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Wajahmu kuingat selalu
– I always remember your face
Lupakan hal-hal yang menggangguku
– Forget the things that bother me
Karena hari ini mata kita beradu
– Because today our eyes collide
Kita saling bantu melepas perasaan
– Let’s help each other feel
Tinggi ke angkasa, menantang dunia
– High into space, challenging the world
Merayakan muda ‘tuk satu jam saja
– Celebrating youth for an hour
Kita hampir mati dan kau selamatkan aku
– We almost died and you saved me
Dan ku menyelamatkanmu dan sekarang aku tahu
– And I saved you and now I know
Cerita kita tak jauh berbeda
– Our story is not much different
Got beat down by the world, sometimes I wanna fold
– Got beat down by the world, sometimes I wanna fold
Namun suratmu kan kuceritakan ke anak-anakku nanti
– But I will tell your letter to my children later
Bahwa aku pernah dicintai with everything you are
– That I’ve been loved with everything you are
Fully as I am with everything you are
– Fully as I am with everything you are
Wajahmu yang beragam rupa
– Your diverse face
Pastikan ku tak sendirian
– Make sure I’m not alone
Jalani derita, kau bawakan kisahmu
– Live the pain, you bring your story
Aku mendengarkan, oh kita bergantian
– I listen, oh we take turns
Bertukar nestapa, menawar trauma
– In the face of grief, trauma
Datang seadanya, terasku terbuka
– Come potluck, my terrace is open
Kita hampir mati dan kau selamatkan aku
– We almost died and you saved me
Dan ku menyelamatkanmu dan sekarang aku tahu
– And I saved you and now I know
Cerita kita tak jauh berbeda
– Our story is not much different
Got beat down by the world, sometimes I wanna fold
– Got beat down by the world, sometimes I wanna fold
Namun suratmu kan kuceritakan ke anak-anakku nanti
– But I will tell your letter to my children later
Bahwa aku pernah dicintai
– That I was once loved
Seada-adanya, sekurang-kurangnya
– It’s true, at least
Walau sulit utarakan hatiku dengan indah
– It’s hard to express my heart so beautifully
Walau jarang ku bernyanyi dengan cara yang indah
– I don’t sing in a good way
Tapi tak sekali pun kisahku pernah kau bantah
– But you’ve never denied my story
Cerita kita tak jauh berbeda
– Our story is not much different
Got beat down by the world (beat down by the world), sometimes I wanna fold
– Got beat down by the world (beat down by the world), sometimes I wanna fold
Namun suratmu kan kuceritakan ke anak-anakku nanti
– But I will tell your letter to my children later
Bahwa aku pernah dicintai with everything you are
– That I’ve been loved with everything you are
Fully as I am with everything you are
– Fully as I am with everything you are