Bruno Mars – When I Was Your Man Engelsk Lyrisk & Dansk Translations



Same bed, but it feels just a little bit bigger now
– Samme seng, men det føles bare lidt større nu
Our song on the radio, but it don’t sound the same
– Vores sang i radioen, men det lyder ikke det samme
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
– Når vores venner taler om dig, alt det gør er bare at rive mig ned
‘Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
– Fordi mit hjerte bryder lidt, når jeg hører dit navn

It all just sounds like (Ooh, ooh)
– Det hele lyder bare som (Ooh, ooh)
Mm, too young, too dumb to realize
– Mm, for ung, for dum til at indse

That I should’ve bought you flowers
– At jeg skulle have købt dig blomster
And held your hand
– Og holdt din hånd
Shoulda gave you all my hours
– Shoulda gav dig alle mine timer
When I had the chance
– Da jeg havde chancen
Take you to every party
– Tag dig til hver fest
‘Cause all you wanted to do was dance
– For du ville bare danse
Now my baby’s dancin’
– Nu danser min baby
But she’s dancin’ with another man
– Men hun danser med en anden mand

Uh, my pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways
– Uh, min stolthed, mit ego, mine behov, og mine egoistiske måder
Caused a good, strong woman like you to walk out my life
– Forårsaget en god, stærk kvinde som dig til at gå ud af mit liv
Now I’ll never, never get to clean up the mess I made, oh
– Nu vil jeg aldrig, aldrig komme til at rydde op i det rod, jeg lavede, Åh
And that haunts me every time I close my eyes
– Og det hjemsøger mig hver gang jeg lukker øjnene

It all just sounds like (Ooh, ooh)
– Det hele lyder bare som (Ooh, ooh)
Mm, too young, too dumb to realize
– Mm, for ung, for dum til at indse

That I should’ve bought you flowers
– At jeg skulle have købt dig blomster
And held your hand
– Og holdt din hånd
Shoulda gave you all my hours
– Shoulda gav dig alle mine timer
When I had the chance
– Da jeg havde chancen
Take you to every party
– Tag dig til hver fest
‘Cause all you wanted to do was dance
– For du ville bare danse
Now my baby’s dancin’
– Nu danser min baby
But she’s dancin’ with another man
– Men hun danser med en anden mand

Although it hurts
– Selvom det gør ondt
I’ll be the first to say that
– Jeg vil være den første til at sige det
I was wrong
– Jeg tog fejl
Oh, I know I’m probably much too late
– Åh, jeg ved, at jeg sandsynligvis er alt for sent
To try and apologize for my mistakes
– At forsøge at undskylde for mine fejl
But I just want you to know
– Men jeg vil bare have dig til at vide

I hope he buys you flowers
– Jeg håber, han køber dig blomster
I hope he holds your hand
– Jeg håber, han holder din hånd
Give you all his hours
– Giv dig alle hans timer
When he has the chance
– Når han har chancen
Take you to every party
– Tag dig til hver fest
‘Cause I remember how much you love to dance
– Fordi jeg husker, hvor meget du elsker at danse
Do all the things I should’ve done
– Gør alle de ting, jeg skulle have gjort
When I was your man
– Da jeg var din mand
Do all the things I should’ve done
– Gør alle de ting, jeg skulle have gjort
When I was your man
– Da jeg var din mand

Bruno Mars



