KATSEYE – Touch Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Tocar, tocar, tocar, tocar, tocar
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Vaig pensar en tu massa, molt, molt, molt, molt
Over, over thinking us, us, us, us, us
– Sobre, sobre pensar nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– Perquè has estat tan fora de contacte
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of touch
– Podries haver tingut el meu amor, però estaves tan fora de contacte

Monday, I was dreaming ’bout ya
– Dilluns, estava somiant ‘ bouta
Tuesday, I was waiting near the phone
– Dimarts, estava esperant a prop del telèfon
Two days, wasn’t hearing from ya
– Dos dies, no tenia notícies d’ara
Yeah, what can I say? Oh, baby, I was getting bored
– Sí, què puc dir? Oh, nena, m’estava avorrint
Thursday, I was losing interest
– Dijous vaig perdre l’interès
Friday, you were out there in the cold
– Divendres, estaves allà fora amb el fred
Weekend, you already missed it
– Cap de setmana, ja t’ho vas perdre
I was moving on ’cause you were moving too slow
– Anava endavant perquè anaves massa lent

‘Cause sometimes I’m alone
– Porque a veces estoy solo
Stare out my window
– Mira per la meva finestra
And the moon makes you seem close tonight
– I la lluna et fa semblar a prop aquesta nit

But you been so out of touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Però has estat tan fora de contacte, tacte, tacte, tacte, tacte
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Vaig pensar en tu massa, molt, molt, molt, molt
Over, over thinking us, us, us, us, us
– Sobre, sobre pensar nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– Perquè has estat tan fora de contacte
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of
– Podries haver tingut el meu amor, però estaves tan fora
Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Tocar, tocar, tocar, tocar, tocar
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Vaig pensar en tu massa, molt, molt, molt, molt
Yeah, you went and messed it up, up, up, up, up
– Sí, has anat i ho has desordenat, amunt, amunt, amunt, amunt
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– Perquè has estat tan fora de contacte
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of touch
– Podries haver tingut el meu amor, però estaves tan fora de contacte

First, you’re gonna say you’re sorry
– Primer, diràs que ho sents
Promise you won’t do it anymore
– Promet que ja no ho faràs
Come up with a different story
– Vine amb una història diferent
Yeah, what can I say, say something I ain’t heard before
– Sí, què puc dir, dir alguna cosa que no he sentit abans
I’m too fun to waste my time
– Sóc massa divertit per perdre el temps
Too young to waste one night
– Massa joves per perdre una nit
So here comes some good advice
– Aquí teniu uns bons consells
If I ever call again, don’t press ignore
– Si mai torno a trucar, no premeu ignora

‘Cause sometimes I’m alone
– Porque a veces estoy solo
Stare out my window
– Mira per la meva finestra
And the moon makes you seem close tonight (Woah)
– I la lluna et fa semblar a prop aquesta nit (Uau)

But you been so out of touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Però has estat tan fora de contacte, tacte, tacte, tacte, tacte
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Vaig pensar en tu massa, molt, molt, molt, molt
Over, over thinking us, us, us, us, us
– Sobre, sobre pensar nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres, nosaltres
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– Perquè has estat tan fora de contacte
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of
– Podries haver tingut el meu amor, però estaves tan fora
Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Tocar, tocar, tocar, tocar, tocar
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Vaig pensar en tu massa, molt, molt, molt, molt
Yeah, you went and messed it up, up, up, up, up
– Sí, has anat i ho has desordenat, amunt, amunt, amunt, amunt
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– Perquè has estat tan fora de contacte
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of touch
– Podries haver tingut el meu amor, però estaves tan fora de contacte




