Skibidi skibidi hawk tuah hawk
– Skibidi skibidi hawk tuah hawk
Skibidi king who gives out blumpkins
– Skibidi koning wat blumpkins uitdeel
Edging and gooning and learning to munt
– Rand en gooning en leer om munt
Dripping cheese all over my lunch
– Kaas wat oor my middagete drup
Skibidi skibidi hawk tuah hawk
– Skibidi skibidi hawk tuah hawk
Skibidi boom or skibidi doom
– Skibidi boom of skibidi doom
Edging and gooning in Ohio square
– Rand en gooning in Ohio square
Stinky back shot air
– Stinkende agterste lug
On my grind time drink a prime time
– Op my grind tyd drink’n prime time
To mog the Ohio away
– Om Die Ohio weg te skuif
Bulkan rage time low taper fade time
– Bulkan woede tyd lae taps vervaag tyd
We go rizzing in a sigma’s way
– Ons gaan rizzing in’n sigma se manier
Giddy up sigma horse stretch out your meat
– Giddy up sigma horse strek jou vleis uit
Griddy around the ops
– Griddy rondom die ops
Knee surgery is tomorrow and I feel skibidi
– Knie-operasie is môre en ek voel skibidi
Like a skibidi gyat
– Soos’n skibidi gyat