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Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi
Hopin’ my thug motherfuckers know
– Gawd damn gif know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– This be the realest shit i ever write, against all odds
Up in the studio, gettin’ blowed
– I fyny yn y stiwdio, gettin ‘ blowed
To the truest shit I ever spoke, against all odds
– I’r cachu truest siaradais erioed, yn erbyn pob odd
Hopin’ my true motherfuckers know
– Fuck buddy hills know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– This be the realest shit i ever write, against all odds
Up in the studio, gettin’ blowed
– I fyny yn y stiwdio, gettin ‘ blowed
To the truest shit I ever spoke (Come on) (21-gun salute)
– I’r cachu truest siaradais erioed (Dewch ymlaen) (salute 21-gwn)
I’m holding Irv responsible, the Cookie Monster of Rap
– Rwy’n dal Irv yn gyfrifol, The Cookie Monster of Rap
Won’t give Hailie back her Oscar, they lost it up Ja Rule’s ass
– Won’t give Hailie back her Oscar, they lost it up ja Rule’s ass
We forgot an Oscar’s a statue of a naked man
– Dyn wedi anghofio Cerflun Oscar o ddyn noeth
He told her if she goes to take it back that he’ll break her hand (Grr)
– Dywedodd wrthi os bydd hi’n mynd ag ef yn ôl y bydd yn torri ei llaw (Grr)
But that’s okay, baby, let’s leave this faggot alone
– Ond mae hynny’n iawn, babi, gadewch i ni adael y faggot hwn ar ei ben ei hun
Let him have it, next your daddy’ll bring you home two more
– Bydd eich tad yn dod â chi adre / your dad will bring you home
And remember that pretty little dress that you wore
– A chofiwch y ffrog fach bert honno a wisgoch
To his show to match his when we saw him perform? (Yeah?)
– I’w sioe i gyd-fynd â’i waith pan welsom ef yn perfformio? (Ie?)
Well, we gon’ send that to his son (You mean his son is a girl?)
– Wel, rydym yn gon ‘ anfon hynny at ei fab (rydych yn golygu ei fab yn ferch?)
No, but he likes to dress like one (Haha)
– Na, ond mae’n hoffi gwisgo fel un (Haha)
And I think he’s got a daughter too
– Mae ganddo ferch hefyd
But we ain’t gotta talk about his dirty-ass little kids like he did to you
– Ond nid ydym yn gotta siarad am ei brwnt-ass bach fel y gwnaeth i chi
‘Cause we don’t need to stoop to Ja Rule’s level
– Nid oes angen i Chi gofrestru i Bleidleisio
‘Cause if we do, then that would (Yo) mean that we’d only be one-foot-two
– ‘Achos os gwnawn ni, yna byddai Hynny (Yo) yn golygu mai dim ond un troedfedd-dau fyddwn ni
Then we’d be as tall as the statue we shoved up his ass
– Yna byddwn yn mor uchel fel y cerflun rydym yn gwthio i fyny ei asyn
And then who knows? He might have room to fit us up there too
– A phwy a ŵyr? Efallai y bydd ganddo le i’n ffitio i fyny yno hefyd
Aight, big ears, it’s time for you to go upstairs, boo
– Ystyr geiriau: mae’n amser i chi fynd i fyny grisiau, boo
Give Daddy kisses (*Kiss*), Kim, you fuckin’ slut, where are you?
– Kiss Daddy kisses (*Kiss*), Kim, rydych fuckin’ slut, ble ydych chi?
Come put Hailie to bed, I’ll be finished with this shit in a minute
– Come put Hailie to bed, i’ll be finished with this shit in a minute
Just in time for you to make the last call at fuckin’ Skinnies
– Dim ond mewn pryd i chi wneud y galwad olaf yn Fuckin ‘ Skinnies
Hailie’s gone, what’s up now, punk? Since you brought her up
– Mae hayley wedi mynd, beth sydd i fyny nawr, punk? Ers i chi ddod â hi i fyny
Let’s talk about her, chump, you already called her a slut
– Ystyr geiriau: gadewch i ni siarad am ei, chump, yr ydych eisoes yn galw ei slut
Bitch, don’t you ever question how we bring our daughter up
– Ast, peidiwch byth â chwestiynu sut rydyn ni’n dod â’n merch i fyny
You don’t even raise your kids, your waddlin’ Donald Duck
– Nid ydych chi hyd yn oed yn codi eich plant, eich waddlin ‘ Donald Duck
Fat-ass bitch of a wife who lives at McDonald’s does
– Gwraig sy’n byw Yn Mcdonald’s
You stay in LA and tryna parlay with all the plugs
– Yn dyddio yn LA a tryna parlay gyda’r holl plygiau
Beggin’ Suge to get him to follow you to all the clubs
– Cliciwch yma i fynd ag ef i bob clwb
But you’re too dumb to see that your publishing’s all he wants
– Ond rydych yn rhy fud i weld bod eich cyhoeddi i gyd ei eisiau
Thinkin’ you friends ’til he gets it and you’re the next rapper
– Meddyliwch ‘eich ffrindiau’ nes iddo ei gael a chi yw’r rapiwr nesaf
Sittin’ on the passenger side of that Benz that gets hit again
– Yn eistedd ar ochr y teithiwr O’r Benz sy’n cael ei daro eto
And LAPD’ll be sayin’, “Who did this shit again?”
– A BYDD LAPD yn dweud’, “Pwy wnaeth y cachu yma eto?”
Knowin’ who did it, but still nobody admits it
– Gwybod ‘ pwy wnaeth, ond dal neb yn cyfaddef ei fod
But if I get killed for this shit, I know who did it
– Ond os caf fy lladd am y cachu hwn, gwn pwy a’i gwnaeth
Y’all ain’t gotta go to limits to solve it, just expect a visit
– Nid oes rhaid i bawb fynd i gyfyngiadau i’w datrys, dim ond disgwyl ymweliad
From forty to fifty vatos on your steps, ready, set to let the shots go
– O ddeugain i hanner cant o vatos ar eich camau, yn barod, yn barod i adael i’r ergydion fynd
Pac, tell ’em who shot ya (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Pac, tell ‘ em who shot ya (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
I’m holdin’ Suge responsible for the deaths of the two greatest rappers to ever grace the face of this planet (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Rwy’n dal Suge sy’n gyfrifol am farwolaethau’r ddau rapiwr mwyaf i erioed ras wyneb y blaned hon (suge shot me, Suge shot me)
If only the late great Mr. Christopher Wallace could talk, he could tell you himself (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Pe bai Dim ond y diweddar fawr Mr Christopher Wallace yn gallu siarad, gallai ddweud wrthych chi ei hun (saethodd Suge fi, saethodd Suge fi)
I’m holdin’ Suge responsible for the death of Ja Rule or anyone else down with Tha Row (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– I am holdin ‘ Suge responsible for the death of Ja Rule or anyone else down with Tha Row (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
In the immortal words of Pac, speaking for me and any other rapper next to get shot (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Yng ngeiriau anfarwol Pac, yn siarad drosof fi ac unrhyw rapiwr arall wrth ymyl get shot (suge shot me, Suge shot me)
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Ond byddaf yn datgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os yw’n fy lladd
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Ond byddaf yn datgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os yw’n fy lladd
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Ond byddaf yn datgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os yw’n fy lladd
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me (And it probably will)
– Ond dwi’n mynd i ddatgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os bydd yn fy lladd (ac mae’n debyg y bydd)
I don’t know why the fuck you even gotta get me started
– Nid wyf yn gwybod pam y fuck chi hyd yn oed gotta get i mi ddechrau
I swear to God, you gotta be retarded, you’re regarded
– I swear To God, you gotta be retarded, you gotta be retarded, you’re reviewed
The hardest workin’ artist since Pac? Stop, no, you’re not
– Yr artist anoddaf ers Pac? Stopiwch, nid ydych chi
Oh my God, knock it off, Ja, get off his jock
– O Fy Nuw, ei guro i ffwrdd, Ja, ewch oddi ar ei jock
You spoke on the Doctor, that’s vodka
– Siarad ar Y Doctor, dyna fodca
That ain’t Ja talkin’, Dre, give me the word, I’ll sock him
– Nid yw Hynny’n Ja talkin’, Dre, rhowch y gair i mi, byddaf yn sock him
The fuck is the problem? Let’s get to the root
– Y fuck yw’r broblem? Gadewch i ni gyrraedd y gwraidd
Irv’s brother ain’t the only one shootin’ himself in the foot
– Nid yw brawd Irv yw’r unig un saethu ei hun yn y droed
To say that they jumped out of a window and hit the pavement
– I ddweud eu bod yn neidio allan o ffenestr a tharo’r palmant
Off the Empire State Building would be an understatement
– Byddai gadael Yr Empire State Building yn annerbyniol
It’d be an understatement to say that they made a fatal fuckin’ mistake
– I am afraid to say they made a goddamn error
For fuck’s sake, what did you just take?
– Fuck’s sake, beth wnaethoch chi ei gymryd?
Let me get some of whatever you’re on to be where you at
– Gadewch i mi gael rhywfaint o beth bynnag yr ydych ar i fod yn lle rydych yn
‘Cause you gotta be a fuckin’ moron to even do that
– You gotta be a goddamn moron to do it
Roll it up, smoke it, and throw on a freakin’ durag
– Roll it up, smoke it, and throw on a freakin ‘ durag
Ja, you got “Outlaw” on your forearm, let’s see the new tat
– Ja, cawsoch ” Gwaharddiad” ar eich blaen, gadewch i ni weld y tat newydd
You gotta be seein’ somethin’ we don’t see
– Rhaid i chi fod yn gweld rhywbeth nad ydym yn ei weld
Let us know if you know something we don’t, please
– Gadewch i ni wybod os ydych yn gwybod rhywbeth nad ydym yn ei wneud, os gwelwch yn dda
‘Cause I just don’t see the vision, you ain’t even our division
– ‘Achos dydw i ddim yn gweld y weledigaeth, nid ydych hyd yn oed yn ein rhannu
You might even fuckin’ die, and it ain’t even our decision
– Efallai y byddwch hyd yn oed yn fuckin ‘ marw, ac nid yw’n hyd yn oed ein penderfyniad
You made a deal with the devil who’s giving you his permission
– Rydych chi wedi gwneud cytundeb gyda’r diafol sy’n rhoi ei ganiatâd i chi
To imitate a legend we all love so much, we miss him
– I efelychu chwedl yr ydym i gyd yn ei charu gymaint, rydym yn ei golli
And now this shit’s just getting disgusting ’cause it’s sickening
– Ac yn awr mae hyn yn shit yn unig yn mynd yn ffiaidd ‘ achos mae’n sickening
‘Cause we see it, but no one says a fuckin’ thing
– Ystyr geiriau: ond nid oes unrhyw un yn dweud a fuckin ‘ peth
We just pretend that it doesn’t exist, but it does, and it’s been itching
– Rydym yn unig esgus nad yw’n bodoli, ond mae’n ei wneud, ac mae wedi bod yn cosi
And just eatin’ at me so fucking much, and it’s just gettin’
– A dim ond yn bwyta’ ar mi mor fucking llawer, ac mae’n dim ond gettin’
To the point you might as well go to Suge, assume position
– I’r pwynt y gallech chi hefyd fynd I Suge, cymryd swydd
Drop to your fuckin’ knees and just suck his fuckin’ dick and
– Fuck buddy a fuck buddy af af af af af af af af af af af af af af
Get it over with, your reign is over with, and you know this shit
– Ystyr geiriau: mae eich teyrnasiad drosodd gyda, ac rydych yn gwybod hyn cachu
You just don’t want no one to notice it, that Jodeci shit
– Nid ydych am i neb sylwi arno, Y jodeci cachu
Ain’t even entertaining, you’re crying, your voice is straining like you dying
– Nid yw hyd yn oed yn ddifyr, rydych chi’n crio, mae eich llais yn straenio fel eich bod chi’n marw
But look in the sky, it ain’t even raining, come outta the rain
– Ond edrychwch yn yr awyr, nid yw hyd yn oed yn bwrw glaw, dewch allan o’r glaw
Hopin’ my thug motherfuckers know
– Gawd damn gif know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– This be the realest shit i ever write, against all odds
Up in the studio gettin’ blowed
– I fyny yn y stiwdio gettin ‘ blowed
To the truest shit I ever spoke, against all odds
– I’r cachu truest siaradais erioed, yn erbyn pob odd
Hopin’ my true motherfuckers know
– Fuck buddy hills know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– This be the realest shit i ever write, against all odds
Up in the studio gettin’ blowed
– I fyny yn y stiwdio gettin ‘ blowed
To the truest shit I ever spoke, against all odds
– I’r cachu truest siaradais erioed, yn erbyn pob odd
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Ond byddaf yn datgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os yw’n fy lladd
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Ond byddaf yn datgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os yw’n fy lladd
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Ond byddaf yn datgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os yw’n fy lladd
This game is gonna be the death of me
– This game is gonna be the death of me
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me (And it probably will)
– Ond dwi’n mynd i ddatgelu’r gwir hyd yn oed os bydd yn fy lladd (ac mae’n debyg y bydd)
Stupid, I’m gonna make you shut up once I get out there too
– Stupid, i’m gonna make you shut up once I get out there too
Smack you across the face
– Smack chi ar draws y wyneb