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8I feel you creeping, I can see you from my shadow
– 8 dw i’n dy deimlo di’n ymlusgo, dw i’n gallu dy weld di o’m cysgod i
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
– Want to jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo saesneg
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
– Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
And possibly bend you over, look back and watch me
– Ac o bosib eich plygu drosodd, edrych yn ôl a gwylio fi
Smack that, all on the floor
– Smacio hynny, i gyd ar y llawr
Smack that, give me some more
– Smack hynny, rhowch ychydig mwy i mi
Smack that, ’til you get sore
– ‘Till you get sad’ till you get sad ’till you get sad’
Smack that, oh ooh
– Smack that, ooh
Upfront style ready to attack now
– Arddull ymlaen llaw yn barod i ymosod nawr
Pull in the parking lot slow with the †lac down
– Tynnu yn y maes parcio yn araf gyda’r € lac i lawr
Konvict’s got the whole thing packed now
– Konvict wedi cael yr holl beth pacio yn awr
Step in the club, the wardobe intact now
– Cam yn y clwb, y wardobe yn gyflawn yn awr
I feel it, don and crack now
– I feel it, don and crack now
Ooh I see it, don’t let back now
– Ooh rwy’n ei weld, peidiwch â gadael yn ôl yn awr
I’ma call her then I put the mack down
– I’ma call her then i put the mack down
Money? No problem, pocket full of that now
– Arian? Dim problem, poced llawn o hynny nawr
I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow
– Rwy’n teimlo eich creeping, gallaf ei weld o fy cysgod
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
– Want to jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo saesneg
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
– Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
And possibly bend you over, look back and watch me
– Ac o bosib eich plygu drosodd, edrych yn ôl a gwylio fi
Smack that, all on the floor
– Smacio hynny, i gyd ar y llawr
Smack that, give me some more
– Smack hynny, rhowch ychydig mwy i mi
Smack that, ’til you get sore
– ‘Till you get sad’ till you get sad ’till you get sad’
Smack that, oh ohh
– Smack that, oh ohh
Oh, looks like another club banger
– O, yn edrych fel banger clwb arall
They better hang on when they throw this thing on
– Maent yn well hongian ar pan fyddant yn taflu’r peth hwn ar
Get a lil’ drink on
– Add a lil ‘ drink
They gonna flip for this Akon shit
– Maen nhw’n mynd i fflipio am Y cachu Akon hwn
You can bank on it
– Gallwch fancio arno
Pedicure, manicure, kitty-cat claws
– Pedicure, manicure,kitty-crafangau cathod
The way she climbs up and down them poles
– Y ffordd mae hi’n dringo i fyny ac i lawr eu polion
Looking like one of them putty-cat dolls
– Add a putty-cat dolls
Trying to hold my woodie back through my drawers
– Ceisio dal fy nghoed yn ôl drwy fy nrws
Steps upstage, didn’t think I saw
– I fyny’r grisiau, doeddwn I ddim yn meddwl fy mod yn gweld
Creeps up behind me, and she’s like, “You’re…”
– Mae hi’n sefyll y tu ôl i mi, ac mae hi fel, “rydych chi…”
I’m like, “I know, let’s cut to the chase
– I am like, ” I know, let’s cut to the chase
No time to waste, back to my place”
– Dim amser i’w wastraffu, yn ôl i’m lle”
Plus from the club to the crib it’s like a mile away
– Mwy o’r clwb i’r crib mae fel milltir i ffwrdd
Or more like a palace, shall I say
– Neu fwy fel palas, byddaf yn dweud
And plus I got pal if your gal is game
– A plus cefais pal os yw eich gal yn gêm
In fact he’s the one singing the song that’s playing
– Yn wir, ef yw’r un sy’n canu’r gân sy’n chwarae
– Akon!
I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow
– Rwy’n teimlo eich creeping, gallaf ei weld o fy cysgod
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
– Want to jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo saesneg
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
– Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
And possibly bend you over, look back and watch me
– Ac o bosib eich plygu drosodd, edrych yn ôl a gwylio fi
Smack that, all on the floor
– Smacio hynny, i gyd ar y llawr
Smack that, give me some more
– Smack hynny, rhowch ychydig mwy i mi
Smack that, ’til you get sore
– ‘Till you get sad’ till you get sad ’till you get sad’
Smack that, oh ooh
– Smack that, ooh
Eminem’s rollin’, D an’ †em rollin’
– Eminem yn rollin’, D yn ‘†em rollin’
Boo and ol’ Marvelous an’ them rollin’
– Boo and ol ‘Marvelous yn ‘ them rollin’
Women just hoein’, big booty rollin’
– Women just hoein’, big booty rollin’
Soon I be all in ’em an’ throwin’ D
– Soon I be all in ’em an’ throwin ‘ D
Hittin’ no less than three
– Dim llai na thri
Block wheel style, like whee
– Arddull olwyn bloc, fel gwichian
Girl I can tell you want me ’cause lately
– Merch y gallaf ddweud wrthych chi am i mi ‘ achos yn ddiweddar
I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow
– Rwy’n teimlo eich creeping, gallaf ei weld o fy cysgod
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
– Want to jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo saesneg
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
– Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
And possibly bend you over, look back and watch me
– Ac o bosib eich plygu drosodd, edrych yn ôl a gwylio fi
Smack that, all on the floor
– Smacio hynny, i gyd ar y llawr
Smack that, give me some more
– Smack hynny, rhowch ychydig mwy i mi
Smack that, ’til you get sore
– ‘Till you get sad’ till you get sad ’till you get sad’
Smack that, oh ooh
– Smack that, ooh