Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this? (Yeah)
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo? (Seadh)
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this? (Incoming)
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo? (A ‘ tighinn a-steach)
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo? (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
All of my girls looking good and they got they own money (Do my, do my ladies run this?)
– A h-uile mo chlann-nighean a ‘coimhead math agus fhuair iad aca fhèin airgead (A bheil mo, mo ladies a’ ruith seo?)
Pop your thing
– Pop an rud agad
This for my girls with no sponsor, they got they own fundin’ (Do my, do my ladies run this?)
– Seo airson mo nigheanan gun urrasair, fhuair iad iad fhèin fundin’ (A bheil mo, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ ruith seo?)
Not your thing
– Chan e do rud
Run through your city, that motorcade (Do my, do my ladies run this?)
– Ruith tro do bhaile, an motorcade sin (Do my, do my ladies run this?)
Soon as I enter, they close the gate (Ladies run this?)
– Cho luath ‘s a thèid mi a-steach, bidh iad a ‘dùnadh a’ gheata (tha Boireannaich a ‘ ruith seo?)
Presidential through your residential
– Ceann-suidhe tro do chòmhnaidh
No, it’s nothing
– No that’s nothing
“Except your rules,” is the mood, damn right
– “Ach a-mhàin do riaghailtean,” ‘ s e mood, damn ceart
Walk in a room and I set the vibe
– ‘S mi a’ coiseachd anns an t-seòmar and i set the vibe
Get a pic, it’ll last you long
– A ‘ cur dragh ort, bheir e ùine mhòr
Whole team, they gassin’ on us
– A h-uile dad a dh’ fheumas tu a bhith agad mu ar deidhinn
You sit too far down on ’em charts to even ask me who’s in charge
– Tha thu an-seo: dachaigh iomairtean gàidhlig iomairt ghàidhlig iar thuath leòdhais
Ridin’ ’round, foreign cars (Yeah)
– Ridin ” round, cèin càraichean (Yeah)
Top down, starin’ at the stars (Yeah)
– A’ coimhead sìos air na reultan (Yeah)
Attitude, so don’t start this (Yeah)
– Mar sin na gabh dragh (yeah)
Big moves, only extra large, yeah
– Gluasadan mòra, dìreach mòr a bharrachd, seadh
Ridin’ ’round, foreign cars
– Ridin ”round’, càraichean cèin
Top down, starin’ at the stars, yeah
– A ‘ coimhead sìos air na reultan, yeah
Attitude, so don’t start this
– A ‘ coimhead mar sin, don’t start seo
Big moves, only extra large, yeah
– Gluasadan mòra, dìreach mòr a bharrachd, seadh
Wait (Do my ladies run this?)
– Fuirich (a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ ruith seo?)
Wait (Do my ladies run this?)
– Fuirich (a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ ruith seo?)
Wait (Do my ladies run this?)
– Fuirich (a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ ruith seo?)
Doechii (Yo, yeah)
– Doechii (Yo, yeah)
Gimme chi, gimme purr, gimme meow, gimme her, gimme funds
– Gimme chi, gimme purr, gimme meow, gimme her, gimme funds
Gimme rights, gimme fight, gimme nerve, gimme– uh, let me serve, rrr
– Gimme rights, gimme fight, gimme nerve, gimme-uh, leig dhomh frithealadh, rrr
Lemme, lemme out, lemme in
– Lemme, lemme a-mach, lemme a-steach
Knock the doors down, got the keys to the Benz
– Cach lam thu thach cao keys
In the boardroom looking bored ’cause I’m not here for pleasin’ the men
– A ‘coimhead air an t-seòmar-bùird a ‘coimhead bored’ adhbhar chan eil mi an seo airson na fir a thoileachadh
Not here to reason with them
– Nach ‘ eil an so gu reusonachadh riu
Misbehaved, Miss Push-My-Pen
– Chalo Chalo, Chalo Chalo Hum
I can’t tame my passion for him
– Chan urrainn dhomh mo mhisneachd a thoirt dha mo leannan
Can’t keep up, what happened to them? (Do my ladies run this?)
– Chan urrainn dhomh cumail suas, dè thachras dhaibh? (A bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ ruith seo?)
Yeah, we lappin’ the men (Aww, haha)
– Yeah, tha sinn a’ lappin ‘ the men (Aww, haha)
Top of the food chain, bussin’ a new chain
– A new chain chain, a new chain
This ain’t a new thing, no, sir
– That’s no no sir
Money on stupid, hopped in a new whip
– Airgead air gòrach, hopped ann an cuip ùr
You still on my old work (Yeah, yeah)
– Tha thu fhathast air an t-seann obair agam (Yeah, yeah)
Work, work, this might hurt (Yeah, yeah)
– Obair, obair ,dh ‘ fhaodadh seo a bhith air a ghoirteachadh (Yeah, yeah)
I sweat hard, wet t-shirt (Yeah, yeah)
– Tha mi a ‘ fallas lèine-t cruaidh, fliuch (Yeah, yeah)
Extra large, ain’t scared of the dirt (Yeah, yeah)
– A bharrachd air an sin, chan eil eagal air an salachar (Yeah, yeah)
Hit that jackpot, now I’m
– Hit tha jackpot, a-nis tha mi
Ridin’ ’round (Ridin’ ’round), foreign cars (Foreign cars)
– Ridin ”round (Ridin ” round), càraichean cèin (càraichean Cèin)
Top down (Top down), starin’ at the stars, yeah
– A ‘ coimhead sìos air na reultan, yeah
Attitude (Attitude), so don’t start this (So, don’t start this)
– Na tòisich seo (don’t start this)
Big moves, only extra large, yeah (Big, big, big, big)
– Gluasadan mòra, dìreach mòr a bharrachd, seadh (Mòr, mòr, mòr, mòr)
Ridin’ ’round (Ridin’ ’round), foreign cars (Foreign cars, do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
– Ridin ”round (Ridin’ ’round), càraichean cèin (càraichean Cèin, dèan mo, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a’ ruith seo, boireannaich a ‘ ruith seo?)
Top down (Top down), starin’ at the stars, yeah (Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
– Top down (Top down), starin ‘ aig na reultan, yeah (Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
Attitude (Attitude), so don’t start this (So don’t start this, do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
– Beachd (Beachd), mar sin na tòisich seo (Mar sin Na tòisich seo, a bheil mo, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, boireannaich a’ ruith seo?)
Big moves, only extra large, yeah (Big, big, big, big, do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
– Gluasadan mòra, dìreach mòr a bharrachd, seadh (Mòr, mòr, mòr, mòr, mòr, a bheil mo, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, boireannaich a’ ruith seo ?)
Work, work, this might hurt
– Obair, obair, dh ‘ fhaodadh seo a ghoirteachadh
I sweat hard, wet t-shirt
– Tha mi a ‘ sguabadh cruaidh, fliuch t-shirt
Extra large, ain’t scared of the dirt (Scared of the dirt), yeah, yeah
– A bharrachd mòr, chan eil eagal air an salachar (Eagal an salachar), seadh, seadh
Work, work, this might hurt
– Obair, obair, dh ‘ fhaodadh seo a ghoirteachadh
I sweat hard, wet t-shirt (Yeah, yeah)
– Tha mi a ‘ fallas lèine-t cruaidh, fliuch (Yeah, yeah)
Extra large, ain’t scared of the dirt (Yeah, yeah, scared of the dirt)
– Chan eil eagal air an t-salachar (yeah, yeah, afraid of the dirt)
Work, work (Rrr)
– Obair, obair (Rr)
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
– A bheil mi, a bheil mo bhoireannaich a ‘ruith seo, tha boireannaich a’ ruith seo?