小蓝背心 – 目及皆是你 Chinese Lyrics English Translations

玻璃上的雾气 我临摹一个你
– I copy you from the fog on the glass
– Penetrate the scenery and fall into your eyes
离地心几英里 我温暖包裹你
– A few miles from the center of the earth, I will wrap you warm
– Say love in the season north of the equator

等霜雪落满地 风吹暖暖四季
– Wait for frost and snow to fall all over the ground and the wind to blow warm four seasons
– Wait for the earth to rotate and shine on you
我栖息的星系 有微光折射你
– The galaxy I inhabit has shimmer refracting you
– It was me who fled gravity and foreshadowed the encounter
– Are you ready

我戒不掉你 像戒不了呼吸
– I can’t quit you like I can’t quit breathing
漫长的距离 我用思念来代替
– I replace the long distance with thoughts
这寂寞星系 浪漫是你
– This lonely galaxy romance is you
– As long as you are attracted to the quest of a lifetime

你就像氧气 没你不能呼吸
– You’re like oxygen. You can’t breathe without it.
我波澜四起 心动好几个世纪
– I have been in my heart for centuries
手写的结局 用幸福延续
– Handwritten ending continues with happiness
– My heart is gentle to you
Baby I love you
– Baby I love you

等霜雪落满地 风吹暖暖四季
– Wait for frost and snow to fall all over the ground and the wind to blow warm four seasons
– Wait for the earth to rotate and shine on you
我栖息的星系 有微光折射你
– The galaxy I inhabit has shimmer refracting you
– It was me who fled gravity and foreshadowed the encounter
– Are you ready

我戒不掉你 像戒不了呼吸
– I can’t quit you like I can’t quit breathing
漫长的距离 我用思念来代替
– I replace the long distance with thoughts
这寂寞星系 浪漫是你
– This lonely galaxy romance is you
– As long as you are attracted to the quest of a lifetime

你就像氧气 没你不能呼吸
– You’re like oxygen. You can’t breathe without it.
我波澜四起 心动好几个世纪
– I have been in my heart for centuries
手写的结局 用幸福延续
– Handwritten ending continues with happiness
– My heart is gentle to you
Baby I love you
– Baby I love you

我戒不掉你 像戒不了呼吸
– I can’t quit you like I can’t quit breathing
漫长的距离 我用思念来代替
– I replace the long distance with thoughts
这寂寞星系 浪漫是你
– This lonely galaxy romance is you
– As long as you are attracted to the quest of a lifetime

你就像氧气 没你不能呼吸
– You’re like oxygen. You can’t breathe without it.
我波澜四起 心动好几个世纪
– I have been in my heart for centuries
手写的结局 用幸福延续
– Handwritten ending continues with happiness
– My heart is gentle to you
Baby I love you
– Baby I love you






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