I told you men I was gonna quit, and you tried to get rid of me?
– Gizonei esan nien utzi egingo nuela, eta nitaz libratzen saiatu zinen?
– Hara! hara! hara! hara! hara! hara! hara! hara! hara! hara! hara! hara!
– Ainara azpiazu aduriz (e) k ‘altsasukoak aske’ gunean bidalketa berri bat idatzi du:
Oi, mate
– Oi, lagun
I’m peggin’ that man at the back of the bus
– Gizon hori autobusaren atzealdean dago
Feelin’ like Three 6 Mafia, I’m gonna fill up his nose with dust
– Hiru 6 Mafia bezala sentitzen naiz. sudurra hautsarekin beteko diot
These niggas are always talkin’, tell them niggas I don’t give a fuck
– Beltzek beti hitz egiten dute. esan beltzei ez dudala ezer esango
I got an Asian yute from West, tryna pick me up in a Lambo truck
– Asiako yute Bat Hartu Nuen Mendebaldetik. trynak Lambo kamioi batean hartu ninduen
I told that man that I love short men ’cause I wanted to use him
– Gizon horri esan nion gizon motzak maite nituela, erabili nahi nuelako
I’m putting these niggas in debt, if I get his wallet, I’m gonna abuse it
– Beltz horiek zorretan jarriko ditut. diru-zorroa eskuratzen badut, gaizki erabiliko dut
Just got a triangle strip last week, now I’m out here lookin’ like Phineas
– Joan den astean triangelu-zerrenda bat izan nuen. Orain Hemen Nago, Phineas bezala
I left that nigga on read, he ain’t gonna fuck me and that’s on period
– Beltzaran hori utzi nuen irakurtzean. ez nau izorratuko.
I’m in the back of the car with your daddy
– Autoaren atzealdean nago zure aitarekin
And he’s twerking and popping a Perc’
– Eta perka bat jotzen ari da’
I got him bending his bum like Spice in the back of the van when they stop and search
– Furgonetaren atzealdean Harrapatu nuen
These men wanna act like a beast, so I put these men in a cage
– Gizon horiek piztia bat bezala jokatu nahi dute, eta gizon horiek kaiola batean sartu ditut
I made a call, now two days later, my niggas are bustin’ all over his face (Bitch)
– Dei bat egin nuen, eta bi egun geroago, nire beltzak aurpegi osoan zehar zebiltzan
“Chyna, please have mercy, I ain’t gettin’ paid ’til the end of the week”
– “Txina, mesedez, erruki zaitez, ez dut ‘ordainduko’ aste bukaera arte”
I don’t give a fuck, shut the fuck up
– Ez dut izorratu nahi.
Get on your knees and grease my feet (Pussy)
– Belauniko jarri eta oinak koipeztatu.
He want a break, I’ve been ridin’ his face six hours
– Atseden hartu nahi du, sei orduz ibili naiz haren aurpegian
He told me to squirt in his mouth, so I gave him a golden shower
– Ahoan isurtzeko esan zidan, eta urrezko dutxa eman nion
Just got the whole bed creakin’, the way my ass clap, you’d think it’s a choir
– Ohe osoa hartu dut, nire ipurdia txaloka. abesbatza bat dela uste duzu
I got him six feet deep like Kevin, and now I’m leavin’ that bitch no flowers
– Kevinek bezala metro eta erdi sakon hartu nuen, eta orain puta horretatik noa lorerik ez
These fathers are always complainin’, sayin’ that my music is bad for the kids
– Aita horiek beti kexatzen dira, esanez nire musika txarra dela umeentzat
Someone tell their papi that Chyna said that she don’t give a shit
– Norbaitek aitari Esan Dio Txinak ez diola kaka egiten
I’ll walk these men like a dog, it’s only gonna work if I make him my bitch
– Txakur bat bezala ibiliko naiz. nire puta bihurtuko banu bakarrik funtzionatuko du
And I’m puttin’ him back in the cage if his dick ain’t long like Natalie’s chin (Ew)
– Eta kaiolan sartuko dut zakila natalieren kokotsaren antzekoa ez bada
He said that he’s got a big dick, but he’s scoopin’ it up in his hands (Aw)
– Zakil handi bat duela esan du, baina eskuetan duela
I told him to put that shrimp back in his fuckin’ pants (Pathetic)
– Esan nion izkira hori galtzetan jartzeko (Patetikoa)
And he said it was big, this is the shit that gets me mad
– Eta esan zuen: “hau da erotu egiten nauena”
They said I’m a masculine bitch ’cause these little niggas ain’t really a man
– Esan zidaten gizon puta bat naizela. beltz horiek ez dira gizonak
Your community don’t even like ya, all of these bitches wanted me, see?
– Zure komunitateak ez zaitu gustuko. putakume horiek guztiak nahi ninduten.
They see that I done front cover, now all of these bitches wanna be me (Bitch)
– Ikusten dute aurreko estalkia egin dudala, orain puta horiek guztiak ni izan nahi naute (Puta)
Your fans are allergic to streaming, I checked those streams, and they went down four
– Zure zaleek alergia dute streaming-ean, nik streaming horiek aztertu ditut, eta lau aldiz jaitsi dira
One thousand monthly listeners, bitch, put that shit on the floor
– Milaka entzule hilean behin, puta, lurrera botatzen dute kaka hori
I’m peggin’ that man at the back of the bus
– Gizon hori autobusaren atzealdean dago
Feelin’ like Three 6 Mafia, I’m gonna fill up his nose with dust
– Hiru 6 Mafia bezala sentitzen naiz. sudurra hautsarekin beteko diot
These niggas are always talkin’, tell them niggas I don’t give a fuck
– Beltzek beti hitz egiten dute. esan beltzei ez dudala ezer esango
I got an Asian yute from West, tryna pick me up in a Lambo truck
– Asiako yute Bat Hartu Nuen Mendebaldetik. trynak Lambo kamioi batean hartu ninduen
I told that man that I love short men ’cause I wanted to use him
– Gizon horri esan nion gizon motzak maite nituela, erabili nahi nuelako
I’m putting these niggas in debt, if I get his wallet, I’m gonna abuse it
– Beltz horiek zorretan jarriko ditut. diru-zorroa eskuratzen badut, gaizki erabiliko dut
Just got a triangle strip last week, now I’m out here lookin’ like Phineas
– Joan den astean triangelu-zerrenda bat izan nuen. Orain Hemen Nago, Phineas bezala
I left that nigga on read, he ain’t gonna fuck me and that’s on period
– Beltzaran hori utzi nuen irakurtzean. ez nau izorratuko.