Video Klip
‘Cause we’re in your drop-top, and it’s hard, then I’m feelin’ you
– Jer mi smo u tvom drop-topu, i teško je, onda te osjećam
I calmed down, turned around, you put me in a mood
– Smirila sam se, okrenula, ti si me oraspoložila.
Old house, windows down, but I’m still feelin’ you
– Stara kuća, prozori dolje, Ali još uvijek te osjećam
Years passed, nothing changed, I’m still in love with you
– Godine su prolazile, ništa se nije promenilo, još uvek sam zaljubljen u tebe
I don’t need nobody else, I just want you to myself, oh no
– Ne treba mi niko drugi, samo želim tebe za sebe, o ne
– Mm
To get to my current position, I done more than ten thousand hours
– Da bih došao do svog trenutnog položaja, radio sam više od deset hiljada sati
Dreamt that I saw my name on a gravestone, maybe then they would give me my flowers
– Sanjao sam da sam vidio svoje ime na nadgrobnom spomeniku, možda bi mi tada dali moje cvijeće
Mum put three of her boys in the tub same time cah we couldn’t afford to shower
– Mama je stavila tri sina u kadu u isto vreme kad nismo mogli da priuštimo da se istuširamo.
Before man snaked me, I already saw it comin’, I saw they was sour
– Pre nego što me je čovek udario, već sam video da dolazi, video sam da su bili kiseli
But now it’s my time to experience fame, the opps tryna find out where am I stayin’
– Ali sada je moje vrijeme da iskuse slavu, u opps tryna saznati gdje sam stayin’
My girl don’t believe anything I’m sayin’, my family need anything, I’m payin’
– Moja devojka ne veruje ni u šta što kažem, mojoj porodici treba nešto, ja plaćam
Sat down, tellin’ a therapist stories, I know she ain’t gonna relate
– Sjeo, pričao priče terapeutu, znam da se neće povezati
What’s this? What’s that? I don’t care to explain, I’ll deal with the grief and bearin’ the pain
– Šta je ovo? Šta je to? Ne želim objašnjavati, Suočit ću se sa tugom i podnošenjem boli.
I don’t paint these girls in a positive way, you can tell that my heart’s been broken before
– Ne slikam ove djevojke na pozitivan način, možete reći da mi je srce prije bilo slomljeno
Tryna heal, but it’s takin’ time, what’s the point in life? I don’t know anymore
– Tryna zaraste, ali to je uzimanje vremena, koja je svrha u životu? Ne znam više.
Tell the young boys, “Stay in school”, but I wouldn’t be here if I followed the law
– Recite mladim dečacima: “ostanite u školi”, ali ja ne bih bio ovdje da slijedim zakon
I keep makin’ dumb decisions like I don’t have control of my thoughts
– Stalno donosim glupe odluke kao da nemam kontrolu nad svojim mislima
The guys wouldn’t know that I’m feelin’ like this ’cause I conceal and hide it
– Momci ne bi znali da se osećam ovako jer to krijem i krijem
Everyone’s there on the weekend vibin’, nobody’s there when I need consignment
– Svi su tamo za vikend vibin’, niko nije tamo kad mi treba pošiljka
I heard the quote that the strong survive, but I still got a fear of us dyin’
– Čuo sam citat da jaki preživljavaju, ali još uvijek imam strah od smrti.
Some nights still toss and turn in my sleep cah I seen some serious violence
– Neke noći se i dalje prevrću u snu Cah vidio sam neko ozbiljno nasilje
I was six years old when Dad left home and they shot my granddad, all of that at once
– Imao sam šest godina kad je tata otišao od kuće i kad su mi ubili djeda, sve to odjednom.
My lil’ bro’s still going to school, but he wanna do everything that the gang does
– Moj mali brat još uvijek ide u školu, ali želi raditi sve što banda radi.
Now he’s repeatin’ the cycle cah he’s outside and he wanna go act up
– Sada on ponavlja ciklus cah on je vani i on želi ići glumiti
Got sick of the carton milk, it was free school meals, we never had pack lunch
– Smučilo mi se kartonsko mlijeko, besplatni školski obroci, nikad nismo ručali.
Cuttin’ the mould of the loaf of bread and I looked in the fridge and the milk expired
– I pogledao sam u frižider i mleku je istekao rok trajanja.
All of the mandem jumped in the trap cah we put on The Wire and got inspired
– Svi mandem skočio u zamku cah stavili smo na žicu i dobili inspiraciju
Not surprised when I see man lyin’, it’s fine, I already clocked they’re liars
– Nisam iznenađen kad vidim čovjeka kako laže, u redu je, već sam shvatio da su lažovi.
I just saw a cat that I know whilst drivin’, I might park up on the block, say hi
– Upravo sam vidio mačku koju znam dok sam vozio, mogao bih se parkirati na ulici i pozdraviti je.
Mum’s house bangin’ out Beanie Sigel, I still don’t feel much love in the air
– Mamina kuća kreše Beanie Sigel, još uvek ne osećam mnogo ljubavi u vazduhu
Lost faith in God ’cause I thought I was cursed, kept it to myself cah none of them cared
– Izgubio sam vjeru u Boga jer sam mislio da sam proklet, zadržao to za sebe cah niko od njih nije mario
Tellin’ my baby, “Wait, I don’t know how long it will take, I’m gonna repair
– Kažem svojoj bebi, ” čekaj, ne znam koliko će to trajati, popravit ću
If it all falls down, would you bounce? If none of the tours sold out, are you gonna be there?”
– Ako sve padne, hoćeš li odskočiti? Ako nijedan od ture rasprodat, hoćeš li biti tamo?”
There’s a few times I lost faith in music, I put out a tune and it didn’t get views
– Nekoliko puta sam izgubio vjeru u muziku, Pustio sam melodiju i ona nije dobila pogled
Me and my broski went and came up with a plan back then, but it didn’t go through
– Ja i moj broski otišli smo i smislili plan tada, ali nije prošao
You know that shit that you say when you’re broke, like, “When I get dough, I’ma bring in you too”
– Znaš ono sranje koje kažeš kad si švorc, kao, “kad dobijem lovu, i tebe ću privesti”
Then I blew up and reality hit, shit, now I gotta think this through
– Onda sam eksplodirao i stvarnost je pogodila, sranje, sada moram razmisliti o ovome
Three little brothers, Mum’s forty and still ain’t paid off her student loan
– Tri mala brata, mama je četrdeset i još uvijek nije otplatila Studentski kredit
My Dad can’t move, he’s fuckin’ paralysed, just went through some serious stroke
– Moj tata ne može da se pomeri, jebeno je paralizovan, samo je prošao kroz ozbiljan moždani udar.
The mandem callin’ me, YG’s warnin’ me, sayin’ that I gotta leave home
– The mandem callin’ me, YG me upozorava, rekavši da moram napustiti dom
I get more money, more problems now, I had less to worry ’bout when I was broke
– Dobijam više novca, više problema sada, manje sam se brinuo kad sam bio švorc
Remember I had one pair of Air Forces, tryna keep out the creases
– Sjećaš se da sam imao jedan par zračnih snaga, tryna držati podalje od nabora
Now the front drive look like it’s a show room, and none of them leases
– Sada prednji pogon Izgleda kao da je izložbena soba, a nijedan od njih ne iznajmljuje
I’m extremely grateful for all my people cah none of them leeches
– Ja sam izuzetno zahvalan za sve moje ljude cah nijedan od njih pijavice
I dropped a tape, got a billion streams and none of them even features
– Ispustio sam traku, dobio milijardu potoka i nijedan od njih čak ni funkcije
Now my bredrin dissed me and tryna go viral ’cause he ain’t blown yet, how is that my fault?
– Sada moj bredrin dissed mene i tryna postati virusne jer on još nije vazduh, kako je to moja krivica?
I thought you was Christian, why don’t you move like Matthew, Phillip, disciple?
– Mislio sam da si hrišćanin, zašto se ne krećeš kao Metju, Filip, učenik?
But you wan’ snake man, move like Judas ’cause you ain’t blew, it’s a fuckin’ vio
– Ali ti hoćeš zmijoliki, kreći se kao Juda jer nisi duvao, to je jebena vio
And we’re London, bare opportunity, it’s not like we live in Ohio
– I mi smo London, gola prilika, to nije kao da živimo u Ohio
I booked hotels and flights to all of these shows and brought you to all of these countries
– Rezervisao sam hotele i letove za sve ove emisije i doveo vas u sve ove zemlje
Say thank you and pretend that you’re grateful, but when I turn man’s back, say fuck me
– Reci hvala i pretvaraj se da si zahvalan, ali kad okrenem leđa, reci jebi me
Whole six months livin’ at your mum’s, we was with big bro on our own, it was us three
– Čitavih šest mjeseci živeći kod tvoje mame, bili smo sami sa velikim bratom, nas troje
Shouldn’t ever bite the hand that feeds you, I leave man starvin’ cah you’re too hungry
– Ne bih trebao gristi ruku koja te hrani, ostavljam čovjeka gladujući. previše si gladan.
I said that I got you, but you didn’t trust me, I would’ve, but you didn’t give me the chance
– Rekao sam da sam te dobio, ali ti mi nisi vjerovao, ja bih, ali mi nisi dao priliku
You can ask any one of the mandem now if I ever left ’em in the dark
– Sada možeš pitati bilo koga od mandema da li sam ih ikada ostavio u mraku.
Whatever’s meant to be will be, I can’t turn back time or dwell on the past
– Šta god da je trebalo da bude biće, ne mogu da vratim vreme unazad ili da se zadržim na prošlosti
But I sometimes wonder, “Could have I got this far without losin’ my dog?”
– Ali ponekad se pitam, ” Da li sam mogao da stignem ovako daleko, a da ne izgubim svog psa?”
Drop-top, and it’s hard, then I’m feelin’ you
– Drop-top, i to je teško, onda te osećam
I calmed down, turned around, you put me in a mood
– Smirila sam se, okrenula, ti si me oraspoložila.
Old house, windows down, but I’m still feelin’ you
– Stara kuća, prozori dolje, Ali još uvijek te osjećam
Years passed, nothing changed, I’m still in love with you
– Godine su prolazile, ništa se nije promenilo, još uvek sam zaljubljen u tebe
I don’t need nobody else, I just want you to myself, oh no
– Ne treba mi niko drugi, samo želim tebe za sebe, o ne