SOLE – Slow Korean Lyrics English Translations

I don’t wanna go back
– I don’t wanna go back
난 오늘 하루도
– I have a day today.
밑 빠진 독에 물을 부어야 해
– We need to pour water on the bottom poison.

사람들은 말해 서둘러야만 해
– People have to hurry to tell me.
매번 같은 말에 많이 지쳤어 난 이제
– I’m tired of saying the same thing every time.

그래 그 땐 그랬지 참 좋았지
– Yeah, that’s when it was. It was great.
힘들어도 난 마냥 좋았어 난
– It was hard, but I was as good as I was.
어디서부터 어떻게
– Where and how

저 멀리 보이는 수평선까지
– Far to the horizon
가지 않아도 돼 잠깐 멈춰도 돼
– You don’t have to go. You can stop for a minute.
그래도 돼
– But I can.

Take it slow
– Take it slow
– Slow
Go slow
– Go slow
– Slow

괜찮아 아직까지는 나
– It’s okay. I’m still here.
모든게 완벽하진 않아도
– Everything doesn’t have to be perfect.
매일 밤 반복되는 꿈에
– In a dream that repeats every night
무서워 잠을 잘 못 자도
– I’m scared. I can’t sleep.

어디쯤을 지나는 걸까
– Where are you passing?
매번 똑같이 궁금해도
– Even if you’re wondering the same every time.
그냥 너무 빠른 것 같아
– I just think it’s too fast.
나 혼자만 느린 것 같아
– I think I’m slow on my own.

그래 그땐 그랬었지 내가
– Yeah, I did it then.
참 좋아했지 힘들어도 다
– I loved it, even if it was hard.
Yeah right yeah right
– Yeah right yeah right

내가 나도 모르게
– I don’t know.
전부 다 놓쳐버리고서
– I missed everything.
이러는 건지 몰라 몰라
– I don’t know if you’re doing this. I don’t know.
Take it slow
– Take it slow
– Slow
Go Slow
– Go Slow
– Slow

아직도 나
– Still me
그 때와 같다면 나는 달라졌을까
– If it was the same as then, would I have been different
어디쯤에 서있을까
– Where are you standing?
잊진 않았을까
– I don’t think you forgot.
내겐 좋았던 기억이 많은데
– I have a lot of good memories.
너도 그랬으면 해
– I want you to do that, too.
부디 같은 맘이였으면 해
– I want you to be the same.

Take it slow
– Take it slow
– Slow
Go Slow
– Go Slow
– Slow






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