(Bitch, you’re a fucking home wrecker, like? What the fuck?)
– – Putakumea, etxekoandre madarikatua zara? Zer arraio?)
(I don’t want to be nothing like you, Dr. Phil loser bitch) Huh? What?
– (Ez dut zu bezalakoa izan nahi, phil loser doktorea) Eh? Zer?
(And your bum ass man keeps hitting me up) Okay
– (Eta zure ipurdiak jotzen nau) Ados
(He wants me so bad, confessed his love to me)
– (Gaizki nahi nau, bere maitasuna aitortu dit)
Yeah, ha, alright
– Bai, ondo da
Couldn’t believe what my eyes seen, scrollin’ up on IG
– Ezin nuen sinetsi nire begiek ikusten zutena. IGN
Can’t believe I heard a diss track, this ho don’t like me?
– Ezin dut sinetsi disko bat entzun nuenik. ez zait gustatzen?
Dog bitches doin’ all that barkin’ but won’t bite me
– Txakur putak zaunkaka ari dira, baina ez naute hozka egingo
I ain’t gotta lift a finger if she try to fight me, yeah
– Ez dut hatz bat altxatu behar nirekin borrokatzen saiatzen bada, bai
My life a movie, daddy Spike Lee
– Nire bizitza pelikula bat da, Aita Spike Lee.
Travis told me, “Go and turn up,” it’s givin’ Hype Beast
– Travisek esan zidan: “Zoaz eta joan zaitez”.
Smoke to me is like an exercise, so tread lightly
– Kea niretzat ariketa bat bezalakoa da, beraz, zapaldu arin
I was out in L.V., and LV tried to pipe me
– L. V. n nengoen, ETA L. V. k ni jo nahi izan ninduen
I can’t even cap, I didn’t know he was your BD
– Ezin dut txapela jantzi, ez nekien ZURE BD-a zenik
I told twin to chill, he said, “You sweeter than some kiwi”
– Esan nion bikiari hozteko, esan zuen:”kiwi batzuk baino gozoagoa zara”
I’m coming for heads, all you bitches gotta see me
– Buru bila nator, putakumeok ikusi behar nauzue
This sweet life ain’t on TV, yeah
Wish I could beat your ass through the phone on 3D
– Zure ipurdia 3dko telefonoan jipoitu nahi nuke
Bet if I had caught you outside, it would be, “Free me”
– Kanpoan harrapatuko baninduzue, Hala izango litzateke: “Askatu nazazue”
Like Big Meech
– Meech Handia Bezala
You want smoke because he tried to eat me?
– Erre nahi duzu, jan nahi nauzulako?
Only smoke you got is out that vape, bitch
– Kea besterik ez duzu ateratzen, putakume hori.
What’s up with all the hate, bitch?
– Zer gertatzen da gorroto guztiarekin?
No love for you, I hate fake shit
– Maitasunik ez zuretzat, gorroto dut gezurrezko kaka
Ass shots are off and I can tell the way you shake it
– Ipurdiko tiroak itzalita daude eta nola astindu duzun esango dizut
You said I’m a clone like I copied and I pasted
– Klon bat naizela esan duzu kopiatu eta itsatsi egin dut
I’m too lit, I’m gettin’ white girl wasted
– Argiegia naiz, neska zuria alferrik galtzen ari naiz
Bhabie off them percs, down bad
– Bhabie, ez egin negarrik.
Cryin’ on the ‘Gram, bitch, you going out sad
– Amona negarrez Ari da, puta, triste ateratzen zara
Her man want me, now this bitch ’bout to crash
– Bere gizonak ni nahi nau, orain puta hau.
Think you doing some ’cause you got a lil’ bag
– Uste duzu zerbait egiten ari zarela poltsa bat duzulako
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Puta, zoaz putz egitera, ekarri kea berriro.
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Dirua segurua dela uste duzu, apustu egingo du berriro
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Puta, zoaz putz egitera, ekarri kea berriro.
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Dirua segurua dela uste duzu, apustu egingo du berriro
(Bama, don’t say it)
– (Bama, ez esan)
Yeah, I bet I know some shit that you ain’t never known
– Bai, ziur nago ez zarela inoiz ezagutuko
Your best friend and your BD, they been gettin’ it on
– Zure lagunik onena ETA ZURE BD-a.
And the sad part about it, you still gon’ bring him home
– Eta zati tristea, etxera ekarriko duzu
And the funny thing about it, he still be in my phone
– Eta barregarria da, oraindik nire telefonoan dago
Poppin’ shit like Fanta, you talk a lot on camera
– Fanta bezala, kamera aurrean asko hitz egiten duzu
You really asked that man, “Should I dye my hair like Bama?”
– Benetan galdetu diozu gizon horri, ” Nire ilea Bama bezala tindatu Behar dut?””
The pills got you higher, turned you to a liar
– Pilulak gorago eraman zintuzten, gezurti bihurtu zintuzten
You must be TMZ, bitch, don’t make me call lil’ Tyga
– TMZ izan behar duzu, puta, ez deitu Lil ‘ Tiga
Been that bitch, better come correct
– Putakume hori, hobe duzu zuzen jokatzea
I’m the realest last time I checked
– Egiaztatu dudan azken aldia da
Hoes tryna play innocent, can’t tolerate no disrespect
– Hoes tryna errugabea da, ezin du errespetu falta jasan
Light the stove, like, what’s the tea?
– Piztu labea, zer da tea?
Lied about some pregnancy
– Gezurra haurdunaldiari buruz
Just wanna be in my family tree
– Nire familiaren zuhaitzean egon nahi dut
Down bad, it’s hard to see
– Gaizki, zaila da ikustea
Should’ve thought ’bout tryna check B
– Pentsatu behar nuen … b txekea
FIFA, this shit gon’ get messy
– FIFA, kaka hau nahastu egingo da.
Let this be the last time you step to me
– Izan dadila niregana hurbiltzen zaren azken aldia
You doin’ threes with your bestie
– Hiruak egiten dituzu bestie-rekin.
Bhabie off them percs, down bad
– Bhabie, ez egin negarrik.
Cryin’ on the ‘Gram, bitch, you going out sad
– Amona negarrez Ari da, puta, triste ateratzen zara
Her man want me, now this bitch ’bout to crash
– Bere gizonak ni nahi nau, orain puta hau.
Think you doing some ’cause you got a lil’ bag
– Uste duzu zerbait egiten ari zarela poltsa bat duzulako
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Puta, zoaz putz egitera, ekarri kea berriro.
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Dirua segurua dela uste duzu, apustu egingo du berriro
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Puta, zoaz putz egitera, ekarri kea berriro.
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Dirua segurua dela uste duzu, apustu egingo du berriro
Alright, listen, ha
– Entzun, entzun
Bitches be talkin’ about me but having babies they not watching, babysitter-havin’ ass bitch
– Putak nitaz ari dira, baina umeak ez dituzte ikusten.
Like, how’s Tilan your best friend but fucked your baby daddy? I bet you didn’t know that
– Nolakoa da tilan zure lagunik onena? Ziur ez zenekiela
Bitch, you’ve been a fan, you’ve been that
– Puta, zale amorratua zara.
You can’t outdo the do-er, bitch
– Ezin duzu egin, puta.
And Camilla, bitch, shut the fuck up
– Eta Kamilla, puta ,ucko
The facts come from your baby daddy, bitch, I said what I said
– Gertaerak zure aitarengandik datoz, puta, esan nuena esan nion
You know when it come to you, blood, we step on shit
– Badakizu, odola, kaka egiten dugu
Tell these bitches big it! Shit real get real, B team
– Esaiozu putakume hauei! Kaka zaharra, b taldea.
The things that you have lied about, love
– Gezurra esan duzuna, maitasuna
You don’t want them to come out
– Ez duzu nahi haiek ateratzea
On God
– Jainkoari Buruz
Haha, bitch
– Haha, puta!