Video Klip
Oh, they say people come, say people go
– Oh, kažu da ljudi dolaze, kažu da ljudi odlaze
This particular diamond was extra special
– Ovaj dijamant je posebno poseban.
And though you might be gone, and the world may not know
– I iako si možda otišao, a svijet možda ne zna
Still I see you celestial
– Ipak te vidim nebeskog
Like a lion you ran, a goddess you rolled
– Kao lav kojeg trčiš, boginja koju valjaš.
Like an eagle you circled in perfect purple
– Kao orao zaokružio si savršeno ljubičasto.
So how come things move on? How come cars don’t slow?
– Kako to da stvari idu dalje? Kako to da kola ne usporavaju?
When it feels like the end of my world
– When it feels like the end of my world
When I should but I can’t let you go
– Kad bih trebao, ali ne mogu te pustiti
But when I’m cold, cold
– But when i’m cold, cold
Yeah, when I’m cold, cold
– Da, kad mi je hladno, hladno
There’s a light that you give me when I’m in shadow
– Tu je svetlo koje mi daješ kada sam u senci
There’s a feelin’ within me, everglow
– Postoji osjećaj u meni, everglow
Like brothers in blood, sisters who ride
– Kao braća u krvi, sestre koje jašu
And we swore on that night we’d be friends ’til we die
– Zakleli smo se da ćemo biti prijatelji dok ne umremo.
But the changin’ of winds and the way waters flow
– Ali promjene vjetrova i način na koji voda teče
Life is short as the fallin’ of snow
– Život je kratak kao pad snijega
And now I’m gonna miss you, I know
– I sada ćeš mi nedostajati, znam.
But when I’m cold, cold
– But when i’m cold, cold
In water rolled, salt
– U vodi valjani, sol
And I know that you’re with me and the way you will show
– I znam da si sa mnom i način na koji ćeš pokazati
And you’re with me wherever I go
– I ti si sa mnom gdje god da odem
And you give me this feelin’, this everglow
– And you give me this feelin’, this everglow
Oh, what I wouldn’t give for just a moment to hold
– Oh, šta ne bih dao ni za trenutak da sačekam
Yeah, I live for this feelin’, this everglow
– Da, živim za ovaj osjećaj, ovaj everglow
So if you love someone, you should let them know
– Ako voliš nekoga, treba da mu kažeš.
Oh, the light that you left me will everglow
– Svjetlo koje si mi ostavio će everglow