Daniel Caesar – Rearrange My World Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Rearrange my world the way you do
– Atharraich mo shaoghal mar a nì thu
Rearrange my world the way you do
– Atharraich mo shaoghal mar a nì thu
Rearrange my world the way you do
– Atharraich mo shaoghal mar a nì thu

Can we walk until I know who I am?
– An urrainn dhut mo chuideachadh le bhith a ‘ faighinn a-mach cò mise?
I live above a bar I’ve never been
– Tha mi a ‘ fuireach os cionn bàr nach robh mi a-riamh
I think about you more than I can spend (Yeah)
– Tha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh mu do dheidhinn nas motha na as urrainn dhomh a chaitheamh (Yeah)
Apartment’s rising but my rent is fixed
– Tha an t-àros ag èirigh ach tha mo mhàl stèidhichte
If you don’t find somewhere, you can move in
– Mura h-eil thu ann an àite sam bith, faodaidh tu gluasad a-steach
I’ll trade all your things for all my things
– Bidh mi a ‘ dèanamh a h-uile càil airson a h-uile càil

My mother called me in the early afternoon
– Dh’iarr mo mhàthair orm an oidhche roimhe
Couldn’t hear her yellin’ while I was watching you
– Cha b’ urrainn dhomh èisteachd rithe fhad ‘s a bha mi a’ coimhead ort
I told her that I loved her
– Thuirt mi rithe gu robh gaol agam oirre
The way I tell you
– An t-slighe tha mi ag innse dhut

Can you rearrange my world the way you do?
– An urrainn dhut mo shaoghal atharrachadh mar a nì thu?
Can you rearrange my world the way you do?
– An urrainn dhut mo shaoghal atharrachadh mar a nì thu?
Can you rearrange my world the way you do?
– An urrainn dhut mo shaoghal atharrachadh mar a nì thu?
– I

The people keep moving farther
– Tha na daoine a ‘cumail a’ gluasad nas fhaide
Something’s in the air
– Tha rudeigin san adhar
In light, your hair changes colours
– Ann an solas, bidh do fhalt ag atharrachadh dathan
You can tell me what to wear
– An urrainn dhut innse dhomh dè a chaitheamh
You know me well
– Tha thu eòlach orm gu math
It’s almost like you love me, I can tell
– Tha e cha mhòr mar gum biodh gaol agad orm, is urrainn dhomh innse
I’m catching up to what you know
– Tha mi a ‘ cur luach air na tha fios agad
Don’t go upstate before it’s snows
– Don’t sgudail agad àm a dh’fhalbh an t-sneachda
I won’t tell you what burdens me
– Chan eil mi ag innse dhut dè a tha a ‘ cur dragh orm
I’ll wait until the end of week
– Fuirichidh mi gu deireadh na seachdain
I’ll fall, what are you thinking alone?
– Tha mi a bhith ag ionnsachadh…: dè tha thu ag ionnsachadh nad aonar?
Where are you thinking to go?
– Càit a bheil thu a ‘ smaoineachadh a dhol?
Is there room on the road?
– A bheil càil air an t-sràid?

My mother called me in the early afternoon
– Dh’iarr mo mhàthair orm an oidhche roimhe
Couldn’t hear her yellin’ while I was watching you
– Cha b’ urrainn dhomh èisteachd rithe fhad ‘s a bha mi a’ coimhead ort
I told her that I loved her
– Thuirt mi rithe gu robh gaol agam oirre
The way I tell you
– An t-slighe tha mi ag innse dhut

Can you rearrange my world the way you do?
– An urrainn dhut mo shaoghal atharrachadh mar a nì thu?
Can you rearrange my world the way you do?
– An urrainn dhut mo shaoghal atharrachadh mar a nì thu?
Can you rearrange my world the way you do?
– An urrainn dhut mo shaoghal atharrachadh mar a nì thu?

Daniel Caesar


