People think I’m big but I’m small
– Mense dink ek is groot, maar ek is klein
I ain’t satisfied with the goals
– Ek is nie tevrede met die doelwitte nie
Looking at my dreams, still they grow
– As ek na my drome kyk, groei hulle nog steeds
They give my scale a name, do-re-mi-fa “King Giant”
– Hulle gee my skaal’n naam, do-re-mi-fa “King Giant”
Chikara koso buki katamuketeiru mimi
– Chikara koso buki katamuketeiru mimi
Me ni utsurusa toxic, ore no utsuwa so big
– Ek ni utsurusa giftig, ore geen utsuwa so groot
Tada hataraku ari no you
– Tada hataraku ari nie jy nie
Itami koetesa kyojin to narou
– Itami koetesa kyojin na narou
They call us God of Gods
– Hulle noem ons God Van Gode
To use our powers that we hold
– Om ons magte te gebruik wat ons besit
For their own desires, watch them explode
– Vir hul eie begeertes, kyk hoe hulle ontplof
Daitai I’m shirareteiru kyojin
– Daitai ek is shirareteiru kyojin
Nai nai nai atterukedo deny it
– Nai nai nai atterukedo ontken dit
We got a place to go, we got places to flow
– Ons het’n plek om te gaan, ons het plekke om te vloei
I am not satisfied, I want it more
– Ek is nie tevrede nie, ek wil dit meer hê
I’m a giant (Call me, call me, call me, call me, call me)
– Ek is’n reus (Bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my)
I’m a giant, crushing worlds below
– Ek is’n reuse, verpletterende wêrelde hieronder
I’m a giant (Call me, call me, call me, call me, call me)
– Ek is’n reus (Bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my)
I’m a giant, brushing off the lows
– Ek is’n reus, wat die laagtepunte afvee
Run, run, run before we come, come, come
– Hardloop, hardloop, hardloop voordat ons kom, kom, kom
Burn, burn, burn ’cause we’re not done, done, done
– Brand, brand, brand want ons is nie klaar nie, gedoen, gedoen
Run, run, run before we come, come, come
– Hardloop, hardloop, hardloop voordat ons kom, kom, kom
I’m a giant, crushing worlds below
– Ek is’n reuse, verpletterende wêrelde hieronder
Nobody’s up there, this game’s easy to play
– Niemand is daar bo nie, hierdie speletjie is maklik om te speel
I can cover the sky with my hand like I said
– Ek kan die lug met my hand bedek soos ek gesê het
Sou kushami wa typhoon, ah-ah, achoo
– Sou kushami wa tifoon, ah-ah, achoo
Kakomareta toshite ganchuu ni wa naine
– Kakomareta toshite ganchuu ni wa naine
Butai ni tatsu kyojin doukou hirogeta hannin
– Butai en tatsu kyojin doukou hirogeta hannin
Chiri tsumo yamamori attouteki shingeki
– Chiri tsumo yamamori attouteki shingeki
Ijike sageta atama ima wa jukusareta
– Ijike sageta atama ima wa jukusareta
Koeru 20 no saka soudaina jiko explora
– Koeru 20 nie saka soudaina jiko verken
They call us God of Gods
– Hulle noem ons God Van Gode
To use our powers that we hold
– Om ons magte te gebruik wat ons besit
For their own desires, watch them explode
– Vir hul eie begeertes, kyk hoe hulle ontplof
I’m a giant (Call me, call me, call me, call me, call me)
– Ek is’n reus (Bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my)
I’m a giant, crushing worlds below
– Ek is’n reuse, verpletterende wêrelde hieronder
I’m a giant (Call me, call me, call me, call me, call me)
– Ek is’n reus (Bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my, bel my)
I’m a giant, brushing off the lows
– Ek is’n reus, wat die laagtepunte afvee
Cross the mountains, break all the pain
– Kruis die berge, breek al die pyn
World’s in my hand, oh, oh
– Die wêreld is in my hand, o, o
We go overseas, kyodai ka suru body
– Ons gaan oorsee, kyodai ka suru liggaam
Though tough, niyarikedo tsukan injury
– Hoewel taai, niyarikedo tsukan besering
Mubou sae mone yuuki sa fearless, scarless, it’s our palace
– Mubou sae mone yuuki sa vreesloos, skarloos, dit is ons paleis
I’m a giant (Woo)
– Ek is’n reus (Woo)
I’m a giant (Woo, woo)
– Ek is’n reus (Woo, woo)
Brushing off the lows
– Borsel die laagtepunte af
Run, run, run before we come, come, come
– Hardloop, hardloop, hardloop voordat ons kom, kom, kom
Burn, burn, burn ’cause we’re not done, done, done
– Brand, brand, brand want ons is nie klaar nie, gedoen, gedoen
Run, run, run before we come, come, come
– Hardloop, hardloop, hardloop voordat ons kom, kom, kom
I’m a giant, crushing worlds below
– Ek is’n reuse, verpletterende wêrelde hieronder