FKA twigs – Keep It, Hold It Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Sometimes I wanna turn the other way
– Uaireannan tha mi airson an t-slighe eile a thionndadh
Sometimes I feel so empty where I lay
– Uaireannan tha mi a ‘faireachdainn cho falamh far a bheil mi a’ laighe
And at best I live alone in disarray
– ‘S ann agam fhin tha’n t-eilean sgitheanach
I read a million people gotta feel this way
– Leugh mi millean neach gu gotta a ‘ faireachdainn mar seo

What have I got to do?
– Dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?
(Just keep it walking, keep it walking, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e a ‘coiseachd, cùm e a’ coiseachd, cùm e faisg)
And what have I got to say?
– Agus dè a tha agam ri ràdh?
(Just keep it moving, keep it moving, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e a ‘gluasad, cùm e a’ gluasad, cùm e faisg)
And what have I got to learn?
– Agus dè bu chòir dhomh a theagasg?
(Just keep it softly, keep it softly, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e gu socair, cùm e gu socair, cùm e faisg)
What have I got to do?
– Dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?
(Just keep on walking, just keep it and hold it, just keep it and hold it, yeah)
– (Dìreach cùm a ‘ coiseachd, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e, seadh)

They speak of me like I’m not in the room
– Tha iad a ‘ bruidhinn mum dheidhinn mar nach eil mi san t-seòmar
They say I mess up way more than I do
– Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil mi a ‘milleadh dòigh nas motha na tha mi a’ dèanamh
I often look at windows for escape
– Bidh mi tric a ‘ coimhead air uinneagan airson teicheadh
To be safe (To be safe)
– A bhith sàbhailte (To be safe)
I read a million people gotta feel this way
– Leugh mi millean neach gu gotta a ‘ faireachdainn mar seo

What have I got to do?
– Dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?
(Just keep it walking, keep it walking, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e a ‘coiseachd, cùm e a’ coiseachd, cùm e faisg)
And what have I got to say?
– Agus dè a tha agam ri ràdh?
(Just keep it moving, keep it moving, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e a ‘gluasad, cùm e a’ gluasad, cùm e faisg)
And what have I got to learn?
– Agus dè bu chòir dhomh a theagasg?
(Just keep it softly, keep it softly, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e gu socair, cùm e gu socair, cùm e faisg)
What have I got to do?
– Dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?
(Just keep on walking, just keep it and hold it, just keep it and hold it, yeah)
– (Dìreach cùm a ‘ coiseachd, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e, seadh)
What have I gotta do?
– Dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?

Sometimes I feel like I’m not even trying
– Uaireannan tha mi a ‘faireachdainn mar nach eil mi eadhon a’ feuchainn
Sometimes I feel miles away
– Tha mi mìltean air falbh i am miles away
Sometimes I feel like I’m not even trying
– Uaireannan tha mi a ‘faireachdainn mar nach eil mi eadhon a’ feuchainn
That’s when my feet start dancing away
– Sin nuair a thòisicheas mo chasan a ‘ dannsa air falbh
Try dry your eyes
– Feuch tiormaich do shùilean
You’ve gotta be from something true to feel this strong and wild
– Feumaidh tu a bhith bho rudeigin fìor gus a bhith a ‘ faireachdainn seo làidir agus fiadhaich
It’s in your eyes
– Tha e air do shùilean
Don’t keep it, don’t hold it
– Na cùm e, na cùm e
Don’t keep it and hold it
– Don’t sgudail agad agus a coinneachadh

(Just keep it walking, keep it walking, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e a ‘coiseachd, cùm e a’ coiseachd, cùm e faisg)
(Just keep it moving, keep it moving, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e a ‘gluasad, cùm e a’ gluasad, cùm e faisg)
What have I got to do?
– Dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?
(Just keep it softly, keep it softly, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e gu socair, cùm e gu socair, cùm e faisg)
And what have I gotta say?
– Agus dè a bu chòir dhomh a ràdh?
(Just keep on walking, just keep it and hold it, just keep it and hold it)
– (Dìreach cùm a ‘ coiseachd, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e)
And what have I got to learn?
– Agus dè bu chòir dhomh a theagasg?
(Just keep it walking, keep it walking, hold it close)
– (Dìreach cùm e a ‘coiseachd, cùm e a’ coiseachd, cùm e faisg)
What have I got to do?
– Dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?
(Just keep on walking, just keep it and hold it, just keep it and hold it, yeah)
– (Dìreach cùm a ‘ coiseachd, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e, dìreach cùm e agus cùm e, seadh)
And what have I got to learn?
– Agus dè bu chòir dhomh a theagasg?
And what have I got to do?
– Agus dè a dh’fheumas mi a dhèanamh?
And what have I got to learn?
– Agus dè bu chòir dhomh a theagasg?

– Dùin
– Gu socair
– A ‘ coiseachd
– Dùin
– Gu socair
– A ‘ coiseachd
– Dùin
– A ‘ coiseachd
– Ooh
– Ooh

FKA twigs


