Video Clip
Haklı olsaydın konuşmazdım
– If you were right, I wouldn’t talk
Haksızsın diye geldim bunu küpe gibi tak
– I came because you’re unfair, wear it like an earring
İnsan değil miyiz aşk olsun
– Are we not human, let it be love
Hadi eyvallah buda kapak olsun
– Come on, thank you, let the buddha cover
Bro microphone’u pas birde ses ver
– Pass the bro microphone and give voice
Aksın sokaklara Mercedes Benz’ler
– Take Mercedes Benz Cars to the streets
Düşmesin karambol de exese gençler
– Do not fall carom de exam young people
Kes tozu nefesini kesmeden neşter
– Cut the dust without taking your breath scalpel
Defto da izza Hammcity, Berlin
– Defto da izza Hammcity, Berlin
Kreuzberg kanak sound cam gibi keskin
– Kreuzberg kanak sound is sharp as glass
Burada bi’ defa artistlik edersin
– You’ll be an artist here for once
Atarla gelirsin takarlar gidersin (ogzzfreezy)
– You come with a horse, they wear them, you go (ogzzfreezy)
Bırak ayakları işlemez aslan
– Let the feet do not move, lion
Safkan mc çek sisteme pumpgun
– Purebred mc check pumpgun into the system
Sıra sana gelir listede varsan
– It’s your turn if you’re on the list
Zirve de tekeri çevirdik virajdan
– At the summit we turned the wheel from the bend
Bu s*it herkesten çok iyi ve önde
– This s**t is so good and ahead of everyone else
Ama sular akmıyodu Boe B’den önce
– But the waters did not flow before Boe B
Almanya sokakları morfinli gövde
– The streets of Germany morphine body
Çok riskli bölge polise görünme
– Very risky area do not appear to the police
Haklı olsaydın konuşmazdım
– If you were right, I wouldn’t talk
Haksızsın diye geldim bunu küpe gibi tak
– I came because you’re unfair, wear it like an earring
İnsan değil miyiz aşk olsun
– Are we not human, let it be love
Hadi eyvallah buda kapak olsun
– Come on, thank you, let the buddha cover
Yine konuşur diyo bana emret bu bir gerçek dünyayı keşfet
– He’s talking again, dio, order me to explore this is a real world
Dört yanımız kan dolu vahşet ama keşfet burası bi cennet
– Four sides of us are full of blood, brutality, but discover that this is a paradise
Maskeleri dökülüyo tek tek göz önüne çıkıyo ifşan hep
– Their masks are falling off, one by one, the disclosure always comes into view
Seni böylesi bilmezdim affet ama verilecek çok hesap var anla
– I didn’t know you like this, forgive me, but there are many accounts to be given, understand
Heryer dolu kasap lan ah dört yanımız fesatla
– Everywhere is full of butchers, oh, with mischief on all four sides of us
Geziyorum bi kaç adamla bak çünkü prim vermeyiz sapıklara
– I’m traveling with a few guys, look, because we don’t give bonuses to perverts
Gözüm arkada kalır baya kreuzberg bura çık ortaya seni
– My eyes will stay behind, baya kreuzberg, come out here, you
Seni fare gün doğmadan izini bulacam çok kasılma yah
– I’ll find the trace of you mouse before the sun comes up, don’t be too nervous yah
Haklı olsaydın konuşmazdım
– If you were right, I wouldn’t talk
Haksızsın diye geldim bunu küpe gibi tak
– I came because you’re unfair, wear it like an earring
İnsan değil miyiz aşk olsun
– Are we not human, let it be love
Hadi eyvallah buda kapak olsun
– Come on, thank you, let the buddha cover
Haklı olsaydın konuşmazdım
– If you were right, I wouldn’t talk
Haksızsın diye geldim bunu küpe gibi tak
– I came because you’re unfair, wear it like an earring
İnsan değil miyiz aşk olsun
– Are we not human, let it be love
Hadi eyvallah buda kapak olsun
– Come on, thank you, let the buddha cover