Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Slow down, you crazy child
– Mallaichte, tha thu a ‘ d ‘ leanabh
You’re so ambitious for a juvenile
– Tha thu an-seo: dachaigh iomairtean gàidhlig òigridh
But then if you’re so smart
– Ach ma tha thu glic
Tell me why are you still so afraid? Mm
– Inns dhomh carson a tha eagal ort? Mm
Where’s the fire, what’s the hurry about?
– Càit a bheil an teine, dè an astar a th’ann?
You’d better cool it off before you burn it out
– B ‘ fheàrr dhut fuarachadh mus loisg thu a-mach e
You’ve got so much to do
– Tha mòran agad ri dhèanamh
And only so many hours in a day, hey
– ‘S iomadh uair a thìde ann an latha
But you know that when the truth is told
– Fhios agad nuair a tha an fhìrinn innse
That you can get what you want or you can just get old
– Gheibh thu na tha thu ag iarraidh no faodaidh tu dìreach fàs sean
You’re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through, ooh
– Tha thu a ‘ dol a thòiseachadh mus fhaigh thu eadhon leth-slighe troimhe, ooh
When will you realize Vienna waits for you?
– Cuin a thuigeas Tu Gu Bheil Vienna a ‘ feitheamh riut?
Slow down, you’re doin’ fine
– Tapadh leat, tha thu gu math
You can’t be everything you wanna be before your time
– Chan urrainn dhut a bhith mar a h-uile dad a tha thu airson a bhith ron àm agad
Although it’s so romantic on the borderline tonight, tonight
– Ged a tha e cho romansach air an iomall a-nochd, a-nochd
Too bad, but it’s the life you lead
– ‘S bochd sin,’ s e do bheatha gu dearbh
You’re so ahead of yourself, that you forgot what you need
– Mar a gheibh thu a-mach a bheil thu airson dearmad a dhèanamh air na feumalachdan agad
Though you can see when you’re wrong
– Mar a nì thu sgrùdadh nuair a tha thu ceàrr
You know you can’t always see when you’re right
– Chan fhaic thu gu bràth nuair a tha thu ceart
You’re right
– Tha thu ceart
You’ve got your passion, you’ve got your pride
– Tha do ghaol ort, tha do ghaol ort
But don’t you know that only fools are satisfied?
– Ach nach eil fios agad nach eil ach amadan riaraichte?
Dream on, but don’t imagine they’ll all come true, ooh
– H-uile duine, ach cha ‘ n ‘eil iad a’ faicinn gu ‘m beil iad a’
When will you realize Vienna waits for you?
– Cuin a thuigeas Tu Gu Bheil Vienna a ‘ feitheamh riut?
Slow down, you crazy child
– Mallaichte, tha thu a ‘ d ‘ leanabh
And take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while
– Agus thoir am fòn dheth an dubhan agus falbhaidh e airson greis
It’s all right, you can afford to lose a day or two, ooh
– Tha e ceart gu leòr, faodaidh tu pàigheadh airson latha no dhà, ooh
When will you realize Vienna waits for you?
– Cuin a thuigeas Tu Gu Bheil Vienna a ‘ feitheamh riut?
And you know that when the truth is told
– Fhios agad nuair a tha an fhìrinn innse
That you can get what you want or you could just get old
– Gheibh thu na tha thu ag iarraidh no dh ‘fhaodadh tu a bhith dìreach a’ fàs sean
You’re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through, ooh
– Tha thu a ‘ dol a thòiseachadh mus fhaigh thu eadhon leth-slighe troimhe, ooh
Why don’t you realize Vienna waits for you?
– Carson Nach eil Thu a ‘tuigsinn Gu bheil Vienna a’ feitheamh riut?
When will you realize Vienna waits for you?
– Cuin a thuigeas Tu Gu Bheil Vienna a ‘ feitheamh riut?