Oasis – Don’t Look Back in Anger Ingelesa Hitzak & Euskara Itzulpenak



Slip inside the eye of your mind
– Irristatu zure buruaren begi barrura
Don’t you know you might find
– Ez al dakizu aurkituko duzula
A better place to play?
– Jolasteko leku hobea?
You said that you’d never been
– Inoiz ez zinela izan esan zenuen
But all the things that you’ve seen
– Ikusi dituzun gauza guztiak
Slowly fade away
– Pixkanaka desagertzen

So I start a revolution from my bed
– Iraultza bat hasi dut nire ohetik
‘Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
– Burura joan zitzaidan burmuina esan zenidalako
Step outside, summertime’s in bloom
– Urratsa kanpoan, uda loretan
Stand up beside the fireplace
– Altxa zaitez tximiniaren ondoan
Take that look from off your face
– Kendu begirada hori zure aurpegitik
You ain’t ever gonna burn my heart out
– Ez didazu bihotza erreko

And so, Sally can wait
– Eta, Beraz, Sally itxaron dezake
She knows it’s too late as we’re walkin’ on by
– Badaki beranduegi dela
Her soul slides away
– Bere arima desagertzen da
But “Don’t look back in anger,” I heard you say
– Baina “Ez begiratu atzera haserre,” esan duzu entzun dut

Take me to the place where you go
– Eraman nazazu zoazen lekura
Where nobody knows
– Inork ezagutzen ez duen tokian
If it’s night or day
– Gaua edo eguna bada
Please don’t put your life in the hands
– Mesedez, ez jarri zure bizitza eskuetan
Of a rock ‘n’ roll band
– Rock ‘ n ‘ roll bandaren antzekoa
Who’ll throw it all away
– Nork botako du dena

I’m gonna start a revolution from my bed
– Iraultza bat hasiko dut nire ohetik
‘Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
– Burura joan zitzaidan burmuina esan zenidalako
Step outside, ’cause summertime’s in bloom
– Urrats bat kanpoan, uda loratzen ari delako
Stand up beside the fireplace
– Altxa zaitez tximiniaren ondoan
Take that look from off your face
– Kendu begirada hori zure aurpegitik
‘Cause you ain’t ever gonna burn my heart out
– Bihotza erreko ez didazulako

And so, Sally can wait
– Eta, Beraz, Sally itxaron dezake
She knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by
– Badaki beranduegi dela
My soul slides away
– Nire arima urruntzen ari da
But “Don’t look back in anger,” I heard you say
– Baina “Ez begiratu atzera haserre,” esan duzu entzun dut

So, Sally can wait
– Beraz, Sallyk itxaron dezake
She knows it’s too late as we’re walking on by
– Badaki beranduegi dela
Her soul slides away
– Bere arima desagertzen da
But “Don’t look back in anger,” I heard you say
– Baina “Ez begiratu atzera haserre,” esan duzu entzun dut
So, Sally can wait
– Beraz, Sallyk itxaron dezake
She knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by
– Badaki beranduegi dela
My soul slides away
– Nire arima urruntzen ari da
But “Don’t look back in anger
– Baina ” ez begiratu atzera haserre
Don’t look back in anger”
– Ez begiratu atzera haserre”
I heard you say
– Entzun dizut esaten

“At least not today”
– “Gaur ez behintzat”




