Lazza – CANZONE D’ODIO Italian Lyrics & English Translations

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Giuro, è l’ultima volta
– I swear, this is the last time
Mi hai svegliato mentre te ne andavi sbattendo la porta
– You woke me up as you left slamming the door
Risultato di aver peggiorato una sera già storta
– Result of having worsened an already crooked evening
Ti ho lasciato un messaggio sul tavolo e non ti sei accorta
– I left you a message on the table and you didn’t notice
Però chissene importa
– But who cares
Dimmi, pensi mentivo?
– Tell me, do you think I was lying?
Su WhatsApp ho lo stesso messaggio da mesi che scrivo
– On W
Sembra come se cuore e cervello li avessi nel frigo
– It looks like my heart and brain are in the fridge
Perderò i sensi per primo
– I’ll lose consciousness first
Nebbia nel posto in cui vivo, umore grigio, Resident Evil
– Fog in the place where I live, gray mood, Resident Evil
E ora che è pieno il mio conto in banca
– And now that my bank account is full
Fingi che mi disprezzi, ma menti
– Pretend you despise me, but lie
Sai che ero già un pezzo da novanta
– You know I was already a nineties
Con in tasca due pezzi da venti
– With two twenty pieces in your pocket
Parlo, a te frega più della gente
– I’m talking, you care more than people
Io quello che si supera sempre
– I the one who always surpasses
Che per mettere tutti d’accordo piuttosto alla fine recupera niente
– That to put everyone in agreement rather in the end recover nothing

Senza senno di poi so che ti scriverò
– Without hindsight I know I will write to you
Una canzone d’odio quando non sarò sobrio
– A hate song when I’m not sober
Non esiste più “noi”, mi hai detto mille “no”
– No longer exists ” we”, you told me a thousand “no”
Finisce un manicomio se non so più chi sono
– A madhouse ends if I don’t know who I am anymore
Spero né ora né mai, prima mi mandi in apnea
– I hope neither now nor ever, before you send me freediving
E poi mi chiedi: “Che hai?”, sai bene che non ne ho idea
– And then you ask me: ” What do you have? “, you know I have no idea
E adesso che vuoi? Se mai ti rivedrò
– What do you want now? If I ever see you again
Io piuttosto ci muoio, però non ti perdono
– I rather die there, but I do not forgive you

I’m like, “Fuck what we had,” that shit in the past
– I’m like, “Fuckh
I’m tryna get past all that
– I’m tr get
Open wounds like a scar, I’m keeping my guard up
– Openoun ends like a scar, I’m keeping m guard
I done been stabbed in my back
– I’ve been stabbed in M back
You was having your fun, we should’ve been done
– hav
But I let you still come back
– But I let y
Really gave you my heart, you don’t trust me at all
– Reall g gave heart
I hate you feel like that
– I hate to feel like that
You can do what you want, I ain’t salty
– I can’t jumpy
If it ever go sour, don’t call me
– If it ever go sour, don’t call me
What we had, that shit been in a coffin
– I had, that shit been in a coffin
You were messy, lil’ bitch, and I’m off it
– I’m off it, lil’ bitch, and I’m off it
Tryna argue, you get no response from me
– Get no response from me
Let you have it, what more do you want from me?
– Let y
Better get out my way, yeah, the star coming
– Better get out ma
You took me as a joke and I’m not funny
– Y
She led me out my way with the lights on
– She led me out ma
Making videos listening to my songs
– Making videos listening to M son
I deleted your pictures on my phone
– I deletedour
Feelin’ better since I’ve been on my own
– Feelin ‘ better since I’ve been on m o
Know you thinking I’m coming back, I’m gone
– Kno thOu thinking I’m coming back, I’m gone
I can’t sit here and play with you, I’m grown
– I can’t sit here and play w
Hit the one that I love, tell her come home
– Hit the one that I love, tell her come home
I’m sorry
– I’m Sorry

Senza senno di poi so che ti scriverò
– Without hindsight I know I will write to you
Una canzone d’odio quando non sarò sobrio
– A hate song when I’m not sober
Non esiste più “noi”, mi hai detto mille “no”
– No longer exists ” we”, you told me a thousand “no”
Finisce un manicomio se non so più chi sono
– A madhouse ends if I don’t know who I am anymore
Spero né ora né mai, prima mi mandi in apnea
– I hope neither now nor ever, before you send me freediving
E poi mi chiedi: “Che hai?”, sai bene che non ne ho idea
– And then you ask me: ” What do you have? “, you know I have no idea
E adesso che vuoi? Se mai ti rivedrò
– What do you want now? If I ever see you again
Io piuttosto ci muoio, però non ti perdono
– I rather die there, but I do not forgive you




