If I held in my hands everything gold could buy
– Eskuetan edukiko banu urre guztia erosiko nuke
I’d still not have a thing worth giving you
– Oraindik ez nizuke ezer emango
You tell me the sun is shining in paradise
– Eguzkia paradisuan distiratzen ari dela diozu
And I have to watch your lips turn blue
– Eta zure ezpainak urdin bihurtzen ikusi behar dut
I would burn the world to bring some heat to you
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
I would burn the world to bring some heat to you
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
I would burn the world to bring some heat
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
You are the reason I went through it, oh
– Zu zara pasatu dudan arrazoia, oh
The only meaning as I knew it, my-yeah
– Esanahi bakarra nik dakidala, bai
And I can only do my best, I do not do this for myself
– Eta ahal dudan guztia egiten dut, ez dut neure buruarentzat egiten
I’d walk through hell on living feet for you
– Infernutik oinez ibiliko nintzateke zuengatik
I wouldn’t be seen walking through any door
– Ez nintzateke inongo atetik sartuko
Some place that you’re not welcome to
– Ongi etorriak ez diren leku batzuk
You stare at the faces smiling from somewhere warm
– Aurpegiei begiratzen diezu irribarrez nonbaitetik bero
From some place the sunlight won’t come through
– Leku batetik eguzkiaren argia ez da pasatzen
I would burn the world to bring some heat to you
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
I would burn the world to bring some heat to you
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
I would burn the world to bring some heat
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
You are the reason I went through it, oh
– Zu zara pasatu dudan arrazoia, oh
The only meaning as I knew it, my-yeah
– Esanahi bakarra nik dakidala, bai
And I can only do my best, I do not do this for myself
– Eta ahal dudan guztia egiten dut, ez dut neure buruarentzat egiten
I’d walk through hell on living feet for you
– Infernutik oinez ibiliko nintzateke zuengatik
I would burn the world to bring some heat to you
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
I would burn the world to bring some heat to you
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko
I would burn the world to bring some heat
– Mundua erreko nuke bero pixka bat ekartzeko