Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Mom, I know I let you down
– Mam, tha fios agam gun leig mi sìos thu
And though you say the days are happy
– Agus ged a chanas tu gu bheil na làithean toilichte
Why is the power off and I’m fucked up?
– Carson a tha an cumhachd dheth agus gu bheil mi fucked suas?
And, Mom, I know he’s not around
– Agus, Mama, tha fios agam nach eil e timcheall
But don’t you place the blame on me
– Ach na cuir dragh orm
As you pour yourself another drink, yeah
– Mar a dhùisgeas tu deoch eile dhut fhèin, seadh
I guess we are who we are
– Is dòcha gu bheil sinn cò sinn
Headlights shining in the dark night, I drive on
– ‘S fhada leam an oidhche gheamhraidh I drive in the dark night
Maybe we took this too far
– Is dòcha gun tug sinn seo ro fhada
I went in headfirst, never thinkin’ about who what I said hurt
– Bha mi a-riamh a’ smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn cò ris a bha mi coltach
In what verse, my mom probably got it the worst
– Dè an rann, is dòcha gun d ‘ fhuair mo mhàthair an rud as miosa
The brunt of it, but as stubborn as we are, did I take it too far?
– Tha mi duilich, ach an do chòrd e rium cho mòr?
“Cleanin’ Out My Closet” and all them other songs
– “Cleanin’ Out My Closet ” and all them other songs
But regardless, I don’t hate you ‘cause, Ma
– Na fuath dhomh Oir tha mi brèagha …
You’re still beautiful to me, ‘cause you’re my mom
– Tha thu fhathast brèagha dhomh, ‘adhbhar gur tu mo mhàthair
Though far be it from you to be calm
– Ged a bhiodh e fada bhuat a bhith ciùin
Our house was Vietnam, Desert Storm
– Bha An taigh Againn Vietnam, Stoirm Fàsach
And both of us put together could form an atomic bomb
– ‘S an dithis againn a chuireadh ri chèile boma atamach
Equivalent to chemical warfare
– Co-ionann ri cogaidhean ceimigeach
And forever we could drag this on and on
– Agus gu bràth b ‘ urrainn dhuinn seo a shlaodadh air adhart agus air adhart
But agree to disagree, that gift for me
– Ach aontaich ri eas-aonta, an tiodhlac sin dhomh
Up under the Christmas tree don’t mean shit to me
– Suas fo chraoibh Na Nollaige chan eil sin a ‘ ciallachadh cac dhomh
You’re kickin’ me out? It’s fifteen degrees
– A bheil thu gam fhàgail a-mach? Tha e còig deug
And it’s Christmas Eve, “Little prick, just leave!”
– Agus ‘S E Oidhche Nollaige A Th’ Ann, ” prick Beag, dìreach fàg!”
Ma, let me grab my fucking coat!
– Ma, leig dhomh grèim fhaighinn air mo chòta fucking!
Anything to have each other’s goats
– Rud sam bith airson gobhair a chèile a bhith agad
Why we always at each other’s throats?
– Carson a tha sinn troimh-chèile?
Especially when Dad, he fucked us both
– Gu h-àraidh Nuair A Dad, bha e fucked dhuinn an dà chuid
We’re in the same fuckin’ boat
– Tha sinn anns an aon bhàta fuckin’
You’d think that’d make us close (Nope)
– Tha thu a ‘ smaoineachadh gun dèan sin sinn faisg (Nope)
Further away it drove us, but together, headlights shine
– Nas fhaide air falbh thug e oirnn, ach còmhla, bidh solais a ‘ deàrrsadh
And a car full of belongings, still got a ways to go
– Agus car làn de bhuadhan, fhathast a fhuair dòigh air a dhol
Back to grandma’s house, it’s straight up the road
– Air ais gu taigh grandma, tha e dìreach suas an rathad
And I was the man of the house, the oldest
– B ‘ e mise fear an taighe, am fear a bu shine
So my shoulders carried the weight of the load
– ‘S ann a bha mo ghaol air aird a’ chuain
Then Nate got taken away by the state at eight-years-old
– An Uair sin, Chaidh A thoirt Air Falbh Leis an stàit aig ochd bliadhna a dh’aois
And that’s when I realized you were sick
– Sin nuair a thuig mi gun robh thu tinn
And it wasn’t fixable or changeable
– Cha robh e furasta no comasach
And to this day we remain estranged, and I hate it though, but—
– Agus gus an là’n diugh tha sinn a ‘ fuathachadh, agus gidheadh—
I guess we are who we are
– Is dòcha gu bheil sinn cò sinn
Headlights shining in the dark night, I drive on
– ‘S fhada leam an oidhche gheamhraidh I drive in the dark night
Maybe we took this too far
– Is dòcha gun tug sinn seo ro fhada
‘Cause to this day we remain estranged and I hate it though
– ‘Adhbhar gu ruige seo tha sinn fhathast air chall agus tha gràin agam air
‘Cause you ain’t even get to witness your grandbabies grow
– ‘Adhbhar nach fhaigh thu eadhon na grandbabies agad a’ fàs
But I’m sorry, Mama, for “Cleanin’ Out My Closet”
– Ach tha mi duilich, Ma-thà, airson ” A ‘ Glanadh A-mach mo Chlòsaid”
At the time I was angry, rightfully? Maybe so
– Aig an àm sin bha mi feargach, ceart? ‘S dòcha mar sin
Never meant that far to take it, though
– Cha robh mi a-riamh a ‘ ciallachadh cho fada airson a ghabhail, ged-tà
‘Cause now I know it’s not your fault, and I’m not makin’ jokes
– ‘Adhbhar a-nis tha fios agam nach e do choire-sa a th’ ann agus chan eil mi a ‘ dèanamh magadh
That song I no longer play at shows
– An t-òran sin nach eil mi a ‘ cluich aig taisbeanaidhean tuilleadh
And I cringe every time it’s on the radio
– Gach uair a bhios mi a ‘ coimhead air an telebhisean
And I think of Nathan being placed in a home
– Tha Mi A ‘ smaoineachadh Gu Bheil Nathan air a chuir ann an dachaigh
And all the medicine you fed us and
– Agus a h-uile cungaidh a bheathaich thu dhuinn agus
How I just wanted you to taste your own
– Mar a bha mi dìreach airson gun cuir thu blas air do chuid fhèin
But now the medication’s takin’ over
– Ach a-nis tha an leigheas a’ dol thairis
And your mental state’s deterioratin’ slow
– ‘S bidh do smuaintean a’ fàs mall
And I’m way too old to cry, this shit is painful, though
– Agus tha mi fada ro shean airson caoineadh, tha an cac seo pianail, ge-tà
But, Ma, I forgive you, so does Nathan, yo
– Ach, Ma, bheir mi maitheanas dhut, mar Sin tha Nathan, yo
All you did, all you said, you did your best to raise us both
– Uile a rinn thu, gach ni a thuirt thu, rinn thu do dhìcheall an dà
Foster care, that cross you bear, few may be as heavy as yours
– Cùram altraim, an crois sin a ghiùlain thu, is beag a dh’fhaodas a bhith cho trom ‘ s a tha thu
But I love you, Debbie Mathers
– Tha Gaol agam Ort Debbie Mathers
Oh, what a tangled web we have ‘cause
– O, dè an lìon tangled a th ‘againn’ adhbhar
One thing I never asked was
– An aon rud nach do dh’fhaighnich mi a-riamh
Where the fuck my deadbeat dad was
– Far an robh m ‘ athair marbh
Fuck it, I guess he had trouble keepin’ up with every address
– Fuck e, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu robh duilgheadas aige a ‘ cumail suas leis a h-uile seòladh
But I’da flipped every mattress, every rock and desert cactus
– Ach thionndaidh mi a h-uile bobhstair, a h-uile cactus creige agus fàsach
Owned a collection of maps
– Cruinneachadh de mhapaichean a collection of maps
And followed my kids to the edge of the atlas
– Agus lean mo chlann gu iomall an atlas
If someone ever moved ’em from me
– Nam biodh cuideigin a-riamh a ‘gluasad’ em bhuam
That you coulda bet your asses
– Mar as urrainn dhut do bhaidhc a chàradh
If I had to come down the chimney, dressed as Santa, kidnap ’em
– Nam biodh Agam ri dhol sìos an similear, sgeadaichte Mar Santa, fuadach ‘ em
And although one has only met their grandma once
– Agus ged nach do choinnich duine ach an seanmhair aon uair
You pulled up in our drive one night
– Tharraing thu suas nar draibh aon oidhche
As we were leavin’ to get some hamburgers
– Mar a gheibh thu cuidhteas hamburgers
Me, her and Nate, we introduced you, hugged you
– Mise, ise agus Nate, thug sinn a-steach thu, thug sinn grèim ort
And as you left, I had this overwhelming sadness
– Agus mar a dh ‘fhalbh thu, bha a’ bhròn uamhasach seo agam
Come over me as we pulled off to go our separate paths and
– A ‘ tighinn thairis orm mar a tharraing sinn dheth a dhol ar slighean fa leth agus
I saw your headlights as I looked back
– Chunnaic mi do shùilean nuair a bha mi a ‘ coimhead air ais
And I’m mad I didn’t get the chance to
– Tha mi duilich, cha d ‘ fhuair mi an cothrom
Thank you for being my mom and my dad
– Taing airson a bhith nam mhàthair agus athair dhomh
So, Mom, please accept this as a
– Mar Sin, Mama, gabh ri seo mar a
Tribute; I wrote this on the jet, I guess I had to
– Sgrìobh mi seo air an eadar-lìon, tha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh gu bheil
Get this off my chest, I hope I get the chance to
– Tapadh leibh airson mo bheachd, tha mi an dòchas gum faigh mi an cothrom
Lay it ‘fore I’m dead, the stewardess said to fasten
– Laigh e ‘air m’ aghaidh, thuirt an stiùbhard ri fastadh
My seatbelt, I guess we’re crashin’
– Mo chreach, tha mi a ‘smaoineachadh gu bheil sinn a’
So, if I’m not dreamin’, I hope you get this message that
– Mura h-eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil thu a ‘ faighinn an teachdaireachd seo
I will always love you from afar, ‘cause you’re my mom
– Bidh gaol agam ort gu bràth bho chian, ‘ adhbhar gur tu mo mhàthair
I guess we are who we are
– Is dòcha gu bheil sinn cò sinn
Headlights shining in the dark night, I drive on
– ‘S fhada leam an oidhche gheamhraidh I drive in the dark night
Maybe we took this too far
– Is dòcha gun tug sinn seo ro fhada
I want a new life (Start over)
– Tha mi ag iarraidh beatha ùr (I want a new life)
One without a cause (Clean slate)
– No air (Clean clean)
So I’m coming home tonight (Yeah)
– Tha mi a ‘ dol dhachaigh a-nochd (i’m going home tonight)
Well, no matter what the cost
– No matter tha cost
And if the plane goes down
– Agus ma thèid am plèana sìos
Or if the crew can’t wake me up
– No mura h-urrainn don sgioba mo dhùsgadh
Well, just know that I’m alright
– Dìreach fios agam gu bheil mi gu math
I was not afraid to die
– Cha robh eagal bàis orm
Oh, even if there’s songs to sing
– Ged a chanadh iad
Well, my children will carry me
– Bidh mo chlann gam chàineadh
Just know that I’m alright
– Dìreach fios agam gu bheil mi gu math
I was not afraid to die
– Cha robh eagal bàis orm
Because I put my faith in my little girls
– Tha mi a ‘ cur mo chreideamh ann an nigheanan
So I’ll never say goodbye cruel world
– Mar sin cha bhith mi a-riamh ag ràdh beannachd leis an t-saoghal chruaidh
Just know that I’m alright
– Dìreach fios agam gu bheil mi gu math
I am not afraid to die
– Chan eil eagal bàis orm
I guess we are who we are
– Is dòcha gu bheil sinn cò sinn
Headlights shining in the dark night, I drive on
– ‘S fhada leam an oidhche gheamhraidh I drive in the dark night
Maybe we took this too far
– Is dòcha gun tug sinn seo ro fhada
I want a new life
– Tha mi ag iarraidh beatha ùr
[Produced by Emile Haynie & Jeff Bhasker]
– (Air ath-sheòladh o Emile Haynie &Amp; Jeff Bhasker)