Guns N’ Roses – Sweet Child O’ Mine Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



She’s got a smile that it seems to me
– Té un somriure que em sembla
Reminds me of childhood memories
– Em recorda els records de la infància
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky (Sky)
– On tot era tan fresc com el cel blau brillant (Cel)
Now and then when I see her face
– De tant en tant quan li veig la cara
She takes me away to that special place
– Ella em porta a aquest lloc especial
And if I stared too long, I’d probably break down and cry
– I si mirés massa temps, probablement em trencaria i ploraria

Woah, oh, oh
– Oh, oh, oh
Sweet child o’ mine
– Dolç nen o ‘ meu
Woah, oh, oh, oh
– Oh, oh, oh, oh
Sweet love of mine
– Dolç amor meu

She’s got eyes of the bluest skies
– Té els ulls del cel més blau
As if they thought of rain
– Com si pensessin en la pluja
I’d hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
– No m’agradaria mirar als ulls i veure un gram de dolor
Her hair reminds me of a warm, safe place
– El seu cabell em recorda un lloc càlid i segur
Where, as a child, I’d hide
– On, de petit, m’amagaria
And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by
– I pregueu perquè el tro i la pluja em passin tranquils

Woah, oh, oh
– Oh, oh, oh
Sweet child o’ mine
– Dolç nen o ‘ meu
Woah woah, oh, oh, oh
– Oh, oh, oh, oh
Sweet love of mine
– Dolç amor meu

– Oh!

Oh, oh-oh-yeah
– Oh, oh-oh-sí
Woah, yeah
– Vaja, sí
Woah, oh, h-o
– Oh, oh, oh
Sweet child of mine
– Dolç fill meu
Woah-oh, woah-oh
– Oh,oh, oh
Sweet love of mine
– Dolç amor meu
Woah, oh-oh-oh
– Oh, oh-oh-oh
Sweet child of mine, ooh, yeah
– Dolç fill meu, ooh, sí
– Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Sweet love of mine
– Dolç amor meu

Where do we go?
– On anem?
Where do we go now?
– On anem ara?
Where do we go?
– On anem?
Mm-mm, oh, where do we go?
– On anem?
Where do we go now?
– On anem ara?
Oh, where do we go now? (Where do we go?)
– On anem ara? (On anem?)
Where do we go? (Sweet child)
– On anem? (Nen dolç)
Mm-huh, where do we go now?
– On anem ara?
Ah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-oh (Where do we go? Where do we go?)
– Ah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-oh (On anem? On anem?)
Ooh, where do we go now? (Where do we go?)
– On anem ara? (On anem?)
Uh-uh-uh, uh-uh-uh-oh, wow
– Uh-uh-uh, uh-uh-oh-oh, vaja
Where do we go?
– On anem?
Oh-oh, where do we go now?
– On anem ara?
(Oh) Where do we go, oh-oh-oh-oh? (Oh, wow)
– (Oh) On anem, oh-oh-oh-oh? (Oh, vaja)
Where do we go now?
– On anem ara?
Where do we go?
– On anem?
Woah-oh, where do we go now?
– On anem ara?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
– No, no, no, no, no, no
Sweet child
– Dolç nen
Sweet child of mine
– Dolç fill meu

Guns N’ Roses



