It was Christmas Eve, babe
– Gabon gaua zen, laztana
In the drunk tank
– Tanke mozkorrean
An old man said to me
– Agure batek esan zidan
“Won’t see another one”
– “Ez dut beste bat ikusiko”.
And then he sang a song
– Eta gero abesti bat abestu zuen
‘The Rare Old Mountain Dew’
– ‘Mendiko Ihintza Zahar Arraroa’
I turned my face away
– Aurpegia urrundu zait
And dreamed about you
– Zurekin amets egin dut
Got on a lucky one
– Zorte ona izan dut.
Came in eighteen-to-one
– Hemezortzi eta bat
I’ve got a feeling
– Sentsazio bat daukat
This year’s for me and you
– Aurten zuretzat eta niretzat
So, Happy Christmas
– Gabon Zoriontsuak
I love you, baby
– Maite zaitut, laztana
I can see a better time
– Denbora hobea ikusten dut
When all our dreams come true
– Amets guztiak egia bihurtzen direnean
They’ve got cars big as bars, they’ve got rivers of gold
– Kotxe handiak dituzte, taberna handiak, urrezko ibaiak
But the wind goes right through you, it’s no place for the old
– Baina haizea zure artetik pasatzen da, ez da leku zaharra
When you first took my hand on a cold Christmas Eve
– Gabon gau hotz batean eskua hartu zenuenean
You promised me Broadway was waiting for me
– Hitzeman zenidan Broadway nire zain zegoela
You were handsome, you were pretty, queen of New York City
– Ederra zinen, Ederra, New Yorkeko Erregina
When the band finished playing, they howled out for more
– Taldea jotzeari utzi zionean, oihuka hasi ziren
Sinatra was swinging, all the drunks, they were singing
– Sinatra kulunkatzen ari zen, mozkor guztiak kantari
We kissed on a corner, then danced through the night
– Txoko batean musu eman eta gero dantzan hasi ginen
The boys of the NYPD choir were singing “Galway Bay”
– NAFARROAKO abesbatzako mutilek abestu zuten “Gallartako Badia”
And the bells were ringing out for Christmas Day
– Eta kanpaiak jotzen Zituzten Gabonetan
You’re a bum, you’re a punk, you’re an old slut on junk
– Ergel bat zara, punk bat, puta zahar bat zaborretan
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
– Etzanda ia hilda ohe horretako tantatxo batean
You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap, lousy faggot
– Zakarra zara, larba, merkea, larba txarra.
Happy Christmas, your arse, I pray God it’s our last
– Gabon zoriontsuak, zure ipurdia, Jainkoari otoitz egiten diot gure azkena da
The boys of the NYPD choir, still singing “Galway Bay”
– NAFARROAKO abesbatzako mutilak, oraindik kantari “Galwayko Badian”
And the bells are ringing out for Christmas Day
– Eta kanpaiak jotzen Ari Dira Gabonetan
“I could have been someone”, well, so could anyone
– “Norbait izan nintekeen”.
You took my dreams from me when I first found you
– Ametsak kendu zenizkidan aurkitu zintudanean
I kept them with me, babe, I put them with my own
– Nirekin gorde ditut, laztana.
Can’t make it all alone, I’ve built my dreams around you
– Ezin dut bakarrik egin, nire ametsak zure inguruan eraiki ditut
The boys of the NYPD choir, still singing “Galway Bay”
– NAFARROAKO abesbatzako mutilak, oraindik kantari “Galwayko Badian”
And the bells are ringing out for Christmas Day
– Eta kanpaiak jotzen Ari Dira Gabonetan