Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
They say, “The holy water’s watered down
– Tha iad ag ràdh, ” tha an t-uisge naomh air uisgeachadh sìos
And this town’s lost its faith
– Chaill an sluagh a chreideamh
Our colors will fade eventually”
– Bidh na dathan againn a ‘ crìonadh mu dheireadh”
So, if our time is runnin’ out
– Ma tha ar n-àm a dh’fhalbh
Day after day
– Latha an dèidh latha
We’ll make the mundane our masterpiece
– Bidh sinn a ‘ dèanamh an t-seòmar-ionnlaid againn
Oh my, my
– O mo dhùthaich
Oh my, my love
– Oh dear dear dear
I take one look at you
– Bheir mi sùil ort
You’re takin’ me out of the ordinary
– Tha thu gam thoirt a-mach às an àbhaist
I want you layin’ me down ’til we’re dead and buried
– Tha mi airson gun cuir thu sìos mi gus am bi sinn marbh agus air a thiodhlacadh
On the edge of your knife, stayin’ drunk on your vine
– ‘S i’ g òl do dheoch-slàint ‘ air a glùinean
The angels up in the clouds are jealous knowin’ we found
– Na h-ainglean suas anns na neòil tha e jealous knowin ‘ lorg sinn
Somethin’ so out of the ordinary
– Rudeigin a-mach às an àbhaist
You got me kissin’ the ground of your sanctuary
– ‘S tu dh’fhàg mi’ n tìr nam blòg
Shatter me with your touch, oh Lord, return me to dust
– O Thighearna, thoir air ais mi gu duslach
The angels up in the clouds are jealous knowin’ we found
– Na h-ainglean suas anns na neòil tha e jealous knowin ‘ lorg sinn
Hopeless hallelujah
– Halleluiah dòchasach
On this side of Heaven’s gate
– Air an taobh seo de gheata Nèimh
Oh, my life, how do ya
– Mo bheatha, ciamar a tha thu
Breathe and take my breath away?
– Gabh mo leisgeul agus gabh mo leisgeul?
At your altar, I will pray
– Air do altair, guidhidh mi
You’re the sculptor, I’m the clay
– Is tu an dealbhadair, is mise an crèadhadair
Oh my, my
– O mo dhùthaich
You’re takin’ me out of the ordinary
– Tha thu gam thoirt a-mach às an àbhaist
I want you layin’ me down ’til we’re dead and buried
– Tha mi airson gun cuir thu sìos mi gus am bi sinn marbh agus air a thiodhlacadh
On the edge of your knife, stayin’ drunk on your vine
– ‘S i’ g òl do dheoch-slàint ‘ air a glùinean
The angels up in the clouds are jealous knowin’ we found
– Na h-ainglean suas anns na neòil tha e jealous knowin ‘ lorg sinn
Somethin’ so out (Out) of the ordinary (Ordinary)
– Tha rudeigin a-mach às an àbhaist (Àbhaisteach)
You got me kissing the ground (Ground) of your sanctuary (Sanctuary)
– Fhuair thu mi a ‘ pògadh an talamh (Talamh) de do tearmann (Tearmann)
Shatter me with your touch, oh Lord, return me to dust
– O Thighearna, thoir air ais mi gu duslach
The angels up in the clouds are jealous knowin’ we found
– Na h-ainglean suas anns na neòil tha e jealous knowin ‘ lorg sinn
Somethin’ so heavenly, higher than ecstasy
– Rudeigin cho nèamhaidh, nas àirde na ecstasy
Whenever you’re next to me, oh my, my
– ‘Nuair a bhios tu ri m’ thaobh, o mo
World was in black and white until I saw your light
– Bha an saoghal ann an dubh is geal gus am faca mi do sholas
I thought you had to die to find
– Bha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh gum feumadh tu bàsachadh
Somethin’ so out of the ordinary
– Rudeigin a-mach às an àbhaist
I want you laying me down ’til we’re dead and buried
– Tha mi airson gun cuir thu sìos mi gus am bi sinn marbh agus air a thiodhlacadh
On the edge of your knife, stayin’ drunk on your vine
– ‘S i’ g òl do dheoch-slàint ‘ air a glùinean
The angels up in the clouds are jealous knowin’ we found
– Na h-ainglean suas anns na neòil tha e jealous knowin ‘ lorg sinn
Somethin’ so out (Out) of the ordinary
– Tha rudeigin a-muigh an sin (A-Mach às an àbhaist)
You got me kissing the ground (Ground) of your sanctuary (Sanctuary)
– Fhuair thu mi a ‘ pògadh an talamh (Talamh) de do tearmann (Tearmann)
Shatter me with your touch, oh Lord, return me to dust
– O Thighearna, thoir air ais mi gu duslach
The angels up in the clouds are jealous knowin’ we found
– Na h-ainglean suas anns na neòil tha e jealous knowin ‘ lorg sinn