Daniel Caesar – Best Part Ingelesa Hitzak & Euskara Itzulpenak



Oh, hey
– Aizu

You don’t know, babe
– Ez dakizu, laztana
When you hold me
– Eusten didazunean
You kiss me slowly
– Poliki musukatzen nauzu
It’s the sweetest thing
– Gozoena da
And it don’t change
– Eta ez da aldatzen
If I had it my way
– Nire erara egingo banu
You would know that you are
– Jakingo zenuke hala zarela

You’re the coffee that I need in the morning
– Goizean behar dudan kafea zara
You’re my sunshine in the rain when it’s pouring
– Zu zara nire eguzkia euripean isurtzen denean
Won’t you give yourself to me?
– Ez didazu zeure burua emango?
Give it all, oh
– Eman dena, oh

I just wanna see
– Ikusi nahi dut
I just wanna see how beautiful you are
– Ikusi nahi dut zein ederra zaren
You know that I see it, I know you’re a star
– Badakizu ikusten dudala, badakit izar bat zarela
Where you go, I’ll follow, no matter how far
– Nora zoazen, jarraituko dut, berdin dio zenbateraino
If life is a movie, know you’re the best part, ooh
– Bizitza film bat bada, badakizu onena zarela, ooh
You’re the best part, ooh
– Zu zara onena, ooh
Best part
– Zati onena

It’s this sunrise
– Egunsentia da
And those brown eyes, yes
– Eta begi marroiak, bai
You’re the one that I desire
– Zu zara nahi dudana
When we wake up
– Esnatzen garenean
And then we make love (Make love)
– Eta gero maitasuna egiten dugu (maitasuna Egiten dugu)
It makes me feel so nice
– Oso atsegina sentitzen naiz

You’re my water when I’m stuck in the desert
– Zu zara nire ura basamortuan harrapatuta nagoenean
You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts
– Buruko mina dudanean hartzen dudan Tilenola zara
You’re the sunshine on my life
– Zu zara nire bizitzako eguzkia

I just wanna see how beautiful you are
– Ikusi nahi dut zein ederra zaren
You know that I see it, I know you’re a star
– Badakizu ikusten dudala, badakit izar bat zarela
Where you go, I’ll follow, no matter how far
– Nora zoazen, jarraituko dut, berdin dio zenbateraino
If life is a movie, then you’re the best part, oh
– Bizitza pelikula bat bada, zu zara onena.
You’re the best part, ooh
– Zu zara onena, ooh
Best part
– Zati onena

If you love me, won’t you say something?
– Maite banauzu, ez duzu ezer esango?
If you love me, won’t you?
– Maite banauzu, ezta?
Won’t you?
– Ez duzu egingo?
If you love me, won’t you say something?
– Maite banauzu, ez duzu ezer esango?
If you love me, won’t you?
– Maite banauzu, ezta?
Love me, won’t you?
– Maite nauzu, ezta?
If you love me, won’t you say something?
– Maite banauzu, ez duzu ezer esango?
If you love me, won’t you?
– Maite banauzu, ezta?
If you love me, won’t you say something?
– Maite banauzu, ez duzu ezer esango?
If you love me, won’t you?
– Maite banauzu, ezta?
Love me, won’t you?
– Maite nauzu, ezta?
If you love me, won’t you say something?
– Maite banauzu, ez duzu ezer esango?
If you love me, won’t you?
– Maite banauzu, ezta?
If you love me, won’t you say something?
– Maite banauzu, ez duzu ezer esango?
If you love me, won’t you?
– Maite banauzu, ezta?
Love me, won’t you?
– Maite nauzu, ezta?

Daniel Caesar



