Bhad Bhabie – OG Crashout Engleski Tekstovi & Bosanski Prijevodi

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‘Cause that’s Bhad Bhabie, Bhad Bhabie’s going to do what Bhad Bhabie’s gonna fucking do (Ayo, X9), and there’s nothing you can do about it
– Jer to je Bhad Bhabie, Bhad Bhabie će učiniti ono što Bhad Bhabie će jebeno učiniti (Ayo, X9), i tu ništa ne možete učiniti
She’s gonna fucking win, win, win, win, win
– Ona će jebeno pobijediti, pobijediti, pobijediti, pobijediti, pobijediti
The fuck you talkin’ about?
– O čemu pričaš?

I don’t know who gassed these bitches up, but somethin’ needa be said (Somethin’ needa be said)
– Ne znam ko je ove kučke otrovao gasom, ali nešto se mora reći (nešto se mora reći)
How ‘dis bitch think she ate? She just another bitch that I fed
– Šta kučka misli da je jela? Ona je samo još jedna kučka koju sam nahranio
Why you all in that man face, my pussy’s still on his breath (On his breath)
– Zašto ste svi u tom muškom licu, moja pička je još uvek na njegovom dahu (na njegovom dahu)
I heard there’s money on Ve’s head, but ain’t nobody ’round here dead
– Čuo sam da je novac na Veovoj glavi, ali ovdje niko nije mrtav
Bitch, keep talkin’ like you hot, I’ll have ’em layin’ at yo’ spot (Layin’ at yo’ spot)
– Kujo, nastavi pričati kao da si zgodna, ja ću ih pustiti da leže na tvom mjestu (leže na tvom mjestu)
OG crash out with the drum, I blink one-eighty-two shots
– I crash sa bubanj, ja treptati jedan-osamdeset dva hica
You the cry baby, you callin’ Ye ’bout the last diss that I dropped (Cry baby)
– You the cry baby, you callin ‘ Ye ‘ bout the last diss that I fast (Cry baby)
You keep runnin’ back to your daddy, I don’t know when I last seen my pops (No)
– Stalno se vraćaš svom tatici, ne znam kada sam poslednji put video svog Ćaleta (ne)
I just killed you on my third diss and my last one still hot (Still hot)
– Upravo sam te ubio na moj treći diss i moj poslednji dalje vruće (još uvijek vruće)
All ’em whips you seen in my last video, ain’t none of them shit props (Nope)
– Svi oni bičevi koje ste vidjeli u mom posljednjem videu, nisu li nijedan od njih sranje rekviziti (Nope)
Bitch, you scared, you postin’ up Big Mama like she with you, bitch, you weird
– Kučko, uplašena si, postavljaš veliku mamu kao ona s tobom, kučko, čudna si
Miss Piggy used to be fat before the Ozempic
– Miss Piggy je bila debela prije Ozempic
You’s a bop, bop, bop, tryna use me for my name (Use me for my name)
– Ti si bop, bop, bop, tryna koristiti me za moje ime (koristiti me za moje ime)
If I crash out, mama crash out too, we got the same DNA
– Ako Ja padnem, i mama isto, imamo isti DNK.
You worry ’bout Bhabie killin’ this baby when that baby killin’ ’em babies
– Ti se brini o Bhabie ubija ovo dijete kada je beba ubija ih bebe
Guess you really ain’t Daddy, baby, I’ma show you how to be a lady
– Izgleda da nisi Tata, dušo. Pokazaću ti kako da budeš dama.
Fuck this big bitch, I ain’t trippin’, get your foot out
– Jebi ovu veliku kuju, ne tripujem, vadi nogu napolje
Surround yourself with Blacks but still invited to the cookout, cracker bitch (Bitch)
– Okružite se crncima, ali i dalje pozvani na cookout, cracker kučko (kučka)
I ain’t backin’ down from shit, I feel like Curtis Jackson (Feel like Curtis Jackson)
– Ne povlačim se od sranja, osjećam se kao Curtis Jackson (Osjećam se kao Curtis Jackson)
I gave the a belt the ass, and the whole world when this would happen
– Dao sam a pojasu dupe, i ceo svet kada će se ovo desiti
How you born rich and you actin’ ratchet? You movin’ backwards
– Kako si se rodio bogat, a ti se ponašaš kao ratchet? Seliš se unazad
How you got Atlanta accent? You foolin’ me, you from Calabasas
– Odakle ti Atlanta naglasak? Varaš me, ti iz Kalabasasa.
I’ma make sure this the last song you gon’ make about me (Bitch)
– Pobrinut ću se da ovo bude posljednja pjesma koju ćeš napraviti O meni.
Face to face, you can’t do that with no makeup (No)
– Licem u lice, to ne možete učiniti bez šminke (ne)
AP buss all the way down, your time on Jacob (Jacob)
– AP buss skroz dole, svoje vrijeme na Jacob (Jacob)
Every time you get a friend, you fucked they man, that’s why they break up (Bitch)
– Svaki put kad nađeš prijatelja, pojebeš ga, zato raskinu.
I think this ass fat just like Ari’, who gon’ say so? (Who?)
– Mislim da je debeo kao Ari, ko će to reći? (Ko?)
You goin’ hard to get a plaque, but still can’t make one (Nope)
– Teško ćete dobiti plaketu, ali je i dalje ne možete napraviti (ne)
When you see me, you gon’ whoop me, bitch, where? (Haha)
– Kad me vidiš, isprašit ćeš me, kučko, gdje? (Haha)
Who the hell said that ‘Bama do it better, bitch, where?
– Ko je dođavola rekao da Bama bolje radi, kučko, gde?
Lyin’ ’bout me, must be somethin’ in your teeth, bitch, where? (Bitch, where?)
– Laganje o meni, mora da ti je nešto u zubima, kučko, gdje? (Kučko, gdje?)
I know that you a 304, not me, bitch, where?
– Znam da si 304, a ne ja, kučko, gdje?
I swear to God, this ho delusional, you know that bitch weird (Weird bitch)
– Kunem se Bogom, ovaj ho delusional, znate da kučka čudno (čudna kučka)
I done made a couple M’s off OnlyFans, right here
– Napravio sam par M od Onlyfansa, ovdje.
Ask Camilla, she’d tell you this stupid bitch weird (Weird bitch)
– Pitaj Camillu, ona bi ti rekla ovu glupu kučku čudnu (čudnu kučku)
Why this bitch keep my name in her mouth? Bitch, weird
– Zašto ova kučka drži moje ime u ustima? Kučko, čudno
You weird-ass bitch
– Ti čudna kučko.

Bhad Bhabie



