One Direction – Night Changes Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



Goin’ out tonight, changes into something red
– Sortint aquesta nit, es transforma en alguna cosa vermella
Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress
– A la seva mare no li agrada aquest tipus de vestit
Everything she never had, she’s showing off
– Tot el que mai va tenir, ho està mostrant
Driving too fast, moon is breaking through her hair
– Conduint massa ràpid, moon es trenca els cabells
She’s heading for something that she won’t forget
– Es dirigeix a alguna cosa que no oblidarà
Having no regrets is all that she really wants
– No lamentar se és tot el que realment vol

(Ooh) We’re only getting older, baby
– Només ens fem grans, nena
(Ooh) And I’ve been thinking about it lately
– (Ooh) i últimament hi he estat pensant
(Ooh) Does it ever drive you crazy
– Alguna vegada et torna boig
(Ah-ah-ah) Just how fast the night changes?
– (Ah-ah-ah) a quina velocitat canvia la nit?
(Ooh) Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– (Ooh) Tot el que sempre has somiat
(Ooh) Disappearing when you wake up
– Desapareix quan et despertes
(Ooh) But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– Però no hi ha res a témer
(Ah-ah-ah) Even when the night changes
– (Ah-ah-ah) Fins i tot quan la nit canvia
(Ooh) It will never change me and you
– (Ooh) mai canviarà a mi i a tu

Chasing her tonight, doubts are running ’round her head
– Perseguint-la aquesta nit, els dubtes li corren pel cap
He’s waiting, hides behind a cigarette
– Està esperant, s’amaga darrere d’una cigarreta
Heart is beating loud and she doesn’t want it to stop
– El cor batega fort i no vol que s’aturi
Moving too fast, moon is lightin’ up her skin
– Movent-se massa ràpid, moon està aclarint la seva pell
She’s falling, doesn’t even know it yet
– Està caient, encara no ho sap
Having no regrets is all that she really wants
– No lamentar se és tot el que realment vol

(Ooh) We’re only getting older, baby
– Només ens fem grans, nena
(Ooh) And I’ve been thinking about it lately
– (Ooh) i últimament hi he estat pensant
(Ooh) Does it ever drive you crazy
– Alguna vegada et torna boig
(Ah-ah-ah) Just how fast the night changes?
– (Ah-ah-ah) a quina velocitat canvia la nit?
(Ooh) Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– (Ooh) Tot el que sempre has somiat
(Ooh) Disappearing when you wake up
– Desapareix quan et despertes
(Ooh) But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– Però no hi ha res a témer
(Ah-ah-ah) Even when the night changes
– (Ah-ah-ah) Fins i tot quan la nit canvia
(Ooh) It will never change me and you
– (Ooh) mai canviarà a mi i a tu

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Oh, oh, oh, oh
– Oh

Goin’ out tonight, changes into something red
– Sortint aquesta nit, es transforma en alguna cosa vermella
Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress
– A la seva mare no li agrada aquest tipus de vestit
Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost
– Li recorda la peça d’innocència que va perdre

(Ooh) We’re only getting older, baby
– Només ens fem grans, nena
(Ooh) And I’ve been thinking about it lately
– (Ooh) i últimament hi he estat pensant
(Ooh) Does it ever drive you crazy
– Alguna vegada et torna boig
(Ah-ah-ah) Just how fast the night changes?
– (Ah-ah-ah) a quina velocitat canvia la nit?
(Ooh) Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– (Ooh) Tot el que sempre has somiat
(Ooh) Disappearing when you wake up
– Desapareix quan et despertes
(Ooh) But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– Però no hi ha res a témer
(Ah-ah-ah) Even when the night changes
– (Ah-ah-ah) Fins i tot quan la nit canvia
(Ooh) It will never change, baby
– (Ooh) no canviarà mai, nena
(Ooh) It will never change, baby
– (Ooh) no canviarà mai, nena
(Ooh) It will never change me and you
– (Ooh) mai canviarà a mi i a tu

One Direction



