Roxette – It Must Have Been Love Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat

Lay a whisper on my pillow
– Posa un xiuxiueig al meu coixí
Leave the winter on the ground
– Deixeu l’hivern a terra
I wake up lonely, there’s air of silence
– Em desperto sol, hi ha aire de silenci
In the bedroom and all around
– Al dormitori i al voltant

Touch me now, I close my eyes
– Toca’m ara, tanco els ulls
And dream away
– I somiar lluny

It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
– Devia ser bo però d’alguna manera ho vaig perdre
It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
– Des del moment que vam tocar fins que el temps s’havia acabat

Make believing we’re together
– Fer creure que estem junts
That I’m sheltered by your heart
– Que estic protegit pel teu cor
But in and outside, I turned to water
– Però dins I fora, em vaig girar cap a l’aigua
Like a teardrop in your palm
– Com una llàgrima al palmell

And it’s a hard winter’s day
– I és un dia dur d’hivern
I dream away
– Somio lluny

It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat
It was all that I wanted, now, I’m living without
– Era tot el que volia, ara estic vivint sense
It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat
It’s where the water flows, it’s where the wind blows
– És on flueix l’aigua, és on bufa el vent

It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat

It must have been good but I lost it somehow
– Devia ser bo però d’alguna manera ho vaig perdre
It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
– Des del moment que vam tocar fins que el temps s’havia acabat

Yeah, it must have been love but it’s over now
– Sí, deu haver estat amor, però ara s’ha acabat
It was all that I wanted, now, I’m living without
– Era tot el que volia, ara estic vivint sense
It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat
It’s where the water flows, it’s where the wind blows
– És on flueix l’aigua, és on bufa el vent

It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat
It must have been love but it’s over now
– Deu haver estat amor però ara s’ha acabat




