Video Klip
Come, let me show you the ropes
– Dođi, da ti pokažem užad.
Chucks come with the LOCs
– Chucks dolaze sa LOCs
Drums come with the dope
– Bubnjevi dolaze sa drogom
Guns come with the smoke, bang
– Oružje dolazi sa dimom, bang
I just want the paper
– Samo želim novine.
I just want the paper
– Samo želim novine.
Gun smoke, Gun smoke
– Pušački dim, pušački dim
They say he a big stepper
– Kažu da je veliki steper
I’m just sayin’ I am not the type to get stepped on
– Samo kažem da nisam tip na koga treba gaziti.
I ain’t got a big weapon
– Nemam veliko oružje.
Glock 17 with the switch, but the clip long
– Glock 17 sa prekidačem, ali dugo kopča
I ain’t finna play wit’ you
– Ja se ne igram sa tobom.
Boy, you fuck around, I’ma have to catch a fade wit’ you
– Dečko, ako se zajebavaš, moraću da uhvatim fade wit ‘ you
Get the blick in broad day wit’ you
– Get the blick in both day wit ‘ you
Have the lil’ homies run down while bae wit’ you (Gunsmoke, gunsmoke)
– Neka mali ortaci navrate dok bae wit ‘ you (Gunsmoke, gunsmoke)
Little man, dope party
– Mali čovek, narkomanska zabava
Got him out the night, but the nigga got four bodies
– Izvukao ga je te noći, ali Crnja ima četiri tijela.
Who want smoke? Nobody
– Ko želi dim? Niko.
Goin’ once, goin’ twice, don’t want to smoke nobody
– Prvi put, drugi put, ne želim nikoga da popušim.
Tell me what you know ’bout it
– Reci mi šta znaš o tome .
Strapped right now, nigga, how you want go ’bout it?
– Zavezan sada, crnjo, kako želiš ići ‘ o tome?
I’m not the one you lean on
– Ne oslanjaš se na mene.
The type you wanna try apply pressure to and scheme on
– Tip na koji želite pokušati izvršite pritisak i planirajte
Pussy nigga, dream on
– Pičkice, samo sanjaj.
Run, nigga, run ’til I have to click the beam on
– Trči, crnjo, trči dok ne kliknem na gredu.
Red dot ya, I got ya, B.I.G. time (Woo), who shot ya?
– Red dot ya, imam te, B. I. G. time (Woo), ko te je upucao?
I dropped ya, who popped ya? Shit lit
– Ja sam te ispustio, ko te koknuo? Sranje lit
Soon as I spot ya, ooh-wee
– Čim te vidim, Ooh-wee
Why would you be fuckin’ with me? (Gun smoke, gun smoke)
– Zašto bi se zajebavao sa mnom? (Gun dim, gun dim)
Let’s take a second here for this moment of violence
– Uzmimo trenutak za ovaj trenutak nasilja
You smell it in the air, product of my environment
– Mirišeš to u vazduhu, proizvod moje okoline
I come from freestylin’ over gunshots and sirens
– Dolazim iz freestylin ‘ zbog pucnjave i sirena
Nothing more gangster than my voice over these violins
– Ništa više gangsterski od mog glasa preko ovih violina
Get down, lay down, it’s the wolf of the Dogg Pound, yeah
– Lezite, lezite, to je Vuk pseće funte, da
Playground, shakedown, Autobahn, no brakes now
– Igralište, iznuda, autoput, bez kočnica sada
Skinny nigga back pushin’ weight now
– Mršavi crnjo se vratio gurajući težinu sada
New Death Row on the plate now
– Nova smrtna kazna na ploči sada
More details, please do tell
– Više detalja, molim vas recite
What’s that smell, nigga? (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Kakav je to smrad, crnjo? (Gun dim, Gun dim)
Shit, you would too, if you knew
– Sranje, i ti bi, da znaš.
What a young nigga had to do
– What a young Niger had to do
Rendezvous with a Pac or two
– Sastanak sa Pac-om ili dva
Rock shit up like Mötley Crüe
– Rock shit up like Mötley Crüe
In this fight, you gotta stick and move
– U ovoj borbi, moraš se držati i kretati
All my life, I had to show and prove
– Ceo život sam morao da pokažem i dokažem
Still a nigga with a attitude
– Još uvek Crnja sa stavom
If you ain’t gangster, this is not for you
– Ako nisi gangster, ovo nije za tebe
Yeah, bullet holes in the palm trees (Palm trees)
– Da, rupe od metaka u palmama (Palme)
Dirty money in the laundry (Laundry)
– Prljav novac u veš (veš)
Ten toes in the concrete (Concrete)
– Deset prstiju u betonu (Beton)
Niggas know where to find me (Find)
– Crnje znaju gdje da me (naći)
I got a long reach, this Long Beach, but we don’t speak
– Imam dug domet, ovu dugu plažu, ali ne razgovaramo
And you saw what happened to the last nigga
– I vidio si šta se desilo sa poslednjim crnjom
That tried to fuck with my proceeds (Gun smoke)
– Koji je pokušao da se zajebava sa mojim prihodima (pištolj dim)
I remember when I was thirteen
– Sjećam se kad sam imao trinaest godina.
Searchin’ for how to get my revenge on the world that hurt me
– Searchin ‘ for how to get my revenge on the world that hurt me
Thirsty for commas, them double entendres
– Žedni zareza, tih dvostrukih rečenica
Turned me to an entrepreneur and a monster
– Pretvorio me u preduzetnika i čudovište
Constantly caught in some kind of controversy (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Stalno uhvaćen u neku vrstu kontroverze (pušački dim, pušački dim)
That was my mantra, to taunt ya was kinda condescending
– To je bila moja mantra, rugati ti se bilo je nekako snishodljivo
But why should I be kind to the kind of people that weren’t kind to me
– Ali zašto bih bio ljubazan prema ljudima koji nisu bili ljubazni prema meni
Comin’ up? So like that syrup, they canceled
– Dolaziš? Pa kao taj sirup, otkazali su
I’ma say, “Fuck you and your momma,” then blame my rap persona (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Reći ću: “jebi se ti i tvoja mama,” Onda okrivi moju rap persona (pušački dim, pušački dim)
That’s the excuse that I used to explain my grammar
– To je izgovor kojim sam objasnila gramatiku.
Allowing me to just do what I do and not face the ramifications
– Dozvoljavajući mi da radim ono što radim i da se ne suočim sa posljedicama
So I could air my frustrations
– Da bih mogao da iznesem svoje frustracije
But I’ll be damned if the same reporter’s gonna shove another tape recorder
– Ali neka sam proklet ako isti reporter nabije još jedan kasetofon.
And camera in my face while I am at the Burger King
– I kamera u mom licu dok sam u Burger Kingu
Just to grab my lil’ baby daughter a hamburger like Shady oughta be amicable
– Samo da uzmem svojoj maloj ćerki hamburger kao što je Shady, trebalo bi da bude prijateljski.
Guess that’s the price that you pay for all the glamour, the fame and stardom
– Pretpostavljam da je to cijena koju plaćate za sav glamur, slavu i slavu
Like when you’re treated just like an animal (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Kao kad te tretiraju kao životinju (puščani dim, puščani dim)
You’ll not act like one when you came from bottom
– Nećeš se tako ponašati kad dođeš odozdo.
But they gonna make me wanna pull a llama
– Ali natjerat će me da povučem ljamu.
And make like I’m a mechanical bull (Yeah)
– I napraviti kao da sam mehanički bik (da)
Fuck around and buck these hoes, ain’t talkin’ no luxury clothes
– Zajebavati se okolo i buck ove kurve, ain’t talkin ‘ no luxury clothes
Two nines I tuck, see those?
– Dvije devetke, vidiš?
Like Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, try and duck deez, yo
– Kao Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, pokušajte i duck deez, yo
Hey, what the fuck you want?
– Hej, koji kurac hoćeš?
Didn’t I just see you yesterday?
– Zar te nisam video juče?
Fuck outta here, fuck it, bitch
– Odjebi odavde, jebi ga, kučko
Now I’m much older, and I may be calmer
– Sada sam mnogo stariji i možda sam smireniji
Run up on me, and I might be a little less likely
– Naletite na mene, a ja bih mogao biti malo manje vjerovatno
To go crazy on ya, and let the
– Da poludim na tebe, i pusti
Gun smoke
– Pušački dim
I just want the paper
– Samo želim novine.
I just want the paper
– Samo želim novine.
Gun smoke, gun smoke
– Pušački dim, pušački dim