Video Clip
– L・L・L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-l-l-l-l
– L・L・L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-l-l-l-l
– L・L・L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-l-l-l-l
– L・L・L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-l-l-l-l
君の中にある 赤と青き線
– The red and blue lines in you
それらが結ばれるのは 心の臓
– they are connected to the heart.
– In a voice that doesn’t lose even in the wind
– i’m growing the words that reach me now.
– Time is a pillow
– the wind is black.
– don’t let the stars go.
– let’s get out of here.
なんで泣いてるのと聞かれ答えれる 涙なんかじゃ
– why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying?
僕ら出逢えたことの意味にはまるで 追いつかない
– I can’t keep up with the meaning of what we were able to meet
この身ひとつ じゃ足りない叫び
– one of these is not enough.
君の手に触れた時にだけ震えた 心があったよ
– i had a heart that trembled only when i touched your hand.
意味をいくつ越えれば僕らは辿り つけるのかな
– i wonder how many more meanings we can reach.
愚かさでいい 醜さでいい
– it’s stupid. it’s ugly.
正しさのその先で 君と手を取りたい
– i want to take a hand with you beyond the rightness.
思い出せない 大切な記憶
– Important memories that I can’t remember
言葉にならない ここにある想い
– The feelings that are here that cannot be expressed in words
もしかしたら もしかしたら
– maybeし maybeし
– that’s the only thing i can do with this heart.
もしかしたら もしかしたら
– maybeし maybeし
– i still want you to notice me.
– beat it.
なんで泣いてるのと聞かれ答えれる 涙なんかじゃ
– why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying? why are you crying?
僕ら出逢えたことの意味にはまるで 追いつかない
– I can’t keep up with the meaning of what we were able to meet
この身ひとつ じゃ足りない叫び
– one of these is not enough.
君の手に触れた時にだけ震えた 心があったよ
– i had a heart that trembled only when i touched your hand.
意味をいくつ越えれば僕らは辿り つけるのかな
– i wonder how many more meanings we can reach.
愚かさでいい 醜さでいい
– it’s stupid. it’s ugly.
正しさのその先で 君と生きてきたい
– i want to live with you beyond the rightness