常勇, 許佳麟, 陳培永 & 舒森 – 好運的人啊 Chinese Lyrics English Translations

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好煩的事啊 踹一腳
– It’s annoying, kick it
好運的你 步步高
– Good luck backgammon

十月懷胎 五個兄弟
– Pregnant with five brothers in October
古靈精怪 三頭六臂
– Ancient spirit, three heads and six arms
手上握劍器 震驚天與地
– Holding a sword in his hand shocked the sky and the earth
– All eighteen martial arts

凶惡年獸 除夕來襲(來襲)
– The vicious New Year Beast strikes on New Year’s Eve (strikes)
破壞石橋 夷為平地
– Destroy the stone bridge and flatten it to the ground
村民百姓 戰戰又兢兢
– The villagers are fighting and conscientious
– Just for safety, smoothness and profit

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好煩的事啊 踹一腳
– It’s annoying, kick it
好運的你 身體好
– Good luck, you are in good health

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好運的新年 來啊已來到 喔喔
– Good luck, the New Year is here, it’s here

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好煩的事啊 踹一腳
– It’s annoying, kick it
好運的你 步步高
– Good luck backgammon

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好運的新年 來啊已來到
– The new Year of good luck has come
– La la la la la

左邊山腰 右邊壁峭
– The mountainside on the left and the cliff on the right are steep
原始生活 简单粗暴
– Primitive life is simple and rough
白天满山跑 晚上不睡覺
– Run all over the mountains during the day and don’t sleep at night
半夜冷 互相拥抱
– Hug each other in the middle of the night

部落首领 吹着口哨
– The tribal leader whistled
召集全族人 来祈祷
– Summon all the people to pray
– Regardless of the previous life, the afterlife or the present
– I just ask you to be well

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好煩的事啊 踹一腳
– It’s annoying, kick it
好運的你 身體好
– Good luck, you are in good health

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好運的新年 來啊已來到
– The new Year of good luck has come
– La la la la la

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好煩的事啊 踹一腳
– It’s annoying, kick it
好運的你 步步高
– Good luck backgammon

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好運的新年 來啊已來到
– The new Year of good luck has come

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好煩的事啊 踹一腳
– It’s annoying, kick it
好運的你 步步高
– Good luck backgammon

好運的人啊 笑一笑
– Good luck, smile
好運的人啊 搖一搖
– Good luck people, shake it
好運的新年 來啊已來到
– The new Year of good luck has come
– La la la la la

好運的你 好運的我
– Good luck to you, good luck to me
好運的新年 來啊已來到
– The new Year of good luck has come
– La la la la la





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