Dread Mar I – Nadie Dijo Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Nadie dijo que iba a ser fácil
– Nobody said it was gonna be easy.
Nadie dijo que no hay que luchar
– Nobody said you don’t have to fight
Con esfuerzo solo se consigue
– With effort you only get
Que la vida vaya a prosperar
– May life prosper

Sigue siempre en tu camino
– Always stay on your way
Si es posible al cielo mirar
– If it is possible to heaven look
Enfrentando fuerte tu destino
– Facing your destiny hard
Las estrellas te acompañarán
– The stars will accompany you

Mírate, aférrate, confíate
– Look at you, hold on, trust
Y ámate que Jah ya está mirándote
– And love that Jah is already looking at you
Y siempre va a cuidarte
– And he’s always gonna take care of you.

Mírate, aférrate, confíate
– Look at you, hold on, trust
Y ámate que Jah ya está mirándote
– And love that Jah is already looking at you
Y siempre va a cuidarte
– And he’s always gonna take care of you.

Ya dejemos la maldad
– Let’s stop the evil
Que de nada servirá
– That will do no good
Injusticia y vanidad
– Injustice and vanity
La pobreza del alma
– The poverty of the soul

Piensa bien en tu elección
– Think carefully about your choice
Y en el curso del amor
– And in the course of love
Son pequeñas las cuestiones
– Small issues
Que te pueden cambiar hoy
– That can change you today

Mírate, aférrate, confíate
– Look at you, hold on, trust
Y ámate que Jah ya está mirándote
– And love that Jah is already looking at you
Y siempre va a cuidarte
– And he’s always gonna take care of you.
Mírate, aférrate, confíate
– Look at you, hold on, trust
Y ámate que Jah ya está mirándote
– And love that Jah is already looking at you
Y siempre va a cuidarte
– And he’s always gonna take care of you.

Mírate, aférrate, confíate
– Look at you, hold on, trust
Y ámate que Jah ya está mirándote
– And love that Jah is already looking at you
Y siempre va a cuidarte
– And he’s always gonna take care of you.
Mírate, aférrate, confíate
– Look at you, hold on, trust
Y ámate que Jah ya está mirándote
– And love that Jah is already looking at you
Y siempre va a cuidarte
– And he’s always gonna take care of you.






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