Bhad Bhabie – OG Crashout Saesneg Lyrics & Cymru Cyfieithiadau

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‘Cause that’s Bhad Bhabie, Bhad Bhabie’s going to do what Bhad Bhabie’s gonna fucking do (Ayo, X9), and there’s nothing you can do about it
– ‘Cause that’s Bhad Bhabie, Bhad Bhabie’s gonna do what Bhad Bhabie’s gonna fucking do (Ayo, X9), and there’s nothing you can do about it
She’s gonna fucking win, win, win, win, win
– Ennill, ennill, ennill, ennill
The fuck you talkin’ about?
– Y fuck chi siarad am?

I don’t know who gassed these bitches up, but somethin’ needa be said (Somethin’ needa be said)
– Nid wyf yn gwybod pwy a gasglodd y bitches hyn, ond mae angen dweud rhywbeth (Somethin’ needa be said)
How ‘dis bitch think she ate? She just another bitch that I fed
– Sut mae dis bitch yn meddwl ei bod hi’n bwyta? Hi yn unig ast arall yr wyf yn bwydo
Why you all in that man face, my pussy’s still on his breath (On his breath)
– Pam rydych chi i gyd yn wyneb y dyn hwnnw, mae fy pussy yn dal ar ei anadl (Ar ei anadl)
I heard there’s money on Ve’s head, but ain’t nobody ’round here dead
– Clywais fod arian ar Ben Ve, ond nid oes neb ‘ rownd yma wedi marw
Bitch, keep talkin’ like you hot, I’ll have ’em layin’ at yo’ spot (Layin’ at yo’ spot)
– Yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf yf
OG crash out with the drum, I blink one-eighty-two shots
– Og damwain allan gyda’r drwm, rwy’n blink un-wyth deg dau ergyd
You the cry baby, you callin’ Ye ’bout the last diss that I dropped (Cry baby)
– You the cry baby, you callin’ Ye ’bout the last diss that I dropped (chi y cry baby)
You keep runnin’ back to your daddy, I don’t know when I last seen my pops (No)
– Rydych chi’n dal i redeg yn ôl at eich tad, nid wyf yn gwybod pryd y gwelais fy pops ddiwethaf
I just killed you on my third diss and my last one still hot (Still hot)
– I just killed you on my third diss and my last one still hot (fi jyst lladd chi ar fy trydydd diss a fy un olaf yn dal yn boeth)
All ’em whips you seen in my last video, ain’t none of them shit props (Nope)
– Mae pob ‘ em chwipiau a welsoch yn fy fideo diwethaf, nid oes yr un ohonynt props cachu (Nope)
Bitch, you scared, you postin’ up Big Mama like she with you, bitch, you weird
– Bitch, rydych chi’n ofnus, rydych chi’n postio i Fyny Mama Mawr fel hi gyda chi, bitch, rydych chi’n rhyfedd
Miss Piggy used to be fat before the Ozempic
– Roedd Miss Piggy yn arfer bod yn dew cyn yr Ozempic
You’s a bop, bop, bop, tryna use me for my name (Use me for my name)
– You are a bop, bop, bop, tryna use me for my name (Defnyddio fi ar gyfer fy enw)
If I crash out, mama crash out too, we got the same DNA
– If I crash out, mama crash out too, we got the same DNA
You worry ’bout Bhabie killin’ this baby when that baby killin’ ’em babies
– You worry ’bout Bhabie killin’ this baby when that baby killin ” em babes
Guess you really ain’t Daddy, baby, I’ma show you how to be a lady
– Mae’n debyg Nad Ydych Yn Dad, babi, yr wyf yn dangos i chi sut i fod yn fenyw
Fuck this big bitch, I ain’t trippin’, get your foot out
– Fuck this big bitch, i ain’t trippin’, get yr foot out
Surround yourself with Blacks but still invited to the cookout, cracker bitch (Bitch)
– Amgylchynwch eich hun gyda Duon ond yn dal i gael eu gwahodd i’r cookout, cracker bitch (Bitch)
I ain’t backin’ down from shit, I feel like Curtis Jackson (Feel like Curtis Jackson)
– Nid wyf yn teimlo Fel Curtis Jackson (I feel like Curtis Jackson)
I gave the a belt the ass, and the whole world when this would happen
– Rhoddais y gwregys yr asyn, a’r byd i gyd pan fyddai hyn yn digwydd
How you born rich and you actin’ ratchet? You movin’ backwards
– Sut wnaethoch chi gael eich geni a’ch magu yng nghymru? Symud yn ôl
How you got Atlanta accent? You foolin’ me, you from Calabasas
– Sut gawsoch chi atlanta accent? You foolin ‘ me, You from Bala-cynwyd
I’ma make sure this the last song you gon’ make about me (Bitch)
– I ‘make sure this the last song you gon’ make about me (Bitch)
Face to face, you can’t do that with no makeup (No)
– Ni allwch wneud hynny heb unrhyw gyfansoddiad (No)
AP buss all the way down, your time on Jacob (Jacob)
– BWS YR HOLL ffordd i lawr, eich amser Ar Jacob (Jacob)
Every time you get a friend, you fucked they man, that’s why they break up (Bitch)
– Bob tro y byddwch chi’n cael ffrind, rydych chi’n fucked dyn nhw, dyna pam maen nhw’n torri i fyny (Ast)
I think this ass fat just like Ari’, who gon’ say so? (Who?)
– Rwy’n credu bod y braster asyn hwn yn union fel Ari’, pwy gon ‘ ddweud hynny? (Pwy?)
You goin’ hard to get a plaque, but still can’t make one (Nope)
– Rydych chi’n cael trafferth cael plac, ond dal ddim yn gallu gwneud un (Nope)
When you see me, you gon’ whoop me, bitch, where? (Haha)
– Pan fyddwch chi’n fy ngweld, rydych chi’n gon’ pwy ydw i, bitch, ble? (Haha)
Who the hell said that ‘Bama do it better, bitch, where?
– Pwy y uffern a ddywedodd Bod ‘ Bama yn ei wneud yn well, bitch, ble?
Lyin’ ’bout me, must be somethin’ in your teeth, bitch, where? (Bitch, where?)
– “Mae rhaid i fi fod yn rhywle yn fy nhyb i,” ebe fe, ” ble?” [Branwyn (lisa)] where?)
I know that you a 304, not me, bitch, where?
– 304 edu dw i (ddi) m yn (ddi) m yn (ddi) m yn (ddi) m yn (ddi) m?
I swear to God, this ho delusional, you know that bitch weird (Weird bitch)
– I swear to God, this ho delusional, you know that bitch weird (weird bitch)
I done made a couple M’s off OnlyFans, right here
– I done made a couple M’s off OnlyFans, right here
Ask Camilla, she’d tell you this stupid bitch weird (Weird bitch)
– Ask Camilla, she’d tell you this stupid bitch weird (ast Rhyfedd)
Why this bitch keep my name in her mouth? Bitch, weird
– Pam mae’r ast hon yn cadw fy enw yn ei cheg? Bitch, rhyfedd
You weird-ass bitch
– You weird-ass bitch

Bhad Bhabie



