The Cure – Alone Saesneg Lyrics & Cymru Cyfieithiadau

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This is the end of every song that we sing
– Dyma ddiwedd pob cân rydyn ni’n ei chanu
The fire burned out to ash and the stars grown dim with tears
– Y tân yn llosgi allan i ludw a’r sêr yn tyfu dim gyda dagrau
Cold and afraid, the ghosts of all that we’ve been
– Oer ac ofn, ysbrydion y cyfan yr ydym wedi bod
We toast with bitter dregs, to our emptiness
– Rydym yn tostio gyda breuddwydion chwerw, i’n gwagle

And the birds falling out of our skies
– A’r adar yn disgyn o’n nefoedd
And the words falling out of our minds
– Geiriau yn disgyn o’n meddyliau
And here is to love, to all the love
– Ac yma i garu, i’r holl gariad
Falling out of our lives
– Disgyn o’n bywydau
Hopes and dreams are gone
– Mae gobeithion a breuddwydion wedi mynd
The end of every song
– Diwedd pob cân

And it all stops
– Ac mae’r cyfan yn stopio
We were always sure that we would never change
– Roeddem bob amser yn sicr na fyddem byth yn newid
And it all stops
– Ac mae’r cyfan yn stopio
We were always sure that we would stay the same
– Roeddem bob amser yn sicr y byddem yn aros yr un fath
But it all stops
– Ond mae’r cyfan yn stopio
And we close our eyes to sleep
– A chau ein llygaid i gysgu
To dream a boy and girl
– Breuddwydio am fachgen a merch
Who dream the world is nothing but a dream
– Pwy sy’n breuddwydio nad yw’r byd yn ddim ond breuddwyd

Where did it go?
– I ble’r aeth e?
Where did it go?
– I ble’r aeth e?
Broken voiced lament to call us home
– Broken voiced lament to call us home
This is this end of every song we sing
– Dyma ddiwedd pob cân rydyn ni’n ei chanu
Where did it go?
– I ble’r aeth e?
Where did it go?
– I ble’r aeth e?
Where did it go?
– I ble’r aeth e?
Where did it go?
– I ble’r aeth e?
Broken voiced lament to call us home
– Broken voiced lament to call us home
This is the end of every song we sing, alone
– Dyma ddiwedd pob cân rydyn ni’n ei chanu, ar ei phen ei hun

The Cure



