Take all the stars into the Huaiqian River and return to a sea of Canghai
我在九幽等你 极乐等你 望彼岸花开
– I’m waiting for you in Jiuyou, bliss, waiting for you to see the Bana bloom.
长对三生浮白 不畏不改 渡过去将来
– Long is not afraid of the three lives floating white will not change through the future

长对三生浮白 不畏不改 渡过去将来
– Long is not afraid of the three lives floating white will not change through the future






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