If I broke your heart, would you take me back?
– As ek jou hart breek, sal jy my terugneem?
If I broke my arm, would you sign my cast?
– As ek my arm gebreek het, sou jy my gips teken?
When I was young, I would love too fast
– Toe ek jonk was, sou ek te vinnig liefhê
Hope I don’t repeat my past
– Hoop ek herhaal nie my verlede nie
‘Cause I’m not scared of lovin’ you
– Want ek is nie bang om jou lief te hê nie
I’m just scared of losin’ you
– Ek is net bang om jou te verloor
I’m not scared of anyone or dying young
– Ek is nie bang vir enigiemand of om jonk te sterf nie
Or if you’re gonna find somebody new
– Of as jy iemand nuut gaan vind
‘Cause how could they love you
– Want hoe kan hulle jou liefhê
As much as I do?
– Soveel as wat ek doen?
As much as I do
– Soveel as wat ek doen
If I lose my shit, promise not to laugh
– As ek my kak verloor, belowe om nie te lag nie
If I throw a fit and get photographed
– As ek’n aanval gooi en gefotografeer word
Would you take my side? Would you hold my hand?
– Wil jy my kant kies? Hou jy my hand vas?
If they sell a lie, don’t let ’em send me back
– As hulle’n leuen verkoop, moenie toelaat dat hulle my terugstuur nie
‘Cause I’m not scared of lovin’ you
– Want ek is nie bang om jou lief te hê nie
I’m just scared of losin’ you
– Ek is net bang om jou te verloor
I’m not scared of anyone or dying young
– Ek is nie bang vir enigiemand of om jonk te sterf nie
Or if you’re gonna find somebody new
– Of as jy iemand nuut gaan vind
‘Cause how could they love you
– Want hoe kan hulle jou liefhê
As much as I do?
– Soveel as wat ek doen?
As much as I do
– Soveel as wat ek doen