Pinguini Tattici Nucleari – Your Dog Italian Lyrics & English Translations

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Your dog has told me that
– Dog has told me that
You’re feeling pretty sad
– I’m feeling prett s
I know, I know
– The Kno kn
Something’s got a hold on you now
– Something’s got a hold on y
I gave your dog a kiss
– I gave dog
Told him to bring it home
– Tell him to bring it home
I hope, I hope
– Hope, hope
He won’t forget it, love
– He can’t forget it, love

Quando tu m’hai lasciato da solo qui
– When you left me alone here
Lì per lì sono esploso tipo TNT
– There by there I exploded like TNT
Con gli amci, con Dio, con i medici
– With the amci, with God, with the doctors
Ed ho pianto il Tigri e l’Eufrate
– And I cried the Tigris and the Euphrates
Poco dopo è arrivata la fase B
– A little later came Phase B
Sentire il vuoto e riempirlo coi farmaci
– Feel the void and fill it with medication
Cadere apposta e vederti nei lividi
– Fall on purpose and see you in bruises
Per tornare a una vita normale
– To return to a normal life
Ho preso il tuo cane, lo chiamo “Good Boy”
– I took your dog, I call it ” Good Bo Bo
Pure se mi morde ancora
– Even if it still bites me
Volevo parlare a qualcuno di noi
– I wanted to talk to some of us
Ma senza dire una parola
– But without saying a word

Sarà che essere capiti è sopravvalutato
– It will be that being understood is overrated
Meglio esser compresi a volte
– Better to be understood sometimes
Il tuo cane ed io un po’ ci assomigliamo
– Your dog and I look a little alike
Manchi a tutti e due la notte
– We both miss you at night

Your dog has told me that
– Dog has told me that
You’re feeling pretty sad
– I’m feeling prett s
I know, I know
– The Kno kn
Something’s got a hold on you now
– Something’s got a hold on y
I gave your dog a kiss
– I gave dog
Told him to bring it home
– Tell him to bring it home
I hope, I hope
– Hope, hope
He won’t forget it, love
– He can’t forget it, love

Ho regalato il mio lutto a psicologi
– I gave my bereavement to psychologists
La testa crolla e si chiude tra i gomiti
– The head collapses and closes between the elbows
Il tempo passa, vuole dividerci
– Time passes, he wants to divide us
Ma c’è una luce che non va mai spenta
– But there is a light that should never be turned off
Sembra che i cani parlino con gli spiriti
– It seems that dogs talk to spirits
Io non ci credo, è assurdo, figurati
– I don’t believe it, it’s absurd, you know
Però tu vibri più forte di un theremin
– But you vibrate louder than a theremin
E sembra quasi che un po’ il tuo ti senta
– And it almost feels like yours feels a little
Tu digli soltanto che torni presto
– You just tell him to come back soon
Pure se il ricordo sfuma
– Even if the memory fades
Spero risponda come gli ho chiesto
– I hope he answers as I asked him
Che rimani la mia luna
– That you remain my moon

Sarà che dormire tranquilli è sopravvalutato
– Sleeping peacefully is overrated
Meglio stare svegli a volte
– Better to stay awake sometimes
E, se dormo, è per una ragione soltanto
– And if I sleep, it’s for one reason only
Per incontrare te la notte
– To meet you at night

Your dog has told me that
– Dog has told me that
You’re feeling pretty sad
– I’m feeling prett s
I know, I know
– The Kno kn
Something’s got a hold on you now
– Something’s got a hold on y
I gave your dog a kiss
– I gave dog
Told him to bring it home
– Tell him to bring it home
I hope, I hope
– Hope, hope
He won’t forget it, love
– He can’t forget it, love
Your dog has told me that
– Dog has told me that
You’re feeling pretty sad
– I’m feeling prett s
I know, I know
– The Kno kn
Something’s got a hold on you now
– Something’s got a hold on y
I gave your dog a kiss
– I gave dog
Told him to bring it home
– Tell him to bring it home
I hope, I hope
– Hope, hope
He won’t forget it, love
– He can’t forget it, love

Pinguini Tattici Nucleari



