We’re at a crossroad
– Bidegurutze batean gaude
And we don’t know which way to go
– Eta ez dakigu zein bide hartu
Part of me lost hope
– Nire zati batek itxaropena galdu du.
And part of me just can’t let go
– Eta nire zati batek ezin du alde egin
We said we’d cross those bridges when they came
– Zubi horiek gurutzatuko genituela esan genuen
Now it’s time to give it a name
– Izena emateko garaia da
Yeah, we’re at a crossroad
– Bai, bidegurutze batean gaude
So, baby, let me know
– Laztana, esadazu
Do I call you my ex or do I call you my boyfriend?
– Nire senargai ohia deitzen dizut edo nire mutil-laguna?
Call you a lover, do I call you a friend?
– Maitalea deitzen dizut, laguna deitzen dizut?
Call you the one or the one that got away?
– Deituko al dizute ihes egin duena edo ihes egin duena?
Someone I’ll just have to forget
– Norbait ahaztu beharko dut
Do I call you every night you’re gone or never call you again?
– Gauero deituko dizut edo ez dizut berriro deituko?
Do we have a future or should I call it the end?
– Etorkizun bat daukagu edo amaiera deitu behar diogu?
We were a moment
– Une bat izan ginen
And you were my only true oasis
– Eta zu izan zinen nire benetako oasi bakarra
Now all those oceans
– Orain ozeano horiek guztiak
Are falling down our faces
– Gure aurpegiak erortzen ari dira
So if we don’t see it through
– Beraz ez badugu ikusten
I’m a better me because of you
– Zuengatik naiz hobea
Yeah, we’re at a crossroad
– Bai, bidegurutze batean gaude
So, baby, let me know
– Laztana, esadazu
Do I call you my ex or do I call you my boyfriend?
– Nire senargai ohia deitzen dizut edo nire mutil-laguna?
Call you a lover, do I call you a friend?
– Maitalea deitzen dizut, laguna deitzen dizut?
Call you the one or the one that got away?
– Deituko al dizute ihes egin duena edo ihes egin duena?
Someone I’ll just have to forget
– Norbait ahaztu beharko dut
Do I call you every night you’re gone or never call you again?
– Gauero deituko dizut edo ez dizut berriro deituko?
Do we have a future or should I call it the end?
– Etorkizun bat daukagu edo amaiera deitu behar diogu?
Should I call it the end?
– Amaiera deituko diot?
Are we lovers or friends?
– Maitaleak ala lagunak gara?
Is this as good as it gets?
– Lortzen den bezain ona al da?
Should I call it the end?
– Amaiera deituko diot?