Big Za
– Gran Za
– Sí
– Gram
(Dante, you snapped on this one)
– (Dante, vas trencar en aquest)
Uh-uh, uh-uh
– Uh-uh, uh-uh
I was bad in fuckin’ school
– He estat maleïda a l’escola
Now I’m tryna dodge a sentence (shit)
– Ara estic intentant esquivar una frase (merda)
Just walked out the Lanvin store
– Acabo de sortir de la botiga Lanvin
Pair of shoes, twelve-fifty (nigga)
– Parell de sabates, dotze-cinquanta (nigga)
You wanna boss up your life?
– Vols dominar la teva vida?
All you gotta do is get in with me (come here, baby)
– Tot el que has de fer és entrar amb mi (vine aquí, nena)
I don’t even pay to get in the club
– Ni tan sols pago per entrar al club
They know I’m a walking ticket (hip, hip)
– Saben que sóc un bitllet per caminar (maluc, maluc)
I’m presidential leaving the club
– Sóc presidencial abandonant el club
We ain’t stopping at no lights (yoom)
– No ens aturem davant de cap llum (yoom)
You wanna be a boss?
– Vols ser cap?
You gotta pay the price (facts)
– Has de pagar el preu (fets)
Left wrist on froze
– Canell esquerre congelat
Look like a bag of ice (bling)
– Sembla una bossa de gel (bling)
I’m driving the Bentley Bentayga
– Estic conduint el Bentley Bentayga
Like I don’t love my life (skrrt)
– Como si no amara mi vida (en castellà)
I’m in that thing shifting and I’m lane-switchin’ (yoom)
– Estic en això canviant i estic canviant de carril (yoom)
Bitch, it’s Big Za, I’ma stand on straight business (Big Za)
– Gossa, És Gran Za, estic en un negoci recte (Gran Za)
Uh, dunking on niggas’ ass like Blake Griffin (rrr)
– Eh, enfonsant-se al cul d’en niggas com En Griffin (rrr)
He keep talking broke, gon’ leave his face missing (brrt)
– Continua parlant trencat, gon ‘ deixa la cara desapareguda (brrt)
Bae, these Off-White, these ain’t no Huarache (no Huarache, baby)
– Bae, aquests Blancs Trencats, aquests no són Huarache (no huarache, bebè)
Bad bitch, 50th floor, eatin’ Hibachi (come here, baby)
– Gossa dolenta, 50è pis, menjant ‘ Hibachi (vine aquí, nena)
I got 10 missed calls, all my bitches mad at me
– Vaig rebre 10 trucades perdudes, totes les meves gosses enfadades amb mi
Valet park, designer district, I’m going straight to gallery
– Parc d’aparcacotxes, districte de dissenyadors, vaig directament a la galeria
Juggs fiending, yep (yep)
– Juggs fiending, sí (sí)
Phone ringing, yep (brrt)
– Telèfon sonant, sí (brrt)
Niggas hating, yep (nigga)
– Niggas hating, sí (negre)
Jewelry blinging, yep (bling)
– Joieria blinging, sí (bling)
Juggs fiending, yep (brrt)
– Juggs fiending, sí (brrt)
Phone ringing, yep (yep)
– Sona el telèfon, sí (sí)
Niggas hating, yep (nigga)
– Niggas hating, sí (negre)
Jewelry blinging, yep (bling)
– Joieria blinging, sí (bling)
I was bad in fuckin’ school
– He estat maleïda a l’escola
Now I’m tryna dodge a sentence (shit)
– Ara estic intentant esquivar una frase (merda)
Just walked out the Lanvin store
– Acabo de sortir de la botiga Lanvin
Pair of shoes, twelve-fifty (nigga)
– Parell de sabates, dotze-cinquanta (nigga)
You wanna boss up your life?
– Vols dominar la teva vida?
All you gotta do is get in with me (come here, baby)
– Tot el que has de fer és entrar amb mi (vine aquí, nena)
I don’t even pay to get in the club
– Ni tan sols pago per entrar al club
They know I’m a walking ticket (hip-hip)
– Saben que sóc un bitllet per caminar (hip-hip)
I’m presidential leaving the club
– Sóc presidencial abandonant el club
We ain’t stopping at no lights (yoom)
– No ens aturem davant de cap llum (yoom)
You wanna be a boss?
– Vols ser cap?
You gotta pay the price (facts)
– Has de pagar el preu (fets)
Left wrist on frost
– Canell esquerre a les gelades
Look like a bag of ice (bling)
– Sembla una bossa de gel (bling)
I’m driving the Bentley Bentayga
– Estic conduint el Bentley Bentayga
Like I don’t love my life (skrrt)
– Como si no amara mi vida (en castellà)