Selena Gomez – I Said I Love You First Béarla Lyrics & Gaeilge Aistriúcháin

Gearrthóg Físe


I just really wanna say thank you
– Ba mhaith liom ach a rá go raibh maith agat
Um, for every single thing that everybody does in this room for me
– Um, as gach rud amháin a dhéanann gach duine sa seomra seo domsa
Because I did grow up away from my family
– D ‘ fhás mé suas ar shiúl ó mo theaghlach
Moving out of Texas, coming here and all of you have raised me in so many different ways
– Ag bogadh amach As Texas, ag teacht anseo agus d ‘ ardaigh gach duine agaibh mé ar an oiread sin bealaí éagsúla
And challenged me as a person
– Agus thug sé dúshlán dom mar dhuine
So I, I have this launch pad you’ve all given me ’cause now I can do so many wonderful things because of this
– Mar sin, tá an ceap seolta seo agam a thug tú go léir dom ‘ cúis anois is féidir liom an oiread sin rudaí iontacha a dhéanamh mar gheall air seo
You’ve helped me grow up and watched me grow up and I really hope that I won’t let you down with everything else that I do
– Chabhraigh tú liom fás suas agus bhreathnaigh mé orm ag fás aníos agus tá súil agam i ndáiríre nach ligfidh mé síos duit gach rud eile a dhéanaim
So thank you for being a part of my life and the beginning of something I hope lasts a long time
– Mar sin, go raibh maith agat as a bheith mar chuid de mo shaol agus tús rud éigin a bhfuil súil agam go mairfidh sé i bhfad

Selena Gomez



