Snoh Aalegra – Nothing Burns Like The Cold (feat. Vince Staples) Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



Can we talk about us
– Podem parlar de nosaltres
Like we care about us?
– Com ens preocupem per nosaltres?
Can we talk about love
– Es pot parlar d’amor
Like we care about love?
– Com ens importa l’amor?

You say let it breathe
– Dius deixa ho respirar
But this pain in my heart can’t let it be
– Però aquest dolor al meu cor no ho pot deixar ser
We both can’t agree
– Tots dos no podem estar d’acord
Then tell me what is the point of-
– Llavors digues-me quin és el punt de-

Nothing burns like the cold, ayy, ayy
– Res crema com el fred, ayy, ayy

Can we talk about us
– Podem parlar de nosaltres
Like we care about us?
– Com ens preocupem per nosaltres?
Can we talk about love
– Es pot parlar d’amor
Like we care about love?
– Com ens importa l’amor?

We can’t let it be
– No podem deixar que sigui
‘Cause we live in a time of make-believe
– Perquè vivim en una època de fantasia
We both can’t agree
– Tots dos no podem estar d’acord
That we’re reachin’ the point of-
– Que estem arribant al punt de-

Nothing burns like the cold, ayy, ayy
– Res crema com el fred, ayy, ayy

Good mornin’, darlin’
– Bon dia, estimada
I see you fallin’
– Et veig caure’
In and out of love
– Dins i fora de l’amor
Is it because you’re cold and heartless?
– És perquè tens fred i sense cor?
Or is it our withdrawals?
– O és la nostra retirada?
Forgotten how to be a part of
– Oblidat de com formar part de
That final scene in Casablanca
– Escena final A Casablanca

I guess the heart is like a time bomb
– Suposo que el cor és com una bomba de rellotgeria
No white horse for you to ride on
– No hi ha cavall blanc per muntar
Bygones be bygones
– Passats passats
My God, you’re beautiful
– Déu meu, ets preciosa
If it was two of you
– Si haguéssiu estat dos
Prolly break the first one’s heart in two
– Proly trenca el primer cor en dos

But second time’s a charm
– Però la segona vegada és un encant
I had a dream you locked your father’s arm
– Vaig tenir un somni vas tancar el braç del teu pare
And mosied down the aisleway
– I moised pel passadís
I know you prolly had a wild day
– Sé que en proly va tenir un dia salvatge
So you should make your way to my place
– Així que hauríeu de fer el vostre camí cap al meu lloc
And we can talk about the things you wanna talk about
– I podem parlar de les coses de què vols parlar

You know, I know
– Saps, ho sé
You know, yeah, you
– Saps, sí, tu
You know, I know
– Saps, ho sé
You know
– Saps

Nothing burns like the cold, ayy, ayy
– Res crema com el fred, ayy, ayy
Nothing burns like the cold, ayy, ayy
– Res crema com el fred, ayy, ayy
Nothing burns like the cold, ayy, ayy
– Res crema com el fred, ayy, ayy
(They say nothing burns like the cold)
– (Diuen que no es crema res com el fred)

I get, get, get
– Tinc, aconsegueixo, aconsegueixo
Get, I get
– Aconsegueix, tinc

Snoh Aalegra



