Ghost Mountain – Apollon Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



The muses on the mountain
– Les muses a la muntanya
By the stream, they descend with the night, yeah
– Al costat del rierol, baixen amb la nit, sí
Marsyas in the garden
– Marsyas al jardí
By the tree where they skinned him alive, yeah
– Al costat de l’arbre on el van escorxar viu, sí
Don’t waste away, why you lookin’ back?
– No et perdis, per què mires enrere?
Don’t try me now, can’t break through that
– No em provis ara, no puc trencar-ho
Fallen with the sun, but it’s not enough
– Caigut amb el sol, però no n’hi ha prou
Not enough, not enough
– No prou, no prou

Was seven strong, now I’m dead and gone
– Tenia set forts, ara estic mort i me n’he anat
Cut off my wings by the break of dawn
– Talla’m les ales a trenc d’alba
I sang the song, now it’s said and done
– Vaig cantar la cançó, ara està dit i fet
Keep a lyre and a bow like I’m Apollon
– Mantingueu una lira i un arc com jo Sóc Apollon
Was seven strong, now I’m dead and gone
– Tenia set forts, ara estic mort i me n’he anat
The twilight crests as I’m pushing on
– Les crestes crepusculars mentre estic pressionant
I sang the song, now it’s said and done
– Vaig cantar la cançó, ara està dit i fet
Keep a lyre and a bow like I’m Apollon
– Mantingueu una lira i un arc com jo Sóc Apollon

I feel alone when I speak to you
– Em sento sola quan parlo amb tu
Moirai cut the line from my old noose
– Moirai va tallar la línia del meu vell llaç
Does it feel right how we live to you?
– Se sent bé com vivim per a tu?
I’ve been reaching out, but you never knew
– He estat contactant, però mai ho vas saber
Stroke of fate, the circumstance is plain now
– Cop del destí, la circumstància és clara ara
My mistake, just trying not to break down
– El meu error, només intentant no trencar-se
You’re the same, the leaves are falling year-round
– Ets el mateix, les fulles cauen tot l’any
The green ray told by the sundown
– El raig verd explicat per la posta de sol

Was seven strong, now I’m dead and gone
– Tenia set forts, ara estic mort i me n’he anat
Cut off my wings by the break of dawn
– Talla’m les ales a trenc d’alba
I sang the song, now it’s said and done
– Vaig cantar la cançó, ara està dit i fet
Keep a lyre and a bow like I’m Apollon
– Mantingueu una lira i un arc com jo Sóc Apollon
Was seven strong, now I’m dead and gone
– Tenia set forts, ara estic mort i me n’he anat
The twilight crests as I’m pushing on
– Les crestes crepusculars mentre estic pressionant
Sang the song, now it’s said and done
– Va cantar la cançó, ara està dit i fet
Got a lyre and a bow like I’m Apollon
– Tinc una lira i un arc com jo Sóc Apollon

The time to build up is tearing me down
– El moment de construir m’està enderrocant
The time to gather got me casting you out
– El moment de reunir-me em va fer expulsar-te
The time to rain, time to sow
– L’hora de ploure, l’hora de sembrar
Let me go
– Deixa’m anar
Yeah, yeah, nah
– Sí, sí, no
Nah, nah, nah
– No, no, no
Yeah, yeah, nah
– Sí, sí, no
Yeah, yeah
– Sí, sí
– Òscar

Ghost Mountain



