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Джере-джере-джерело пробива собі шлях
– Jere-Jere-the source of making its way
Що би що би не було, світ на її плечах
– Whatever it is, the world is on her shoulders
Мані-мані-манівці звивисті, скелясті
– Mani-Mani-manovtsy winding, rocky
Але знай: в твоїй руці твоє власне щастя
– But know this: in your hand is your own happiness
З нами Мама Тереза і Діва Марія
– Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary are with us
Босі, ніби по лезу, йшли по землі
– Barefoot, as if on a blade, walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
– With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as the human beings
– All the Divas were born as the human beings
З нами Мама Тереза і Діва Марія
– Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary are with us
Босі, ніби по лезу, йшли по землі
– Barefoot, as if on a blade, walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
– With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as the human beings
– All the Divas were born as the human beings
Навіть ще змаля ми шукали шлях
– Even when we were young we were looking for a way
Та життя – петля, ніби для тих, хто падає
– And life is a loop, as if for those who fall
На своїх плечах ще мале дівча
– On their shoulders is still a small girl
Несе з болю чан і вбача, що то вада є
– Carries with pain a VAT and sees that there is a flaw
Знову не така, то надто м’яка
– Again not so, then too soft
Одяг на кістках, голяка чи то під вінець
– Clothes on the bones, naked or down the aisle
Де твоє дитя? Що твоє життя?
– Where’s your baby? What is your life?
Та роки ж летять! І затям: скоро вже кінець
– But the years fly by! And remember: the end is coming soon
І хай хтось хоче аби ми зламались
– And let someone want us to break down
Хай бува в тобі заряду не по лікоть, а по палець
– Let by chance in you the charge is not up to the elbow, but up to the finger
І хай хтось хова за посмішкою ненависть і заздрість
– And let someone hide behind a smile hatred and envy
Коли ти пускаєш в серце гнів, добра й любові замість
– When you let anger, kindness and love into your heart instead
Але в небі є святі, їх ноги бачили цю землю, знаєш
– But there are saints in the sky, their feet have seen this land, you know
Твій тернистий шлях саме тому є не даремно
– Your thorny path is why it is not in vain
І хай буде дуже страшно й темно і часом не легко
– And let it be very scary and dark and sometimes not easy
Та з тобою завжди будуть з неба слідувати предки
– Yes with you will always follow from the sky ancestors
З нами Мама Тереза і Діва Марія
– Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary are with us
Босі, ніби по лезу, йшли по землі
– Barefoot, as if on a blade, walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
– With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as the human beings
– All the Divas were born as the human beings
З нами Мама Тереза і Діва Марія
– Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary are with us
Босі, ніби по лезу, йшли по землі
– Barefoot, as if on a blade, walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
– With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as the human beings
– All the Divas were born as the human beings