d4vd – Crashing Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Baby, baby, I’ve been asleep for far too long
– Leanabh, tha mi air a bhith na chadal airson ùine mhòr
But when you wake me
– Ach nuair a dhùisgeas tu mi
Say you love me and sing our song
– ‘S toigh leam’ s gur toigh leinn seinn
I don’t wanna be useless
– Chan eil mi airson a bhith gun fheum
I don’t wanna be stupid
– Cha toil leam a bhith amaideach
I don’t wanna be dumb
– Cha toigh leam a bhith cho amaideach
I know you’ve been goin’ through it
– Tha fios agam gu bheil thu a ‘ dol troimhe
Baby, I’ve been goin’ through it all alone
– Leanabh, tha mi air a bhith a’ dol troimhe leis fhèin

It all comes crashin’ down (Down)
– Tha a h-uile rud a’ dol sìos (sìos)
It all comes crashin’ down (Down)
– Tha a h-uile rud a’ dol sìos (sìos)
I’ll be holdin’ onto you, holdin’ onto you
– Tha mi a’ coimhead ort, tapadh leibh
I’ll be holdin’ onto you, holdin’ onto you
– Tha mi a’ coimhead ort, tapadh leibh

When the world comes crashin’ down, I know where I’ll stand
– Nuair a thig an saoghal sìos, tha fios agam càite an seas mi
Right next to my baby, keep holding my hand
– Ri taobh mo leanaibh, cùm grèim air mo làmh
‘Cause the enemy may try to conquer and divide
– Mar as urrainn do dh ‘ oileanaich a dhol an sàs agus ionnsachadh
Well, I’ll stay by your side every day and every night
– Bidh mi gad ionndrainn a h-uile latha agus a h-uile oidhche
– Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-Ooh-Ooh-Ooh
Do you think we could ever fall out like everyone else does?
– A bheil thu a ‘smaoineachadh gum faodadh sinn tuiteam a-mach mar a bhios a h-uile duine eile a’ dèanamh?
No-oh-oh-oh-oh-ooh, we won’t
– Cha dèan sinn-we will not
Just hold me tight and don’t you let go (Oh)
– Dìreach cùm mi gu teann agus na leig leam falbh (Oh)

It all comes crashin’ down
– Tha e uile a’ tighinn sìos
(Crashin’ down, crashin’ down, crashin’ down)
– (Air ath-sheòladh o crashin down, crashin down)
It all comes crashin’ down
– Tha e uile a’ tighinn sìos
(Crashin’ down, crashin’ down, crashin’ down)
– (Air ath-sheòladh o crashin down, crashin down)
I’ll be holdin’ onto you, holdin’ onto you (Still holdin’)
– Tha mi gad ionndrainn (inf)
I’ll be holdin’ onto you, holdin’ onto you (Still holdin’)
– Tha mi gad ionndrainn (inf)

Still holdin’, yeah
– Fhathast a ‘ cumail, yeah
I’m still
– Tha mi fhathast



