Selena Gomez – Don’t Take It Personally Béarla Lyrics & Gaeilge Aistriúcháin

Gearrthóg Físe


I know the two of you used to talk like every day
– Tá a fhios agam go mbíodh an bheirt agaibh ag caint mar gach lá
And ever since I came around, it hasn’t been the same
– Agus riamh ó tháinig mé timpeall, ní raibh sé mar an gcéanna
You probably got a dart board with my face right in the middle
– Is dócha go bhfuair tú bord dart le m ‘ aghaidh ceart sa lár
He sleeps in my bed, I met his parents, it’s official
– Codlaíonn sé i mo leaba, bhuail mé lena thuismitheoirí, tá sé oifigiúil

Please don’t take it personally
– Ná tóg go pearsanta é le do thoil
Some things are just meant to be
– Tá roinnt rudaí i gceist ach a bheith
Don’t waste all your energy
– Ná dramhaíola do chuid fuinnimh go léir
We both know that he loves me
– Tá a fhios againn beirt go bhfuil grá aige dom
Oh honey, you deserve it
– Ó mil, tá sé tuillte agat
I know you’re gonna find somebody perfect
– Tá a fhios agam go bhfaighidh tú duine foirfe
Please don’t take it personally
– Ná tóg go pearsanta é le do thoil
Some things are just meant to be
– Tá roinnt rudaí i gceist ach a bheith

You’re so beautiful, it’s still hard for me to swallow
– Tá tú chomh hálainn, tá sé deacair fós dom swallow
I used to get so jealous, I would stress eat, drown my sorrows
– Ba ghnách liom a bheith chomh éad, ba mhaith liom strus a ithe, mo bhrón a bháthadh
In a bottle of vodka
– I mbotella vodca
And then I remembered that he doesn’t want ya
– Agus ansin chuimhnigh mé nach bhfuil sé ag iarraidh ya
No, he doesn’t want ya
– Níl, níl sé ag iarraidh ya

Please don’t take it personally
– Ná tóg go pearsanta é le do thoil
Some things are just meant to be
– Tá roinnt rudaí i gceist ach a bheith
Don’t waste all your energy
– Ná dramhaíola do chuid fuinnimh go léir
We both know that he loves me
– Tá a fhios againn beirt go bhfuil grá aige dom
Oh honey, you deserve it
– Ó mil, tá sé tuillte agat
I know you’re gonna find somebody perfect
– Tá a fhios agam go bhfaighidh tú duine foirfe
Please don’t take it personally
– Ná tóg go pearsanta é le do thoil
Some things are just meant to be
– Tá roinnt rudaí i gceist ach a bheith

Forever, forever, forever
– Go deo, go deo, go deo
Oh, forever
– Ó, go deo
Forever and ever
– Go deo na ndeor

Please don’t take it personally
– Ná tóg go pearsanta é le do thoil

Selena Gomez



