Video Klip
In the middle of the field, throw me a bomb
– Usred polja, baci mi bombu.
I’m throwin’ that bih’ like a quarterback
– Bacam ‘tu bih’ kao bek
Standin’ in the field, holdin’ a bomb
– Stojiš na terenu, držiš bombu
Throwin’ that ho like a quarterback
– Bacaš tu kurvu kao bek.
Stood in the field, holdin’ me a bomb
– Stajao je u polju, držao mi bombu
Throwin’ that ho like a quarterback
– Bacaš tu kurvu kao bek.
Ice on my face, woah, bitches tryna chase, woah
– Led na mom licu, woah, kučke tryna chase, woah
I ain’t ever flake, woah, tell me, what it take? Woah
– Nikad nisam popustio, woah, reci mi, šta je potrebno? Woah
Tell me what it takes, woah, ooh, grab the duct tape, huh
– Reci mi što je potrebno. uzmi ljepljivu traku.
We not the same gang, woah, ho, I bang, bang, woah
– Mi nismo ista banda, woah, ho, ja bang, bang, woah
I’m with La Flame, gang, woah, we too insane on these hoes
– Ja sam sa La Flame, bandom, woah, previše smo ludi na ovim kurvama
I took off my mask, you know, they mad, I don’t see below
– Skinuo sam masku, znate, oni su ljuti, ne vidim ispod
And the hoes, they fuckin’ the hoes, big rocks on me, so cold
– A kurve, jebu kurve, veliki kamen na meni, tako hladno
If you know what I know, hide your ho, pink cups, I’m sippin’ flamingo
– Ako znaš šta ja znam, Sakrij svoju kurvu, pink cups, sippin ‘ flamingo
I was in the spot yesterday with my pops, my grandma still play bingo
– Bio sam na licu mesta juče sa tatom, moja baka još igra bingo.
Niggas want a problem with the gang, man, I don’t know why but we goin’ dumb, ho
– Crnje žele problem sa bandom, Čovječe, ne znam zašto, ali mi smo glupi, ho
Shakin’ my dreads in her face, this bitch a lil’ vibe, put her in my Demmo
– Trese moje dredove u njeno lice, ova kučka lil ‘ vibe, stavi je u moj Demmo
Fuck how they talkin’, we poppin’ this shit right now, yeah, huh, huh
– Jebi ga kako oni pričaju, mi poppin ‘ ovo sranje sada, da, huh, huh
Uh, I’m off the za and the Wock’, can’t feel myself, oh, yeah, yeah
– Uh, ja sam off za i Wock’, can’t feel myself, oh, yeah, yeah
Uh, she’s a trendin’ topic so I’m tryna pipe, oh, yeah, yeah
– Uh, ona je Trending tema tako da sam tryna pipe, oh, da, da
Ooh, hit it one time, then I’m out, hit it one time, then you out
– Ooh, udari jednom, onda ja ispadam, udari jednom, onda ti ispadaš
Uh, fuck all these bitches and bops, all of these hoes are hot
– Uh, jebeš sve ove kučke i bops, sve ove kurve su vruće
Ooh, I’m walkin’ around with a lot, pockets is filled with them knots (Ayy, fuck the internet, haha)
– Ooh, šetam okolo sa puno, džepovi su puni čvorova (Ayy, jebeš internet, haha)
Bitches just be bitches, I don’t give a fuck ’bout much
– Kučke su kučke, baš me briga za to.
I think I need me a Ice Spice, yeah, I want me a munch
– Mislim da mi treba ledeni začin, da, hoću gricnuti.
In the middle of the field, throw me a bomb
– Usred polja, baci mi bombu.
I’m throwin’ that bih’ like a quarterback
– Bacam ‘tu bih’ kao bek
Standin’ in the field, holdin’ a bomb
– Stojiš na terenu, držiš bombu
Throwin’ that ho like a quarterback
– Bacaš tu kurvu kao bek.
Stood in the field, holdin’ me a bomb
– Stajao je u polju, držao mi bombu
Throwin’ that ho like a quarterback
– Bacaš tu kurvu kao bek.
Yeah, yeah
– Da, da
Throw it like 12 (Yeah), just so you know we don’t fuck with 12 (Fuck with 12)
– Baci kao 12 (da), samo da znaš da se ne zajebavamo sa 12 (zajebavamo se sa 12)
Not in this bitch by myself, but I’m by myself (By myself)
– Ne u ovoj kučki sama, ali sam sama (sama)
They got money on your top, who say you can’t buy health? (Tell the tale)
– Imaju novac na tvom vrhu, ko kaže da ne možeš kupiti zdravlje? (Ispričaj priču)
I’m feelin’ like Joe or somethin’, like Terror Squad, we blowin’ somethin’ (Hah)
– Osjećam se kao Joe ili tako nešto, kao teroristički odred, pušimo nešto (Hah)
She poppin’ them 30s, thinkin’ they workin’, but they ain’t doin’ nothin’ (Woo)
– Rastura te 30-E, misli da rade, ali ne rade ništa.
She doin’ Ozempic, tryna be different, tryna be a newer woman (Nah)
– Ona radi Ozempic, tryna biti drugačiji, tryna biti novija žena (Nah)
That shit a look iffy, need a thicky, need her to move somethin’ (Iffy)
– To sranje izgleda sumnjivo, treba gusto, treba joj da pomeri nešto (Iffy)
Like improve somethin’, just don’t you remove nothin’ (Don’t you do it)
– Kao poboljšati nešto, samo ne uklanjajte ništa (ne radite to)
Crib like a zoo, jumpin’, we got reggaeton bumpin’ (Ha)
– Krevetić kao zoološki vrt, skačemo, reggaeton bumping (Ha)
I need me two cummin’, double-double, quick Drummond (It’s lit)
– Trebam dva cummin’, double-double, quick Drummond (to je lit)
I keep a full drum and never know what fool’s comin’ (Yeah)
– Držim pun bubanj i nikad ne znam koja budala dolazi (da)
In the middle of the field, throw me a bomb
– Usred polja, baci mi bombu.
I’m throwin’ that bih’ like a quarterback
– Bacam ‘tu bih’ kao bek
Standin’ in the field, holdin’ a bomb
– Stojiš na terenu, držiš bombu
Throwin’ that ho like a quarterback
– Bacaš tu kurvu kao bek.
Stood in the field, holdin’ me a bomb
– Stajao je u polju, držao mi bombu
Throwin’ that ho like a quarterback
– Bacaš tu kurvu kao bek.