Stromae – Formidable French Lyrics & English Translations

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Formidable, formidable
– Great, great
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great

– Terrific
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great

Oh, Bébé, oups, Mademoiselle
– Oh, Baby, oops, Miss
J’vais pas vous draguer, promis juré
– I’m not gonna hit on you, I promise I swear
J’suis célibataire, depuis hier, putain
– I’ve been single, since yesterday, damn
J’peux pas faire d’enfant et bon, c’est pas…
– I can’t have a child and well, it’s not…

Hé, reviens, cinq minutes quoi, j’t’ai pas insultée
– Hey, come back, five minutes what, I didn’t insult you
J’suis poli, courtois, et un peu fort bourré
– I am polite, courteous, and a little drunk
Mais pour les mecs comme moi
– But for guys like me
Vous avez autre chose à faire, hein
– You have something else to do, huh
M’auriez vu hier
– Would have seen me yesterday

J’étais formidable, formidable
– I was great, great
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great

– Terrific
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great

Oh, tu t’es regardé? Tu t’crois beau
– Oh, did you look at yourself? You think you’re beautiful
Parce que tu t’es marié? Mais c’est qu’un anneau
– Because you got married? But it’s only a ring
Mec, t’emballes pas
– Dude, don’t get carried away
Elle va t’larguer comme elles le font chaque fois
– She’s gonna dump you like they do every time

Et puis l’autre fille, tu lui en as parlé?
– And then the other girl, did you tell her about it?
S’tu veux j’lui dis, comme ça c’est réglé
– If you want I tell him, that’s how it’s settled
Et au petit aussi, enfin si vous en avez
– And to the little one too, well if you have any
Attends trois ans, sept ans et là vous verrez
– Wait three years, seven years and there you will see

Si c’est formidable, formidable
– If it’s great, great
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great

– Terrific
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great

Hé petite, oh pardon, petit
– Hey little one, oh sorry, little one
Tu sais dans la vie, y a ni méchants ni gentils
– You know in life, there are neither bad guys nor good guys
Si Maman est chiante
– If Mom is boring
C’est qu’elle a peur d’être mamie
– It’s because she’s afraid of being a granny
Si Papa trompe Maman
– If Dad cheats on Mom
C’est parce que Maman vieillit, tiens
– It’s because Mom is getting older, here

Pourquoi t’es tout rouge? Ben reviens gamin
– Why are you all red? Well come back kid
Et qu’est-ce que vous avez tous
– And what do you all have
À me regarder comme un singe, vous?
– To look at me like a monkey, you?
Ah oui, vous êtes saints, vous
– Oh yes, you are holy, you
Bande de macaques
– Bunch of macaques
Donnez-moi un bébé singe
– Give me a baby monkey

Il sera formidable, formidable
– He will be great, great
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great

– Terrific
Tu étais formidable, j’étais fort minable
– You were great, I was very shabby
Nous étions formidables
– We were great




