Lady Gaga – Blade Of Grass Engleski Tekstovi & Bosanski Prijevodi

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Lovers kiss in a garden made of thorns
– Ljubitelji se ljube u bašti od trnja
Traces of lonely words, illusions torn
– Tragovi usamljenih riječi, iluzije rastrgane

You said, “How does a man like me love a woman like you?”
– Rekli ste: “kako muškarac poput mene voli ženu poput tebe?”
I said, “Hold me until I die and I’ll make you brand new”
– Rekao sam, ” drži me dok ne umrem i učinit ću te potpuno novim”

Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
Around my finger like a cast
– Oko prsta kao gips
‘Cause even though the church burned down
– Jer iako je crkva izgorela
I’ll be your queen without a crown
– Biću tvoja kraljica bez krune.
I’ve been so lonely in this field
– Bila sam tako usamljena na ovom polju.
Fighting a battle with no shield
– Borba u borbi bez štita
Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
And we’ll make it last
– I učinit ćemo da traje

This is the lawn of memories I mourn
– Ovo je travnjak uspomena za kojim tugujem.
I fall into your eyes, shelter from storm
– I fall into your eyes, shelter from storm

You said, “How does a man like me love a woman like you?”
– Rekli ste: “kako muškarac poput mene voli ženu poput tebe?”
I said, “Hold me until I die and I’ll make you brand new”
– Rekao sam, ” drži me dok ne umrem i učinit ću te potpuno novim”

Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
Around my finger like a cast
– Oko prsta kao gips
‘Cause even though the church burned down
– Jer iako je crkva izgorela
I’ll be your queen without a crown
– Biću tvoja kraljica bez krune.
I’ve been so lonely in this field
– Bila sam tako usamljena na ovom polju.
Fighting a battle with no shield
– Borba u borbi bez štita
Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
And we’ll make it last
– I učinit ćemo da traje
Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
And we’ll make it last
– I učinit ćemo da traje

I’ll give you something
– Daću ti nešto.
Yeah, it’s no diamond ring
– Da, nije dijamantski prsten.
The air that I’m breathing
– Vazduh koji udišem
Forever’s not enough
– Vječnost nije dovoljna.
A song we’ll both sing
– A song we’ll both sing
Yeah, it’s not the same thing
– Da, to nije ista stvar.
Yeah, it’s not the same thing
– Da, to nije ista stvar.
Forever’s not enough
– Vječnost nije dovoljna.

Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
Around my finger like a cast
– Oko prsta kao gips
‘Cause even though the church burned down
– Jer iako je crkva izgorela
I’ll be your queen without a crown
– Biću tvoja kraljica bez krune.
I’ve been so lonely in this field
– Bila sam tako usamljena na ovom polju.
Fighting a battle with no shield
– Borba u borbi bez štita
Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
And we’ll make it last
– I učinit ćemo da traje
Come on and wrap that blade of grass
– Dođi i umotaj tu vlat trave
And we’ll make it last
– I učinit ćemo da traje

Lady Gaga



