Christmastime is here
– Kersfees is hier
Happiness and cheer
– Geluk en vreugde
Fun for all that children call
– Vermaak vir almal wat kinders noem
Their favorite time of year
– Jou gunsteling tyd van die jaar
Snowflakes in the air
– Sneeuvlokkies in die lug
Carols everywhere
– Kersliedere oral
Olden times and ancient rhymes
– Ou tye en antieke rympies
Of love and dreams to share
– Van liefde en drome om te deel
Sleigh bells in the air
– Slee-klokkies in die lug
Beauty everywhere
– Skoonheid oral
Yuletide by the fireside
– Yuletide by die kaggel
And joyful memories there
– En vreugdevolle herinneringe daar
Christmastime is here
– Kersfees is hier
Families drawing near
– Gesinne kom nader
Oh, that we could always see
– O, dat ons altyd kon sien
Such spirit through the year
– So’n gees deur die jaar
Sleigh bells in the air
– Slee-klokkies in die lug
Beauty everywhere
– Skoonheid oral
Yuletide by the fireside
– Yuletide by die kaggel
And joyful memories there
– En vreugdevolle herinneringe daar
Christmastime is here
– Kersfees is hier
Families drawing near
– Gesinne kom nader
Oh, that we could always see
– O, dat ons altyd kon sien
Such spirit through the year
– So’n gees deur die jaar